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What, if anything - would it take for your to forgive Peter Angelos


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Interesting thread. I don't know about anyone else but I have owned businesses and I've made terrible decisions about some things and great decisions on others. You try to learn and not make the same mistake again.

Some of the decisions in the past have annoyed me but they are in the past. I'm not going to dwell on it, that's counter productive.

I don't want or expect any kind of apology. He's a grown man who made decisions he thought were right at the time. Some were right and some were wrong, like most of us. But I will say this. The decisions made in the last 2 years look pretty good.

And I've heard that Mr. Angelos has done many good things behind the scenes. Johnny Oates comes to mind although I don't remember the details.

I guess I'm getting soft in my old age but it's spring and I keep myself happy thinking of next years team. Man that's going to be awesome.

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And as to your final sentence? That's not another story for another day. That's your banner headline for every day. Way to keep the petty personal grievances out of one of your posts...for once.

But he didnt even really do that did he?

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In fact, Peter Angelos doesn't really OWN the Orioles. In 1992, he bought the right to make a profit off of the team. The city and the (diminishing) fan base OWN the team. Peter just owns the right to make money off it, just like Bisciotti owns the right to make money off of the Ravens. They're both civic enterprises, mainly, and if the fans stop going to the games, there is no more Orioles (or Ravens).

[stuff deleted]

Everyone says, "when the team wins, the fans will come back."

No, no, no.

"The team won't win again UNTIL the fans come back."

These so-called points are not only silly, they're also simply wrong.

Not sure if there's supposed to be a come-to-Jesus spirit in that post.

If there is, it's a very weak sermon. If not, then it's just very weak thinking about baseball.

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