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2010 Mobbies: Vote for the Orioles Hangout!


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What were you doing looking at a Yankees board? Traitor. :D

I have Google Alerts set up for "Orioles Hangout" and that little nugget was in my inbox this morning. At first glance I thought it said that Pinstripe Alley viewed us as their arch nemisis and horrible foe, so needless to say I was shocked and disappointed that it came from an e-mail from Stacey.

Maybe she meant it a little tongue-in-cheek, but A) it's pretty shameful to beg for votes from a Yankees fan message board, and B) at least slightly two-faced for her to participate in this thread chumming it up with us only to turn around and call us a "horrible foe" to Yankees fans.

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Does a true Orioles fan solicit votes from a Yankees fan?

I have never seen the Camden Chat website but that is enough to make me NOT want to see it. I mean, I am sure Stacey does a good job with it but wow, that's just amazing to me.

Answer? No. No self-respecting Orioles fan would take an internet poll so seriously as to plea for votes from Yankees fans.

Stacey & company (except for that nutjob "Duck" who seems to harbor some pretty unhealthy hate for Tony and this site in general) do a great job with their website.

Stacey's a really, really nice person and I thought we were better than "arch nemesis" and "horrible foe". Again, giving her the benefit of the doubt, it was probably tongue-in-cheek, but it still stings a little. I've thrown up a few links to her site here and I've even mentioned her and her site to some folks in the pressbox. I think she (and Chris Stoner of Baltimore Sports & Life) do such a professional job that they should have more access to the team than the ocassional "blogger night" at Oriole Park. They further the cause for legitimizing the upper echelon of blogging as legitimate media.

When it's all said and done, it's really not that big a deal. Obviously the Mobbies recognition is important to Stacey and Camden Chat, so more power to them. Employing the "by any means necessary" tactic to include pleading for votes at Pinstripe Alley is moderately shameful, though.

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Answer? No. No self-respecting Orioles fan would take an internet poll so seriously as to plea for votes from Yankees fans.

Stacey & company (except for that nutjob "Duck" who seems to harbor some pretty unhealthy hate for Tony and this site in general) do a great job with their website.

Stacey's a really, really nice person and I thought we were better than "arch nemesis" and "horrible foe". Again, giving her the benefit of the doubt, it was probably tongue-in-cheek, but it still stings a little. I've thrown up a few links to her site here and I've even mentioned her and her site to some folks in the pressbox. I think she (and Chris Stoner of Baltimore Sports & Life) do such a professional job that they should have more access to the team than the ocassional "blogger night" at Oriole Park. They further the cause for legitimizing the upper echelon of blogging as legitimate media.

When it's all said and done, it's really not that big a deal. Obviously the Mobbies recognition is important to Stacey and Camden Chat, so more power to them. Employing the "by any means necessary" tactic to include pleading for votes at Pinstripe Alley is moderately shameful, though.

Pot meet kettle.

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Pot meet kettle.
Yeah, my thought exactly.

Oh, whatever. You both forgot to bold the part about pleading for votes from Yankees fans.

And yeah...it'd be pretty cool to get the recognition. Were weren't even nominated last year and didn't give it a second thought. The only reason we pleaded our case with The Sun to get back into the voting was because we'd already begun sending them traffic via this thread on our message board, through Facebook, and through Twitter. It really wouldn't have been fair at that point and that's why Tony and I pressed the issue.

I'm not sure if Tony agrees with me or not, but I'd really rather not even be involved in 2011. But since we're in it this year, I'm all for asking ORIOLES fans, my friends and family, and essentially Maryland residents for their support. I'm personally above reaching out to friends at the USS Mariner (our Mariners counterpart), Sons of Sam Horn, etc. because I think it would skew the votes.

And both your mothers are pots and kettles.

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Honestly, this is like the Varisty team getting into a verbal spat with the Freshmen team. I think it's time to let all of this go. This is gotten so stupid that we're getting e-mails from people at Camden Chat complaining about talking about their handle.

Note to Camden Chat people, enjoy your site, vote away, join forces with Yankees boards all you like to vanquish us in this "mobbies" poll. I don't have a problem with anyone other than than the idiot "duck" over at Camden Chat and that's only because I read one thread (the thread about my piece this season) and the guy was taking shots at me left and right and as far as I know, has never met me.

Like I've told the Sunboard, spend time enjoying your board and stop worrying about me and our board.

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Wow Stacey. Winning the Mobbies really means THAT much to you that you'd stoop as low as to reach out to a Yankees fan message board?

