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Over a week ago the O's were reportedly "aggressive" in the free agent market...


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I don't see how complaining that we didn't do a move that was done is a different context than looking around and seeing that not much has been done so there's not much to complain about yet, but ok.

This whole thread is a waste of time, but it hasn't stopped either of us or a lot of others.

Waste of time or not, what this thread is a continuation of the same conversation we have on here every year and every year, the Orioles screw up the offseason and disappoint.

But it won't stop people from defending them and believing that the way they do things is the correct way of doing things.

Oh well, people just don't expect much anymore.

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I expect a lot this offseason, but it is not time to start crying now. Not one single player that I had any interest in has come off the board. None. So I will just have to wait and make my judgement when the cuttins' are done.

Don't get me wrong. If the Orioles do not go out and really improve this team this offseason, I will be yelling as loud as anybody that MacPhail has to go. I have my doubts. But I have to give the man the offseason to show me what he has. I still hold out hope that the guy will get the meaningful pieces that we need. But I will not turn on my team when we just started the game. We are still very much in it for anybody. Time will tell.

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Waste of time or not, what this thread is a continuation of the same conversation we have on here every year and every year, the Orioles screw up the offseason and disappoint.

But it won't stop people from defending them and believing that the way they do things is the correct way of doing things.

Oh well, people just don't expect much anymore.

This has nothing to do with the main topic of this thread or what I've been saying.

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From Simmons's chat today.

Rich (Boston)

Who do you think the Sox should grab from free agency out of Crawford or Werth? Do you also think they will make a big trade for Fielder or Gonzo?

Bill Simmons (2:08 PM)

I'd much rather see them re-sign Beltre (as long as it's fairly reasonable) and avoid a big-money panic signing (like the Lackey one last winter) that's done partly so they can say, "Look, we changed our team!" That's the Lou Gorman mentality that Theo Epstein always swore to avoid - you don't make moves to make fans/writers/talk show hosts happy in December, you make them because they're smart. And overpaying for Crawford/Werth (and losing draft picks) so we can then turn around and deal Jacoby Ellsbury for 35 cents on the dollar... how is that smart? The team got destroyed by injuries last season and still hung around into September. Why do they have to panic?

Bill Simmons (2:11 PM)

PS: my dad said on the phone last week, "We need to do something, their ratings dropped, ticket demand dropped, we didn't have a single compelling star." Which is all true. But isn't "we need to do something" a recipe for disaster? I'd hold the fort, bring Beltre back (I thought he was fantastic last season - great teammate, played hurt, played really well, what's not to love?) and wait until a logical move presents itself (like a Gonzalez trade, or even an Upton trade if it's for the right price). Put it this way: Lou Gorman would have overpaid Crawford. 'Nuff said.

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  • 2 weeks later...
LOL...I almost NEVER bump threads, but reading the scoop on Adrian Gonzalez/Red Sox this morning along with Adam Dunn signing earlier this week was no way to start a Saturday morning.

Yeah, but you're right. I mean, this whirling dervish that is the Orioles front office is exhausting. I'm so delirious with joy and happiness over the great offseason we're having.

Andy MacPhail, you're a Godsend.

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This morning I realized something that I've never really thought of before. Free agents have never wanted to come to Baltimore. Even back in the seventies and eighties when the Orioles were the cream of American League we never really signed a significant free agent

Sure there was a Fred Lynn or Darrell Evans sprinkled in there but they were all pretty much past their prime when we signed them. The only guys I can remember us signing in their Prime was Tejada ,the 1st time and Alomar.

The way we always done it in the past was through scouting and development. We always had a Bobbie Grich or Don Baylor in the wings ready to go.

Maybe it's time to really sink some serious cash into these area's and try to get back to the Oriole way. The way it going free agency seems like an empty glass for us

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This morning I realized something that I've never really thought of before. Free agents have never wanted to come to Baltimore. Even back in the seventies and eighties when the Orioles were the cream of American League we never really signed a significant free agent

Sure there was a Fred Lynn or Darrell Evans sprinkled in there but they were all pretty much past their prime when we signed them. The only guys I can remember us signing in their Prime was Tejada ,the 1st time and Alomar.

The way we always done it in the past was through scouting and development. We always had a Bobbie Grich or Don Baylor in the wings ready to go.

Maybe it's time to really sink some serious cash into these area's and try to get back to the Oriole way. The way it going free agency seems like an empty glass for us

Agreed. The only problem is that the O's O's will spend years developing said players, just in time for them to sign with the Yankees aor Red Sox when they're eligible. :rolleyes:

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This morning I realized something that I've never really thought of before. Free agents have never wanted to come to Baltimore. Even back in the seventies and eighties when the Orioles were the cream of American League we never really signed a significant free agent

Sure there was a Fred Lynn or Darrell Evans sprinkled in there but they were all pretty much past their prime when we signed them. The only guys I can remember us signing in their Prime was Tejada ,the 1st time and Alomar.

The way we always done it in the past was through scouting and development. We always had a Bobbie Grich or Don Baylor in the wings ready to go.

Maybe it's time to really sink some serious cash into these area's and try to get back to the Oriole way. The way it going free agency seems like an empty glass for us

Agreed. The only problem is that the O's O's will spend years developing said players, just in time for them to sign with the Yankees aor Red Sox when they're eligible. :rolleyes:

The entire landscape of baseball has changed even as recently as the year we signed Tejada and Javy Lopez.

The Orioles have been "fixing it" for at least the last four or five years. Like Dr. Phil would say..."How's that working out for you?"

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