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Mo and Yanks agree to terms


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$15 million a year for a 40+ year old closer, and the Orioles offer $10 million a year for a 40 homer cleanup hitter.

Ah yes, the parity in MLB continues!

Ignoring Dunn... :P Rivera is worth that. He's still THE shut down closer in MLB.

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Ignoring Dunn... :P Rivera is worth that. He's still THE shut down closer in MLB.

I guess my point is between Mo, Jeter, Clif Lee, and possibly Crawford, the payroll of those 4 guys will probably be real close, if not more, than our entire 2011 payroll!

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I guess my point is between Mo, Jeter, Clif Lee, and possibly Crawford, the payroll of those 4 guys will probably be real close, if not more, than our entire 2011 payroll!

Yeah, I know what you mean. Mo, for all he's worth, is really kind of a back burner move for them. While the O's might not make a single deal in the $30 mill range. Even if we have a decent offseason.

My strange hope... is the Yankees spend a boatload of cash (again), run away with another title, then see how they fare going into the CBA negotiations.

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The rumor is he turned down three-year deals from the Angels and possibly the Red Sox.


Man, I hate the Sox but I can't help but laugh and smile in approval that they did this. They've got some big balls going after someone like Rivera.

Actually, I kinda wished this would have happened. Rivera to the Sox kinda sucks but it pisses off the Yankees and Papelbon gets canned which would REALLY piss him off, especially since he's getting replaced by Rivera. Two outta three ain't bad.

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I remember when the Yanks signed him to a 3-year, $45mm deal 3 years ago, I thought they were very foolish. He earned every penny, posting 116 saves and a 1.64 ERA over that con tract at ages 38-40. What an incredible pitcher he's been! He may not quite live up to this one, but he's earned the right to get this deal.

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