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Wild Bill

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Still waiting for someone to tell me how Kotchman is overrated?



Season 29 79 6 12 2 0 1 6 0 .152 .221 .215


Season 24 45 6 10 1 0 1 4 0 .222 .327 .311

Maybe its becasue hes not even as good as our 34 year old backup utility man?

Say Kotchman is young?

Markakis is a year younger:

Season 37 104 13 23 3 1 2 8 0 .221 .296 .327

What the devil is the fascination with him?

We always talk about how bad Angel Berrora is but even his numbers are better than Kotchman.

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Season 29 79 6 12 2 0 1 6 0 .152 .221 .215


Season 24 45 6 10 1 0 1 4 0 .222 .327 .311

Maybe its becasue hes not even as good as our 34 year old backup utility man?

What the hell kind of comparison is this?

Are you really going to look at 79 ab's and make this comparison and say he is not as good as Gomez?

Are you really going to look at the stats of a guy who has had mono all year and compare him to Chris freaking Gomez?

This may be the worse comparison ever on the hangout.

If you want to tell me that you do not want to give up alot of value for Kotchman because he has been injury prone, i could see that. That is at least a logical answer.

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What the hell kind of comparison is this?

Are you really going to look at 79 ab's and make this comparison and say he is not as good as Gomez?

Are you really going to look at the stats of a guy who has had mono all year and compare him to Chris freaking Gomez?

This may be the worse comparison ever on the hangout.

If you want to tell me that you do not want to give up alot of value for Kotchman because he has been injury prone, i could see that. That is at least a logical answer.

Do you honestly think that if we have him here for say three years that his production would be any better than what we already have?

Hes had parts of three years in the majors and has done nothing fabulous, who cares about minor league numbers.

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Season 29 79 6 12 2 0 1 6 0 .152 .221 .215


Season 24 45 6 10 1 0 1 4 0 .222 .327 .311

Maybe its becasue hes not even as good as our 34 year old backup utility man?

Say Kotchman is young?

Markakis is a year younger:

Season 37 104 13 23 3 1 2 8 0 .221 .296 .327

What the devil is the fascination with him?

We always talk about how bad Angel Berrora is but even his numbers are better than Kotchman.

Kotchman has mono. If you don't think that's been affecting his numbers, you're insane. I fortunately haven't been hit with it yet (though it'll probably happen in the next few years), but knowing from my friends who have, you can barely do anything. All you want to do is just go to bed and die in peace. There's no way it hasn't affected his offense. And it takes a long time to get over.

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From his minor league stats and major league career, so far (short as that as) I think he's JT Snow or Doug Mank..... (geez, I hate his name). If everthing falls in place for him, an outside (and very unlikely) shot at Mark Grace. Why aim for that when 1B screams for an Eddie Murray.

Again, the team that knows Kotchman best is the Angels, and they want to replace him with Gibbons, a poor defensive and average offensive player at that position. I know teams make mistakes, Frank Robinson being the classic example (Cincy thought he was an "old" 30), but I saw Robinson play and Kotchman is no Frank Robinson.

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Aside from Maz's firing and Duquette's hiring? Like what?

He usually seems to be in accordance with Belkast on several things, Im sure the things he hears and reports just fall apart, he has given some great information.

Then again, I said that Elia was coming and that was only one thing, and I would sure hope that nobody looks to me for insider scoop.

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From his minor league stats and major league career, so far (short as that as) I think he's JT Snow or Doug Mank..... (geez, I hate his name). If everthing falls in place for him, an outside (and very unlikely) shot at Mark Grace. Why aim for that when 1B screams for an Eddie Murray.

Again, the team that knows Kotchman best is the Angels, and they want to replace him with Gibbons, a poor defensive and average offensive player at that position. I know teams make mistakes, Frank Robinson being the classic example (Cincy thought he was an "old" 30), but I saw Robinson play and Kotchman is no Frank Robinson.

I agree about the Mientkiewicz comparison.

And I did not know he had mono, I do know the affects, but I still don't see past numbers that say hes anything special.

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Do you honestly think that if we have him here for say three years that his production would be any better than what we already have?

Hes had parts of three years in the majors and has done nothing fabulous, who cares about minor league numbers.

Well, since minor league numbers are good predictors of major league numbers, you should care.

You are also discounting his great defense.

