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Message for Tony Oh - I feel deeply aggrieved for 1 point ban imposed by Legend of Joey


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4 hours ago, Pickles said:

I can't keep track of how many times I've been downvoted.  I'm pretty sure Tony downvoted me on opening day in the game thread.  After every play Frazier made, and he had a good opening day, I just kept posting over and over, "That's why we brought him in boys!"  "That's what he's here for!"

After about the 7th time Tony downvoted me.  I can't complain.  That was a clear troll.

Do you know how bad you need to get my nerves to get a downvote from me in the game thread. You earned that one! :D

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4 hours ago, Mooreisbetter27 said:

Holy moly this thread has gone off the rails and with no input from Tony himself. Can’t wait till he gets a whiff of this. 

This is what I get for being in hole today at work with no internet access until I got home at 7pm! :D

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3 hours ago, Chelsea_Phil said:

Has anyone ever been banned on this site?


3 hours ago, Chelsea_Phil said:

And if yes, has anyone ever been banned permanently?

We used to ban people a lot back in the day but it's pretty rare. Mostly because the troll like posters that would show up and get banned don't sig up for message boards anymore. They're on Twitter and Facebook so really, we have such an established board, that those kind of posters don't want to spend their time here. 

Plus, we tend to give "vacations/suspensions" from a day to a week depending on the situation vs banning totally. 

I'm a lot more lenient on certain things but I also think this board does a great job of policing itself. If you say something and get a S-ton of down votes, I think the community is trying to tell you something.

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2 hours ago, ArtVanDelay said:

He might’ve been.  Rene88 and NelsonCruuuuz were 100% the same person. 

Speaking of knowing posters by their writing style, weams was like a savant at that stuff. He would be like, you know "new poster A" is "old banned poster B" do you want me to reban them? Depending on who they were, I'd usually say let them hang around until they get back up to their old tricks. 

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41 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

I was on CASUAL at DLI, we had older barracks and I was the only "Handy" person on CASUAL.  I was busy sanding door frames and such.  I actually preferred it to trying to learn Korean.

Ahhh, possible Pb based paint exposure.....

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4 minutes ago, AnythingO's said:

Ahhh, possible Pb based paint exposure.....

Conceivable.  It was a pretty old barracks.  The Air Force peeps who were housed in similar barracks got extra money for the sub-standard accommodations.

I got real good at stripping and waxing floors.

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2 hours ago, Mooreisbetter27 said:

I was gonna post about him. He and SG had some wars. Makes me wonder if you’re him in disguise! 🤔

He also invaded Sosh to troll them which was kinda amusing. 

That's why I loved him.

You'll know I'm him when I start dropping 5,000 word posts.

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38 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

Do you know how bad you need to get my nerves to get a downvote from me in the game thread. You earned that one! :D

Oh I was definitely trolling.  It was my revenge for the Winter of our Frazier. 😆

Edited by Pickles
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2 hours ago, 24fps said:

Heck yeah.

JTrea81 is the first to come to everybody's mind but there have been plenty of others.  I too remember calmunderfire and there have been a whole raft of "insiders" who used to sprout up like weeds every off season claiming to have inside info on upcoming player deals that were of course totally bogus.  I remember Belkast being one of the most prolific.

There was a guy who posed as a girl who called him/herself bikini something or other and provided us with pictures.  Going back to even before I started an account there was a poster who I'll never forget who called himself BOOZE and clearly did his level best to live up to his handle.  He was hilarious.  IIRC he also professed an unabashed and definitely politically incorrect appreciation of underage girls. 

Finally, have you been over the game thread?  It's named after the late Scott (ScOtt) Niedentohl who also was no stranger to a frosty mug.  He was also one of the best online friends you could ever hope to have.  He was banned on several occasions.  Of course the ban was lifted in his case, usually not long after it was imposed.

You might get banned for a while if you really work at it, but permanent means you've shown yourself to be a genuine troll.


BOOZE was magnificent. I would start laughing at his posts before I even read them. Just seeing his handle in all caps was sufficient.

I def miss Weams. Still have his text from when my 4 year old was about to arrive quoting the Godfather. “May your first child be a masculine child.” 

Fondly remember playing golf with @bobmc and scOtt at Glade Valley. Wasn’t on my game that day but boy we had a good time.

Countless back and forths with so many different personalities, some contentious, some rewarding. 

Then the whole Teixeira fiasco… HE WAS IN THE OWNER’S BOX, PEOPLE!!!!!

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