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Worth mentioning from SilentJames to try and get a response...

"Surely you must be joking. Nick Markakis isn't good enough to carry Frank Robinson's jock strap!:cussing: I saw Frank with my own eyes, and he always came up with the clutch hit! Comparing Nick Markakis to Frank Robinson is as laughable an idea ever spawned on this website.:laughlol:"

To which the collective response of OH is: :old5fan::ohlord:

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Why are we wasting our time again?

I think it's because OldFan is moving at double-time these days, pumping out the anti-Nick vitriol with more fervor than ever before. There are bound to be more people wasting their time with him when he's got two of his own threads about Markakis and another that might as well be his.

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I agree if NM had four (4) walk off hits in 2007 that was darn good. The problem is why do you have to go that far back to show he was good in that situation? What has he done in 2008, and 2009? You sort of make my point without even know it. He has gotten worse rather than better in the clutch!

Because that happens to be the one year where we have some information. There is no place that regularly publishes that kind of data.

By the way, here is some interesting information on David Ortiz. Somebody went to the trouble of going back and finding every single plate appearance in his entire career (through 2007) where he had the opportunity for a walk-off hit. All in all, he has come up in a walk-off situation 59 times, and has hit .432/.509/1.039 in those situations. http://www.sonsofsamhorn.net/wiki/index.php/Ortiz_Walk_Offs Obviously, that is incredibly clutch. At the same time, we have to recognize that those opportunities only come around 5-10 times a year, even for a guy playing on the Red Sox.

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Nick Markakis has driven in or scored 26% of our runs this season.

16 runs + 9 rbi - 2 self-rbi on homers = 23 / 90 = .2556

Leads the team. Just sayin'.

Yeah, and he is a stats boy wonder as he did it in a handful of games the rest of the time he was terrible.

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Worth mentioning from SilentJames to try and get a response...

Frank was hurt most of the 67 season so no doubt he didn't have many or any that year. So what? Nick Marakis on his best day will never hit the ball like Frank did. He hit one clean out of Memorial stadium and had TWO GRAND SLAMS IN ONE GAME. Not to mention over 500 dingers. Markakis will be lucky to hit half the homers Frank did in his career.

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Frank was hurt most of the 67 season so no doubt he didn't have many or any that year. So what? Nick Marakis on his best day will never hit the ball like Frank did. He hit one clean out of Memorial stadium and had TWO GRAND SLAMS IN ONE GAME. Not to mention over 500 dingers. Markakis will be lucky to hit half the homers Frank did in his career.


Frank played in 129 games in the 1967 season.

How else do you plan on astonishing us?

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I have a question for the mods. I think it was last summer when OldFan got so bad about trolling Markakis threads that he wasn't actually allowed to post in them anymore. Am I making this up, b/c it seems like it was the case? If I'm not making it up, was there a time limit on when he could start posting in Markakis threads again? Can we please make this a rule again?

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Frank was hurt most of the 67 season so no doubt he didn't have many or any that year. So what? Nick Marakis on his best day will never hit the ball like Frank did. He hit one clean out of Memorial stadium and had TWO GRAND SLAMS IN ONE GAME. Not to mention over 500 dingers. Markakis will be lucky to hit half the homers Frank did in his career.

Chris Hoiles hit TWO GRAND SLAMS IN ONE GAME...he must be as good as Frank Robinson.

And Christ, dude get off it man...who cares if Nick Markakis only hits half as many homers as Frank Robinson? That's not the be all end all of what makes a baseball player. Why does Nick have to be compared to a friggin' HOFer? Nick is playing in his 5th season. Frank played 21 seasons. Of course Nick's numbers are not on par with Frank Robinson's...and no one has ever argued that they are. Why you continue to create strawman arguments is beyond me?

Oh and Robinson played in 129 games in 1967. He was an All Star and was 11th in MVP voting. He had 30 HRs, 94 RBIs, and hit 311/403/576/979. Clearly it's the 30 some games that he didn't play in that season that kept him from getting a GW RBI.:rolleyes:

Dude you're posts are becoming more and more foolish.

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Ok, Nick Markakis it not as good as Frank Robinson. Neither are 99.9% of the other hitters in baseball. Point conceded.

Yeah I thought the Frank Robinson comparisons were bad. That was until he broke out the Babe Ruth comparisons in one of his earlier threads today. Clearly Nick must suck since he's not as good as the greatest baseball player ever.

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Frank was hurt most of the 67 season so no doubt he didn't have many or any that year. So what? Nick Marakis on his best day will never hit the ball like Frank did. He hit one clean out of Memorial stadium and had TWO GRAND SLAMS IN ONE GAME. Not to mention over 500 dingers. Markakis will be lucky to hit half the homers Frank did in his career.

I must have missed the part of this thread where anyone was saying that Nick Markakis is as good a player, or as much as a home run hitter, as Frank Robinson. Of course he isn't.

The point is, even a great player could easily go through an entire season without a walk-off hit. Frank had the most walk-off hits of any player, and he only had 26 in a 20-year career. Markakis has played four years (+25 games) and we know he had four walk-offs in one season. If he had one more in the other three years (and he probably had at least that many, but I don't really know), then he is basically on the same walk-off pace that Frank maintained.

In any event, walk-off hits are just one kind of clutch hit. Last year, in the game where we rallied from way down in the 8th inning to beat the Red Sox, Markakis got the 2 out, 2-run double that turned a 10-9 deficit into an 11-10 lead. I'd say that was pretty clutch, even though it wasn't a walk-off. But Sherrill still had to come out and retire the Red Sox in the 9th.

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I have a question for the mods. I think it was last summer when OldFan got so bad about trolling Markakis threads that he wasn't actually allowed to post in them anymore. Am I making this up, b/c it seems like it was the case? If I'm not making it up, was there a time limit on when he could start posting in Markakis threads again? Can we please make this a rule again?

Not sure, but I think it's perfectly OK to troll about guys connected to the Orioles. Trea does it about AM all the time. I think it's just about other posters where you're not supposed to do it much. Plus, just because somebody says something, that doesn't mean everybody and his brother needs to respond to it. If people would just ignore it, then it would get no traffic and would disappear off the first page in a hurry. It's other people who keep it near the top. So, what you're proposing is kinda like saying that bad cheap wine should be illegal because you can't stop yourself from buying it...

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