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Fahey looked great at shortstop last night!

Cider Jim

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Matos should be there...If you play him everyday MAYBE his bat gets hot and you can up his trade value some.

Agree with ya here, SG. If the plan is to deal Matos, he needs to get some AB's. I think its safe to say we know Perlozzo like Fahey...and that's fine...I like the guy, too. But, play the guy AFTER Matos is dealt. Let Matos get the opportunity to move on and let us get a prospect out of the deal.

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Ok, I gotcha now. Brandon Fahey and his .652 OPS is hurting the team so we should replace him with Luis Matos and his .622 OPS and hope he increases his trade value. It's the new math. I'm on board now.

We've been thru this a bunch of times. Matos plays better D. I think there is every reason to think Matos will hit .270-.300 if he plays everyday. The more he plays the better he hits.

Am I annoyed with Matos for not hitting when he plays part time? Yes I am. Is that a good reason to not play him so he will hit better and provide superior D? No, it is not.

But you *already know* that's what I think, right?

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Were you saying this during the 2004 season when he was playing everday, before he got hurt, and finished with a .608 OPS?

In 2004, I was getting over the death of child, working too much, then quitting my job and movng back here from Palo Alto, and not paying very much attention to baseball. So, in 2004, I wasn't thinking about it. From what I understand, he was playing with a fracture a lot, but I'm not sure about that.

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In 2004, I was getting over the death of child, working too much, then quitting my job and movng back here from Palo Alto, and not paying very much attention to baseball. So, in 2004, I wasn't thinking about it. From what I understand, he was playing with a fracture a lot, but I'm not sure about that.

Sorry to hear about that Rshack.:002_scry:

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Sorry to hear about that Rshack.:002_scry:

There are some things that life just doesn't prepare you for, and this is one of them. It's OK now. I mainly just miss her. Sorry, I didn't mean to be a bummer.

Nor did I mean to imply that people can't give me a hard time. We now return you to your regularly scheduled argument...

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