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Could the Angels be after Tejada again?


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Yea, not only is he not an albatross, he is also still an average defensive player.

Sorry but he is in no way an albatross. He is the best player at his position and arguably a top 10 player in all of baseball. I would like to have 24 more just like him.

But, who is going to pitch for us? ;)

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Agree with everything you say although Wood and Kotchman is not quite enough for those 2 but everything else is spot on.

Like i said, the DBacks are reportedly willign to trade Drew and Quentin for Willis.

Now, Tejada is obviously more valuable than Willis BUT will the DBacks look at it that way? Really, we should get more than that for Miggy but i could see the DBacks wanting Willis more, even though that would be a poor decision IMO.

If they're hoping to remain contenders all year, the DBacks need pitching, and badly. Hitting, they've got in spades.

Personally, I've got my fingers crossed that one of those young stud hitters will come to Chicago in a deal for Maddux/Wood/Williamson, etc.

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If they're hoping to remain contenders all year, the DBacks need pitching, and badly. Hitting, they've got in spades.

Personally, I've got my fingers crossed that one of those young stud hitters will come to Chicago in a deal for Maddux/Wood/Williamson, etc.

Right, which is why i said what i did. Not to me, it is a no brainer, Tejada definitely over Willis but if they feel they have a huge hole in the rotation and enough hitting, i can see them going the other way.

Williamson is not getting any stud hitter. Wood could bring a top talent if he pitches well but with his NTC, will he only be ok to go to Texas or Houston??

Apparently, Maddux has a hand shake deal to not be traded, although i could see him ok'ing it if they asked him.

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If they're hoping to remain contenders all year, the DBacks need pitching, and badly. Hitting, they've got in spades.

Personally, I've got my fingers crossed that one of those young stud hitters will come to Chicago in a deal for Maddux/Wood/Williamson, etc.

Do you have visions of sugar plum Stephen Drews dancing in your head?:)
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Yea, not only is he not an albatross, he is also still an average defensive player.

In my opinion Tejada is playing like a below average defensive SS. I'm not sure if he still is having lingering leg problems, or whether he just has slowed down. It is very noticeable that he isn't getting to balls that he would have gotten to a year or two ago.

He is 6th of 13 in range factor and 11th of 13 in zone rating. I tend to believe ZR. His decent RF is a function of the fact that the pitchers have low strikeout totals and we have 2 lefties in our rotation, so he gets more chances.

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In my opinion Tejada is playing like a below average defensive SS. I'm not sure if he still is having lingering leg problems, or whether he just has slowed down. It is very noticeable that he isn't getting to balls that he would have gotten to a year or two ago.

He is 6th of 13 in range factor and 11th of 13 in zone rating. I tend to believe ZR. His decent RF is a function of the fact that the pitchers have low strikeout totals and we have 2 lefties in our rotation, so he gets more chances.

By baseball prospectus, his defensive rate is 99...I know he had been 100-102 alot of the year so it just dipped down there...100 is average.

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Right, which is why i said what i did. Not to me, it is a no brainer, Tejada definitely over Willis but if they feel they have a huge hole in the rotation and enough hitting, i can see them going the other way.

Williamson is not getting any stud hitter. Wood could bring a top talent if he pitches well but with his NTC, will he only be ok to go to Texas or Houston??

Apparently, Maddux has a hand shake deal to not be traded, although i could see him ok'ing it if they asked him.

Williamson would obviously be a sweetener. He's not bringing much more than a mid-level prospect by himself.... although his value could be decent for a contender that needs a guy that's had success as a closer (like the DBacks).

Who knows what teams Wood would approve a trade to. Texas & Houston would be the obvious best choices, although ARI could be in the mix since, IIRC, Wood has an offseason home in Scottsdale.

Conventional wisdom around Cubdom is that if the Cubs remain in the tank, Maddux would consider a move to an NL West contender. He lives in Las Vegas in the offseason.

For Maddux + Williamson, I'd be happy to get any of Drew, Jackson, Quentin, Upton, or Young.

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For Maddux + Williamson, I'd be happy to get any of Drew, Jackson, Quentin, Upton, or Young.

I hope you don't think you could get one of those guys for those 2, unless they both start pitching better.

Maddux has a 4.28 ERA and has given up 5 or more runs in 4 starts in May and Williamson is having control issues thus far.

Now, you may be able to get Quentin or Young IF those guys pitch better.

BTW, i agree that Williamson is a nice sweetener in a package to help you get a better player and if he gets his control down, someone may overpay for him.

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The Cubs are obviously an easy target right now, but Cedeno's actually the least of our problems.

689 OPS and a 310 OBP isn't pretty. However, if he is playign very good defense and can keep hitting 280-300, i agree he is not a huge problem but that is a pretty bad OPS and OBP.

But he is young and there is plenty of time to improve and since the Cubs are done, you just send him out there everyday and hope he improves.

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By baseball prospectus, his defensive rate is 99...I know he had been 100-102 alot of the year so it just dipped down there...100 is average.

It's hard to settle on a defensive stat that tells the whole story. I can't even tell how "rate" is calculated by BP. Right now I'm going with ZR and what my own eyes tell me. How many times this year has Tejada gotten to a ball that surprised you? I can think of one time. How many times has a ball gotten past him that surprised you? It's been at least 15-20 times, I'd guess.

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It's hard to settle on a defensive stat that tells the whole story. I can't even tell how "rate" is calculated by BP. Right now I'm going with ZR and what my own eyes tell me. How many times this year has Tejada gotten to a ball that surprised you? I can think of one time. How many times has a ball gotten past him that surprised you? It's been at least 15-20 times, I'd guess.

Well, i attribute most of that to his knee, although his range is not great.

He is an average defensive player. He has slightly below average range and maybe the strongest arm in baseball, so he is average. He has a good turn at second for the DP as well.

Put it this way, he is still alot better defensively than Jeter, the GG winner in the AL.

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If the Angels offered a package of:

Erick Aybar, Casey Kotchman, Dallas McPherson, and Erwin Santana for Tejada, and Javy Lopez would you take it?

Though I would love to have Brandon Wood I think I would take this package for Tejada and Lopez. I think it is time to blow it up and go young and this package would go a long way towards getting it done.

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