Oy. Let me explain myself. I know how this looks, believe me. But first let me say that yes, I would like to win the contest, but ultimately it's not that big a deal to me. It's just something that I'm having a little bit of fun with. We're in that weird part of the year when baseball is over but the hot stove hasn't really gotten going, so it's been a fun way to engage the community.

I did NOT email the head of a Yankees blog and ask him to solicit votes from his readers.

For those of you who don't know, Camden Chat and Pinstripe Alley are, along with nearly 300 other sports blogs, part of the SB Nation network. We are all owned by the same people. I did send an email to the SBN baseball mailing list, which includes the heads of each of the baseball blogs (I believe there are 35 altogether) in which I told them about the contest and asked them, if they'd like, to place a vote for me.

Do I think that sending that email in the first place was wrong? No. I have a relationship on some level with nearly everyone on the mailing list; we're all on the same team. I especially have a close relationship with the writers for the fellow AL East blogs as we collaborate several times a year on projects. I consider it no more wrong to shoot them an email asking for their vote than I do sending an email to my parents letting them know they should vote (which I also did. I stooped so low as to ask my mommy and daddy to vote for my site :eek:).

I did not ask the Pinstripe Alley guy to post that on his site. My folly may be in NOT asking him to take it down when he notified me that he put it up there. I figured, what's the harm? Also, I figured that few of them would even bother to vote. But I was not pandering to an entire community of Yankees fans.

So there were non-Orioles fans voting for my site in this contest. I can see how that seems wrong, but let me put it to you this way. Currently in the Mobbies, Baltimore Sports and Life is leading in the Terps category. The number two blog in the contest is Testudo Times, a blog dedicated to the Terps that pulls in over 8000 visitors a day. All due respect to Chris Stoner, but he's leading in the Terps category because he asked you to vote for him here on OH, and he put it up on his Facebook page, etc. All of you who threw a few votes Stoner's way, are you fully educated on the other Terps blogs and just how good they are? No, you're not. But you voted for Stoner because you like him and because he's a fellow OH'er. And there is nothing wrong with that.

Voting in the Mobbies is like voting for Student Council President in high school. No one actually votes for the person who is most likely to do the best job working in the student government. Everyone votes for their friends, or for the hottest person, or for the generally most popular person. To take it more seriously than that is silly.

Yes, I want to win. No, I don't think winning proves anything about the actual content in my blog. But I'm not worried about that because I know my blog kicks ass.

Wow. "Arch nemesis"? "Horrible foe"?
Maybe she meant it a little tongue-in-cheek, but A) it's pretty shameful to beg for votes from a Yankees fan message board, and B) at least slightly two-faced for her to participate in this thread chumming it up with us only to turn around and call us a "horrible foe" to Yankees fans.

That's just use of dramatic license and hyperbole. I am a writer, after all. I mean, "vanquish this horrible foe?" Who on earth actually talks like that? No one. I DON'T look at you as competition; I stand by what I said earlier in this thread about us all being in this together. But that's in regards to the Orioles and our fandom, not in regards to this specific contest ;)

Stacey & company (except for that nutjob "Duck" who seems to harbor some pretty unhealthy hate for Tony and this site in general) do a great job with their website.

Stacey's a really, really nice person and I thought we were better than "arch nemesis" and "horrible foe". Again, giving her the benefit of the doubt, it was probably tongue-in-cheek, but it still stings a little. I've thrown up a few links to her site here and I've even mentioned her and her site to some folks in the pressbox. I think she (and Chris Stoner of Baltimore Sports & Life) do such a professional job that they should have more access to the team than the ocassional "blogger night" at Oriole Park. They further the cause for legitimizing the upper echelon of blogging as legitimate media.

Thanks for the kind words, however I have to take a second to defend my boy duck. Since he cannot do it himself, I'll tell you that duck isn't a nutjob. And regardless of what you think of him, he does fantastic work on my site. He is a good writer, he makes good use of analysis and statistics, and he is a loyal and good friend. He has an exuberance about him on certain topics that sometimes might seem to go over the top a bit, but ultimately it's only because he's passionate about what he believes in.

And I certainly wouldn't tell you how to run this site, but on Camden Chat, once someone is banned, we put the kibosh on talking trash about him. It's just not fair or classy to denigrate someone who doesn't have the ability to defend himself.

As for the comment about if I'm a true Orioles fan or not (whoever made it, I've been typing too long to feel like scrolling back down), I would be insulted if it weren't so laughable. I care more about the Orioles and Camden Chat than I do my primary career. Camden Chat is like a second job for me, albeit one that doesn't pay much. I have loved the Orioles since I was old enough to know what the Orioles are, and my love for them shows through not only in my work on the site, but also I believe in the comments I've made here over the years.

I apologize for the length of this post, but wanted to make sure I said everything.


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