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The Future of Camden Yards (Potential Renovations from Team Survey)

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1 hour ago, survivedc said:

Couldn’t agree more esp on the plush seating options.

One wrinkle here: I’m guessing that most of the people aware of and taking the time to complete this survey are avid fans and care more about the game play than premium options at the stadium. Suspect the results will skew that way. 

Could be about the results skewing one way among the many segments within those the Orioles have an email address for, but this could also be a way to let people feel heard while plans move forward anyway. We'll never know, and maybe it's the cynic in me.

Do whatever you want in the warehouse. Do whatever you want to some of the club level. 

I guess what makes Camden Yards so special is that it feels timeless. Updating to match the times is a surefire way to outdated the experience. 

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I filled out the survey today.  I guess I’m pretty old school.  I go to baseball games to watch the game.  I have 4 seats and like attending with friends and family that are similarly focused on the game.  I like having good seats, but I don’t need a lot of “experiences.”  I don’t need to be separated from other fans who are watching the game.  I don’t need cushier seats that are four times more expensive.  So far as I’m concerned, Camden Yards is just about perfect as is.  I wouldn’t mind some minor tweaks but they don’t need to reconceptualize the game experience so far as I’m concerned.  It’s a ballpark, not a country club lounge. 

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4 hours ago, drdelaware said:

As for a museum, The Sports Museum at Camden Yards" used to be there.  It was really cool.  I'm wondering if any of the stuff they had there could be put in an "in-house" museum.

Removing seats in the LF upper deck?  Be careful.  Cleaveland has made a mess of Progressive Field doing that in RF.  First with shipping containers and currently with exposed support beams and the bathroom building visible.  


The Rockies did a good job, I'd say, with their outfield upper deck nightclub, but it fits in with Denver's overall vibe of industrial bars in that area. Or could be that I went to Rockies games as an Oriole fan who already knows our ballpark is the best experience you can have -- so go ahead and do whatever you want elsewhere.

I would not want to see the upper decks in Camden Yards sacrificed in the same way. 

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Like others have said, I am there mainly to watch the game and from the best seats possible which I am bias to sec 52.

We tried club level last time and ended up moving down to the field. It's hard to beat being that close to the action.. So all those other experiences wouldn't interest me much as they all seem farther away from the heart of the game.

Not to mention in club level I think I paid $16 before my discount for a dixie cup size rum and coke. Ouch.

BTW, was does everyone get so excited over that hotdog race--or whatever it is? lol

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Posted (edited)

I would hate to see the Orioles do what Toronto did behind home plate. Wasting all that space for what? 50 high back leather seats when they could fit hundreds of seats there? I bet they call that some kind of experience for $300. 

(as I typed this...Norby first major league HR!)


Edited by DenPA2002
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