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The Tenth Inning


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Scott, you're a music buff. In the Ripken piece, there's a funky bass grove. Do you know the artist is? I'm sure I could look it up, but I'm lazy.

MPT is showing it again in 25 minutes. I'll see if I can ID it.

For those saying the Torre Yankees were overdone... they were great. Punk kid who shall not be named not withstanding... Remember Rivera setting up for Wettland? They were fricking unstoppable. Bernie, O'Neill, Jeter, Ghiradi, Leyritz, Tino, Cecil Fielder, Boggs, Darrrrrrrr-rrrryl, Tim Raines, Posada, David Cone. They were loaded.

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And as it starts again, talking about Barry Bonds...

"He's a very complicated character who know one understands."

except his woman...

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Scott, you're a music buff. In the Ripken piece, there's a funky bass grove. Do you know the artist is? I'm sure I could look it up, but I'm lazy.

Ok. Watched it again. I don't recognize it. Sounds like "B roll footage" to me.

BTW, the piece right after that, on the Braves and their pitchers... is "Jessica" by the Allman Brothers.

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The opening intro music was "Let There Be Drum" by the Incredible Bongo Band. Good song, been playing it on the ipod for the past couple months.

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Scott, you're a music buff. In the Ripken piece, there's a funky bass grove. Do you know the artist is? I'm sure I could look it up, but I'm lazy.

It featured a lot of New Mastersounds songs. Great stuff...

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rj7iP1I6PAQ?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rj7iP1I6PAQ?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Saw bits and pieces last night (2131, Atlanta pitchers, Sammy/Big Mac HR race in 98) and really enjoyed it. Really looking forward to the section on Bonds.

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I guess I'm in the minority who didn't like it. Waaaay too much on Bonds for my taste, and just didn't quite have the grasp that the first few innings had (for me, Innings 1-4 or so are simply astonishing).

I don't know. Just didn't grab me like the first 9 innings did.

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I guess I'm in the minority who didn't like it. Waaaay too much on Bonds for my taste, and just didn't quite have the grasp that the first few innings had (for me, Innings 1-4 or so are simply astonishing).

I don't know. Just didn't grab me like the first 9 innings did.

I see what you mean, to a point. All this stuff I've seen. The original, and like you say the first several is almost all new knowledge. I'd heard a lot of the names, but never the stories behind them.

On Bonds... besides the strike, Cal, and the Yankees becoming a dynasty, what is THE biggest story of the last 20 years? Steroids. Period. Burns couldn't do this any other way.

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I guess I'm in the minority who didn't like it. Waaaay too much on Bonds for my taste, and just didn't quite have the grasp that the first few innings had (for me, Innings 1-4 or so are simply astonishing).

I don't know. Just didn't grab me like the first 9 innings did.

Bonds embodies the bigger picture of baseball in the 90's-2000's. He is the perfect figure to focus on--ego, greed, PED's, rise and fall, new records, etc..

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I definitely understand your angle on how Burns is presenting the steroids era in using Bonds as the story of someone who rose to a big level, only to have that come crashing down all around him.

However, I don't like the writing behind some of the segues to Bonds' side of things. I was almost waiting to hear that after the Sept. 11 attacks, Barry Bonds couldn't stand to be secondary news...

(OK, maybe privately he thought that way anyway, but I think it was just forced in some areas.)

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I definitely understand your angle on how Burns is presenting the steroids era in using Bonds as the story of someone who rose to a big level, only to have that come crashing down all around him.

However, I don't like the writing behind some of the segues to Bonds' side of things. I was almost waiting to hear that after the Sept. 11 attacks, Barry Bonds couldn't stand to be secondary news...

(OK, maybe privately he thought that way anyway, but I think it was just forced in some areas.)

Yeah, but it's been common knowledge since all of the Bonds steroids stuff came out that what put him over the edge was the attention on McGwire and Sosa. So bringing him back into the episode at the end as a way of setting up tonight was not only appropriate, but critical to the story.

And it pretty obviously wasn't his "side" in the sense of defending his decision, just setting up why he made his decision. And when it comes down to it, any other player who ever used steroids had their decision boil down to the same basic, "I want to be a star like those guys."

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And then they spent what felt like 45 minutes on "Joe Torre is a saint...Derek Jeter is a god...man those 1996 Yankees were the [bleep]!" *shudders*

On another another note, is Keith David becoming the poor-man's Morgan Freeman?

Yeah, they spent waaaaaaaaaaaay too much time on the 1996 Yankees. And then skipped right over the rest of their late 90's titles.
I guess I'm in the minority who didn't like it. Waaaay too much on Bonds for my taste, and just didn't quite have the grasp that the first few innings had (for me, Innings 1-4 or so are simply astonishing).

I don't know. Just didn't grab me like the first 9 innings did.

I see what you mean, to a point. All this stuff I've seen. The original, and like you say the first several is almost all new knowledge. I'd heard a lot of the names, but never the stories behind them.

I haven't seen this yet, but my problem with the original nine innings was that I knew most of the history, and I didn't like what Burns left out. I understand that you could do a 500-hour series on Baseball and leave out tons of stuff, so it's an impossible task. But I remember VHS taping the episode that included the 1890s, only to have him spend approximately 8 seconds on Willie Keeler and the rest of the NL O's.

I'm sure if you weren't the nerdy kid who memorized the 1980 Baseball Encyclopedia page-by-page that would be less of an isssue. :)

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I haven't seen this yet, but my problem with the original nine innings was that I knew most of the history, and I didn't like what Burns left out. I understand that you could do a 500-hour series on Baseball and leave out tons of stuff, so it's an impossible task. But I remember VHS taping the episode that included the 1890s, only to have him spend approximately 8 seconds on Willie Keeler and the rest of the NL O's.

I'm sure if you weren't the nerdy kid who memorized the 1980 Baseball Encyclopedia page-by-page that would be less of an isssue. :)

True, I understand why some people didn't like it...

But, I mean, it's still baseball...it's still cool old video clips and rare photos. Last night they were talking about Bobby Bonds and they showed a few seconds of game footage from the early 70's that looked like it was almost shot in HD. Showed a great photo of Joe Torre in the dugout as manager of the Braves, and another great photo of him back in the 50's when he looked to be a teenager with his brother Frank who was on the Braves at the time.

And the guys who were waxing poetic about baseball, who didn't love that? We've all felt that way about the game. Telling cool anecdotes and stuff...every time I see Bill Lee on any of the original 9 innings it makes me want to watch his clips only. Same with Buck O'Neil. I loved seeing authors and other people tell why they loved baseball so much, even the annoying Doris Kearns Goodwin.

Again, I can see why some of the innacurate stuff or the preachy stuff rubbed people the wrong way....but I dunno, I can't help but love the 9 innings and the top of the 10th.

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I agree, Moose, it's still baseball, but we can still complain. The Bottom of the Tenth was WAAAYY too heavy with the Yanks and Red Sox! The 2001 Series wasn't about the the Dbacks winning, it was about the the Yankees losing.

I understand they had to cover the Sox winning the WS for the first time since 1918, which was just a bit overlong, but just when you think it's finally over, it goes into a 3 minute Red Sox montage over the tune of Glory Days! I was seriously starting to get nauseous at that point.

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