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Is Cal a former Oriole or Yankee?


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Last night was the first broadcast I watched so I listened pretty intently. First, like many have said here, Cal is just not that good in the booth. Even when he tries to setup Smoltz he asks questions that make him sound like a dolt. He asked a question about the difference between a change and a split-change that made him sound Todd from Dundalk rather than a HoF player who is lauded for his baseball knowledge.

As for his "Yankees bias," I think a lot has to do with people expecting him to be leaning towards the Orioles. He uses little words like, "unfortunately and such" when describing something bad that happened to the Yankees when he should hve said, "unfortunately for the Yankees." I really think that's more his inexperience in the booth then any desire to root for the Yankees.

I've never had a personal conversation with Cal Ripken so I can't give any insights on his personal character or anything, but I do think some people are being a little rough on him. Saying that, I do think he's hurting himself with some portion of the Orioles fan base and he should consider that in the future if his image amongst home town fans is a concern for him.

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Bottom line is the coverage is very amateurish. I think Smoltz is pretty good, but Ernie and Cal are just terrible. Ernie doesn't know baseball and his play by play is weak at best. Cal knows baseball but he is a robot. Like others have stated, he obviously goes out of his way to hide his fandom...but given he is a lifelong Oriole, why should he? Its almost expected, yet he goes out his way to not root for his team. I could understand it coming from a more polished announcer; but this is Cal's only real experience doing games (I refer back to his statue night and the convo he had with Gary and Bordick where he asked them both what he should do when he is in the booth). Give me Buck Martinez...he is doing the A's series...they could have plucked him for this series and put him in the booth with Ernie (if they had to) and Smoltz. A good combination with an announcer who has seen both teams play 20 or so times. I wish I could get the radio and tv to match but alas.

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I really think TBS erred by putting him on this series; they had four to choose from, why put him w/ the O's where his potential allegiance complicates things? TBS never should have offered the O's series, and Cal nevere should have accepted the gig. I really think Cal is just tied into knots trying not to seem biased, and has himself way off base with his comments. That coupled w/ his inexperience have really made him a poor choice for TBS; which isn't particularly surprising, because their coverage overall has been pretty terrible anyway, and Ernie Johnson is just awful. You can't tell me they couldn't have gotten somebody better than him for PBP. Jon Miller doesn't have a national gig anymore, right? And I am sure there are many others from local broadcast teams that could have called a series. The entire production is pretty sub par.

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Here's what the Sun's TV critic has to say:

But speaking of honesty, local broadcasters and Ripken, something needs to be said here to the folks who whine in social media and on call-in shows about how Ripken isn't pro-Orioles enough in the TBS booth.

Here's what needs to be said: Grow up. I am trying to say that in a nice way because I know lots of folks are still feeling the kind of pain only the Yankees and Steelers can put on us and are emotionally raw. But grow up and get some perspective.

You have been spoiled by hardcore homer sports broadcasting here. Every city has it, but it is really pronounced here. Fans here don't question having a minor league infield instructor doing analysis on the cable channel owned by the team. They think it is the natural order of things.

Ripken is doing a very good job as an analyst. And he's doing it with the same kind of integrity and inquisitiveness that he brought to the game when he played.

When he sees an outstanding Yankees play, to his credit, he says it. And he doesn't make excuses for Orioles' mistakes. He's broadcasting to a national audience that includes New York, and he is serving those viewers just like the ones in Baltimore.

Ripken, Johnson and Smoltz are taking us inside some truths not only of this great series, but also the game of baseball. The question is whether we can handle those truths.


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Roch, on his FB after posting about a talk he had with Cal pregame and people started chiming in:

"Only an idiot would think Cal is rooting for the Yankees in this series."

Well, I think I was just "unfriended" by Roch because of my comments... I said that the wrong Ripken was calling the series and that Ripken was not being objective, but rather going out of his way to praise the Yankees while not saying a word about how impressive the Orioles have been this season.

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I choose to give Cal the benefit of the doubt and chalk it up to his inexperience in the booth, but at this point I'd rather run my knuckles across a cheese grater than listen to his in-game commentary. The alleged MFY bias aside, his color work leaves a lot to be desired. Given his well deserved reputation of having a high baseball IQ, I certainly expected a lot more. I thought his studio work was fine, but he has a long way to go before anyone can call his booth work even remotely adequate.

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I am guessing that Cal had some TBS producer in his ear about being non-biased.... think he has gone a bit over the top with it but that said I am also guessing Cal takes it for granted that the home folk know were his loyalty resides. Think its kinda sad that with everything he has done for this organization that some people would question his loyalty or who he is rooting for. No prob with questioning how much over the top praise he has given the Yanks but questioning who is he rooting for on the inside...I don't get that.

My biggest prob with Cal and John Smoltz is that they are as interesting as listening to a lecture on the properties of inert dirt. Little to dry and humorless for me...

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Well, I think I was just "unfriended" by Roch because of my comments... I said that the wrong Ripken was calling the series and that Ripken was not being objective, but rather going out of his way to praise the Yankees while not saying a word about how impressive the Orioles have been this season.

Oh, that was you, huh? Yeah, said something after the second thing you said about how you should have taken the hint, and since he doesn't actually "know" you, you're gone. I was surprised I made the cut when he told everyone he'd be cutting out everyone he didn't actually know, to be honest. He's obviously trying to make his FB just personal stuff and all the pro stuff go to the blog and Twitter.

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Cal's Yankee bias (and I call it a bias not a preference) is plain for all to see. And in many ways it makes sense. Cal is a retired Hall of Fame player. He has no connection to the current Oriole players or management. The Yankees, on the other hand, are led by Jeter, Arod, Pettitte, Sabathia. These are guys Cal competed against. Retired players form a sort of fraternity and that is especially true when you are Hall of Fame caliber like Jeter, Arod, and maybe Pettitte. It's natural Cal wants them to do well.

I'm sure Cal wants the Orioles to do well too, but when push comes to shove I think he is pulling for his buddies. He should be more sensitive to the local fans who supported him all these years. He knows our pain.

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I can't stand homer broadcasters be it Hunter or Hawk. But if Cal is so objective why can't I bear to listen for more than a couple of minutes before I have to turn the sound off and go to Joe and Fred on Gameday. Most of it is Ernie Johnson who is not only god awful as an announcer, he is clearly pro Yankee. And Cal is just following along because he is a newbie. It's still annoying.

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I've listened to to a lot of national and local guys during Orioles games (home and away) and the team doing this series are terrible. They constantly dwell on the Evil Empire while questioning the Orioles being there. If anyone has a feed I can play and turn off the TV sound let me know.

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