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UMD-UNC Thread...

Lucky Jim

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Says the guy who hasn't commented ON THE GAME yet. This tells me that you wouldn't have posted at all unless you were called out.

Did you not see the game? If so I'll understand, but if you did and your response is "Yeah? Well whoop-dee-do " then you really should rethink how much you care about this team.

You can be critical without wanting to see them fail, and you can celebrate a great victory without it invalidating your overall opinion on the state of the program.

Nah this one pretty much did it. I've never met a poster that gets so offended when someone breaks board rules and then goes and does the very same thing.

Except that the post you quote came after...

This happens all the freaking time on this board. The Gary haters get called out whenever the team plays a good/great game.

Not only is it stupid to rake a guy across the coals after a good game but for every UNC win, there are two Morgan State/American U losses.

But thanks for changing the tenor of an otherwise great thread, DanielOs and BTerp!

Not recently.
If you honestly believe that this team, over the past four or so years, has had more good wins than bad losses then you're absolutely delusional.

They've made the tournament once in four seasons.

Three posts in the thread complaining about our view without, you know, commenting on the game.

And I would really love to know what rules I broke. Especially in a thread where you told me to shut up and Rick called me an ass.

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Except that the post you quote came after...

Three posts in the thread complaining about our view without, you know, commenting on the game.

And I would really love to know what rules I broke. Especially in a thread where you told me to shut up and Rick called me an ass.

You're extremely condescending towards people and then act aghast when people insult you.

Whatever, you're not going to get me to concede that as a Gary basher I was wrong because we beat UNC.

I'll be sure to shoot you a post if/when the Terps have a bad loss.

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Whatever, you're not going to get me to concede that as a Gary basher I was wrong because we beat UNC.

Good, because I never once asked or even suggested that anyone should. In fact, I said the opposite in that post you just quoted as "the one that started it all".

The fact that you are still using that rhetoric disappoints me, because it means you aren't reading my posts and it makes me wonder why we should even bother with the concept of a discussion board if we aren't going to read what each other has to say.

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Good, because I never once asked or even suggested that anyone should. In fact, I said the opposite in that post you just quoted as "the one that started it all".

The fact that you are still using that rhetoric disappoints me, because it means you aren't reading my posts and it makes me wonder why we should even bother with the concept of a discussion board if we aren't going to read what each other has to say.

Believe me I haven't bothered to really read what you say for several years now.

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