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I'm torn over Taillon vs Machado

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It certainly would be hard to pass up on Taillon. My father taught me since I was very little "good pitching beats good hitting....every time."

And Hernandez, Arrieta, Tillman have had their ups and downs. Same with Hobgood. There's plenty of time for these guys to develop into stud pitchers, but you can never have enough pitching.

But our system is barren when it comes to position prospects, especially shorstop. Miclat and Givens will get a chance this year to showcase their abilities. Garabez Rosa is hitting well in Low-A. It sure would be nice to have Machado in the fold.

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It certainly would be hard to pass up on Taillon. My father taught me since I was very little "good pitching beats good hitting....every time."

And Hernandez, Arrieta, Tillman have had their ups and downs. Same with Hobgood. There's plenty of time for these guys to develop into stud pitchers, but you can never have enough pitching.

But our system is barren when it comes to position prospects, especially shorstop. Miclat and Givens will get a chance this year to showcase their abilities. Garabez Rosa is hitting well in Low-A. It sure would be nice to have Machado in the fold.

I guess, but IMO we are looking at 2 different tier levels. To me Machado is not top 5, but maybe ALOT has changed since I last looked at him, he has a ton of projection, has he started to fill into it and hitting with some good pop or something?

I dunno, but Taillon will bring to our farm system a true #1 SP, something we don't right now have in the system, and technically something we haven't had in years(Matusz wasn't and isn't considered a true or traditional #1 though he seems to be becoming one). This guy has Strasburgesque ceiling and a decent chance of reaching it(really his command is holding him back).

Personally, I'd be a bit more torn between Whitson and Taillon...

Did Harvey pitch well throughout the entire season? I saw him mocked in the mid 1st round which is tremendous considering how far he had fallen. I am guessing he still showed some inconsistency....

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It would be very difficult for me to miss out on taking Machado, but Taillon has to be the pick if he falls (and Harper is already selected) to #3.

I've been a big Machado guy since the pre-season, and am ten times more enamored of his abilities now. So we are kindred spirits here Doc... we will only get to choose one. :D

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If i had to choose between the two i still say we go with Taillon. The more top tier pitchers we have the more expendable some of them become. If we can somehow work a trade to Milwaukee and nab Fielder before he becomes a FA (only if he agrees to sign a deal with us) it will be worth it. We already have (in no particular ranking or order) Britton, Hobgood, Arrietta, Matusz, Tillman, and Erbe along with a couple of more good arms. We add Taillon in there then we are sitting pretty. Were not going to outspend 65% of the teams out there but we do have a very good farm system that is better then most. If Pitt takes Taillon or Machado then obviously JJ won't have a tough choice. But if both fall to us. I would vote Taillon.

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Does anyone have a reliable source for Taillon's stats? Why are they such a mystery? Sounds fishy?

Nathan Rhode is collecting the stats for all the HS kids over at BA. They will be posted there, probably next week. Why on earth would it be "fishy"?

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Does anyone have a reliable source for Taillon's stats? Why are they such a mystery? Sounds fishy?

Reliable, up-to-date stats for prep kids are usually pretty hard to come by. They are also pretty hard to read into, given the varying levels of talent between regions, teams, and individual players.

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Does anyone have a reliable source for Taillon's stats? Why are they such a mystery? Sounds fishy?

Stotle, as usual, is right. However, I have contacted Taillon's coach and have requested the info... hopefully he'll reply before Rode's update. Regardless, all the stats will be out shortly.

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Stotle, as usual, is right. However, I have contacted Taillon's coach and have requested the info... hopefully he'll reply before Rode's update. Regardless, all the stats will be out shortly.

Thanks Greg.

However, Taillon's season has been over. Why aren't they out now? It just seems odd that such a supreme talent isn't advertising his awesomeness weekly. No?

If he's so great why aren't they on his HS website or his personal website?


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Thanks Greg.

However, Taillon's season has been over. Why aren't they out now? It just seems odd that such a supreme talent isn't advertising his awesomeness weekly. No?

If he's so great why aren't they on his HS website or his personal website?


Don't have answers for you, although -again- it's pretty common to have difficulties gathering stats for HS'ers.

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