BTW, he has all of 321 ab's at this level? Are you really going to look at a sample size that small? BTW, last year, in 126 ab's(at the age of 22), he had a 836 OPS and averaged an XBH once every 10 ab's. That is pretty solid for a 22 year old.

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From his minor league stats and major league career, so far (short as that as) I think he's JT Snow or Doug Mank..... (geez, I hate his name). If everthing falls in place for him, an outside (and very unlikely) shot at Mark Grace. Why aim for that when 1B screams for an Eddie Murray.

Again, the team that knows Kotchman best is the Angels, and they want to replace him with Gibbons, a poor defensive and average offensive player at that position. I know teams make mistakes, Frank Robinson being the classic example (Cincy thought he was an "old" 30), but I saw Robinson play and Kotchman is no Frank Robinson.

Do you have proof of this?

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Well, RF is out of the question. 1B makes sense in terms of need but not in terms of Gibbons' best position. LF is only available if they move Anderson back to CF which seems doubtufl to me. That leaves DH and Salmon is there and hasn't been terrible. I don't think he's injured or anything.

They could play Jay all around.

The point is, getting Jay does not mean Kotchman is dealt or sent to AAA after he rehabs.

However, my hope is that if they do get Gibbons and we also include another bat, Javy, that that is enough offense coming to them where they would trade Kotchman.

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They could play Jay all around.

The point is, getting Jay does not mean Kotchman is dealt or sent to AAA after he rehabs.

However, my hope is that if they do get Gibbons and we also include another bat, Javy, that that is enough offense coming to them where they would trade Kotchman.

If they do that, then they haven't been paying attention to the results they should expect...which they probably haven't.

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Gibbons is part our core group. When we are ready to compete he will be on our team, and his contract is a good one. I wouldn't trade him unless we get a major piece or 2. Our offense could be one of the worst in the lague without him. I agree that long term, we need hitters more than pitchers.

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This is my first experience with a WB post that says "stay tuned" about a significant trade. So, I don't know what to think. But let's not worry about that. Here's a couple questions:

1. If the O's trade Gibbons for pitching, and especially if Javy goes along, then exactly who is gonna knock in runs around here? Jay is #4. Another few games of getting hits, plus a dinger or two, and Javy's #6 (if not #5). So if they're gone, then what?

2. If the answer is that the O's are then gonna turn around and get a hitter or two who are as good or better, who are those guys?

3. Whoever those guys are, why don't the Angels just go get them and cut out the middle man?

Does anybody know the answers? I'm not being argumentative, I just wanna understand, that's all ;-)

[i'm not a big fan of bumps... but I asked these questions pages and pages ago... they don't seem like silly questions to me.]

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Does anybody know the answers? I'm not being argumentative, I just wanna understand, that's all ;-)

[i'm not a big fan of bumps... but I asked these questions pages and pages ago... they don't seem like silly questions to me.]

1) Get enough guys on base and lots of players can drive in runs(see Tony Batista)

2) We don't know the Orioles will go after another hitter. Perhaps, as i have said, the deal would call for us to get Kotchman back as the hitter to replace Jay.

3) Maybe they just really like Jay. If it is Escobar, he is not going to fetch a better everyday player than Gibbons. If it is Lackey or Santana, then yes, they would be able to get more than Gibbons, which is why they aren't trading either fo them for Jay.

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Does anybody know the answers? I'm not being argumentative, I just wanna understand, that's all ;-)

[i'm not a big fan of bumps... but I asked these questions pages and pages ago... they don't seem like silly questions to me.]

1. Nick Markakis and whomever we get in return (I'm assuming we wouldn't trade both these guys for pitching alone).

2. Durazo has been mentioned. But there are injury issues. Otherwise, I think we'd look to get someone back from the Angels in the deal.

3. If injuries are an issue with Durazo, maybe that's why the Angels aren't pursuing him. If it's that they are dealing someone back to us, maybe they are thinking someone needs a change of scenery (Kotchman?)


Perhaps the O's aren't looking to make this deal thinking that we are going to replace the hitting right away. Maybe we are more interested in acquiring a stud pitcher for the long run and we can build on the hitting in the offseason. Maybe we are willing to sacrifice the rest of this season in exchange for a better shot next year and beyond. Or maybe we think our offense can afford to take a hit more than we can afford to sit still with this rotation any longer.

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