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Not sure, but I think it's perfectly OK to troll about guys connected to the Orioles. Trea does it about AM all the time. I think it's just about other posters where you're not supposed to do it much. Plus, just because somebody says something, that doesn't mean everybody and his brother needs to respond to it. If people would just ignore it, then it would get no traffic and would disappear off the first page in a hurry. It's other people who keep it near the top. So, what you're proposing is kinda like saying that bad cheap wine should be illegal because you can't stop yourself from buying it...

Yeah, but it's easier to forbid one person from doing something than it is to forbid 50 people from doing something.

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Yeah, but it's easier to forbid one person from doing something than it is to forbid 50 people from doing something.

So what? You're just wanting somebody else to forbid junk that you don't like...

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I have a question for the mods. I think it was last summer when OldFan got so bad about trolling Markakis threads that he wasn't actually allowed to post in them anymore. Am I making this up, b/c it seems like it was the case? If I'm not making it up, was there a time limit on when he could start posting in Markakis threads again? Can we please make this a rule again?

I think it was a self imposed ban that OldManFan put on himself after he was given a time out... but showing about as much plate discipline at Tony Batista he was back trolling about Nick in a matter of days.

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Yeah, but it's easier to forbid one person from doing something than it is to forbid 50 people from doing something.

Plus ignoring people like that is easier said than done. Things are inflammatory for a reason. They arouse a response.

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Nick is now truly dialed in. That double was about the 5th hit he's pulled to RF in the last few days. He's in one of those grooves where he could just hit the ball anywhere.

Can't get too excited though. Last year on this date he was hitting .358/.447/.547 and seemed to be crossing over into superstardom. Then he hit a real tailspin starting the 2nd week of May or so that lasted into mid-July. So, let's just keep things nice and steady.

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It sucks that he's not as good as Frank Robinson or Babe Ruth.

I mean, he should just give up now. If you can't be as good as Robinson or Ruth, why try?

Players like Eddie Murray and Roberto Clemente were sooooooo close . . . but they just weren't as good as Frank and the Babe. It's a disgrace they even took the field.


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2 outs/RISP: 317/406/467/872

C and L: 290/400/548/948


All of his clutch stats were good in 2008.

You argument is awful...yes, he wasn't great in 2009...You win that..>Big f'ing deal...That is one bad year in his career thus far...Your heros of your youth also had bad years every once in a while.

So please, stop this piss poor argument.

I am just shocked that oldman didn't acknowledge this post! :eek:

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