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Twitter rumor: Os ready to make HUGE offer for Hamilton


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I trust this guy. I know people bash him alot but no one ever wants to give him credit.

I don't follow hockey, so I don't I know what he says about NHL. But I only remember him getting like 3 wrong in the last 3 years. I just don't get why people refuse to give him any credit. It's impossible to be as accurate as he is by guessing things. He's not like the safe reporters who wait and get their stories confirmed so they're 100% positive it's true. If he hears something he just runs with it. I'm probably alone here but I've seen him report more truth than lies.

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I felt bad for Washington--he obviously hadn't had time to compose himself for the presser. But I've been thinking in general that the relentless media pressure and publicity that players and managers are subjected to is not good for them and the sport. I'd be willing to give up a lot of the up-to-the-minute reactions and information I receive as a fan if I knew the players and staff were being allowed to rest and contemplate things more, especially after a loss or injury. Most of the questions reporters feed them are irritatingly trite and obvious; I admire the ability of players to speak and look friendly in front of video cameras crowding into the locker room even after they've played poorly. Let the guys take their showers, jeesh! I'm amazed that there aren't more incidents of someone glaring at a questioner or spitting out angry words.

This is a very decent way to feel and I like to think of myself as a decent person but I don't share your sympathy for their predicament. Their paychecks are not merely incrementally larger because of the media attention to the game and all that surrounds it but those checks are increased multifold. That in itself is enough to require their presence right after the game when everything is still fresh in the minds of the fans. Whether they feel like it or not shouldn't be of any interest IMO. They're in show business after all, and dealing with bad reviews is part of the life.

You're certainly right about the triteness of the majority of the questions that get asked at post game pressers but difficult questions sometimes get asked as well and as a fan I much prefer unguarded answers to calculated spin in those situations. I think it's also important to remember that over the course of a season a very significant part of a player's total media exposure is controlled to his advantage. It's not like he's out there naked every day, his team has a publicity engine diligently working behind him all season long.

I don't know if you saw ARod's interview directly after the Yankees were eliminated this past season. As you know, once again during the post season he coughed up a huge hairball, so badly this time that he had to be benched. The suppressed anger radiating off him as he fielded those questions was palpable. That anger was also completely unjustified, he earned every bit of his discomfort. IMO Yankee fans had a right to watch him squirm.

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I kinda thought its ironic, Hamilton gets bashed in Texas. Yet, Washington had a relapse two years ago, and barely a word mentioned. Washingtons post game after the one game playoff was a little eerie. I dont think hes long for Texas either. His antics are growing stale for me.


Add last years WS choke job, not putting Chaves in for Cruz, and the fact that he more or less threw the team under the bus for not "executing" and he'd be gone. Couple all that with Washingtons use of Holland the last game of the year and in the one game playoff, that would have been enough for me to see that this guy can't coach under pressure.

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I trust this guy. I know people bash him alot but no one ever wants to give him credit.

I don't follow hockey, so I don't I know what he says about NHL. But I only remember him getting like 3 wrong in the last 3 years. I just don't get why people refuse to give him any credit. It's impossible to be as accurate as he is by guessing things. He's not like the safe reporters who wait and get their stories confirmed so they're 100% positive it's true. If he hears something he just runs with it. I'm probably alone here but I've seen him report more truth than lies.

For me, it has to do with some of the more ridiculous rumors that he spreads. Last year he tweeted that the Colts were on the verge of signing Randy Moss. Two days later, Moss retired. Last offseason, he said that the Rangers had signed Prince Fielder. This year he says that the O's are going to make a HUGE offer while the smart O's fans on this site laugh at him.

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For me, it has to do with some of the more ridiculous rumors that he spreads. Last year he tweeted that the Colts were on the verge of signing Randy Moss. Two days later, Moss retired. Last offseason, he said that the Rangers had signed Prince Fielder. This year he says that the O's are going to make a HUGE offer while the smart O's fans on this site laugh at him.

We can all get out there and make up stuff. some of it will be right if we read tea leaves. Does not mean there is ANY evidence of inside information.

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This is a very decent way to feel and I like to think of myself as a decent person but I don't share your sympathy for their predicament. Their paychecks are not merely incrementally larger because of the media attention to the game and all that surrounds it but those checks are increased multifold. That in itself is enough to require their presence right after the game when everything is still fresh in the minds of the fans. Whether they feel like it or not shouldn't be of any interest IMO. They're in show business after all, and dealing with bad reviews is part of the life.

You're certainly right about the triteness of the majority of the questions that get asked at post game pressers but difficult questions sometimes get asked as well and as a fan I much prefer unguarded answers to calculated spin in those situations. I think it's also important to remember that over the course of a season a very significant part of a player's total media exposure is controlled to his advantage. It's not like he's out there naked every day, his team has a publicity engine diligently working behind him all season long.

I don't know if you saw ARod's interview directly after the Yankees were eliminated this past season. As you know, once again during the post season he coughed up a huge hairball, so badly this time that he had to be benched. The suppressed anger radiating off him as he fielded those questions was palpable. That anger was also completely unjustified, he earned every bit of his discomfort. IMO Yankee fans had a right to watch him squirm.

Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! Well said sir. Rep to you.

Yikes, I posted before seeing I must spread rep.:o

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We can all get out there and make up stuff. some of it will be right if we read tea leaves. Does not mean there is ANY evidence of inside information.

Yep. Earlier in this thread, someone was crediting IB for the Peyton Manning offseason stuff. As a Colts fan who knows a lot more about Manning than is otherwise necessary, I was saying there was next to no chance that Manning would sign with a team in the NFC or the AFC South. He wouldn't want to deal with having to play Eli in the Playoffs or the Colts twice a year. Once it was clear that the Broncos were in the hunt, they were the prohibitive favorite.

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I trust this guy. I know people bash him alot but no one ever wants to give him credit.

I don't follow hockey, so I don't I know what he says about NHL. But I only remember him getting like 3 wrong in the last 3 years. I just don't get why people refuse to give him any credit. It's impossible to be as accurate as he is by guessing things. He's not like the safe reporters who wait and get their stories confirmed so they're 100% positive it's true. If he hears something he just runs with it. I'm probably alone here but I've seen him report more truth than lies.

"Just because you don't believe in something doesn't mean it isn't true."

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This is a very decent way to feel and I like to think of myself as a decent person but I don't share your sympathy for their predicament. Their paychecks are not merely incrementally larger because of the media attention to the game and all that surrounds it but those checks are increased multifold. That in itself is enough to require their presence right after the game when everything is still fresh in the minds of the fans. Whether they feel like it or not shouldn't be of any interest IMO. They're in show business after all, and dealing with bad reviews is part of the life.

You're certainly right about the triteness of the majority of the questions that get asked at post game pressers but difficult questions sometimes get asked as well and as a fan I much prefer unguarded answers to calculated spin in those situations. I think it's also important to remember that over the course of a season a very significant part of a player's total media exposure is controlled to his advantage. It's not like he's out there naked every day, his team has a publicity engine diligently working behind him all season long.

I don't know if you saw ARod's interview directly after the Yankees were eliminated this past season. As you know, once again during the post season he coughed up a huge hairball, so badly this time that he had to be benched. The suppressed anger radiating off him as he fielded those questions was palpable. That anger was also completely unjustified, he earned every bit of his discomfort. IMO Yankee fans had a right to watch him squirm.

I understand your viewpoint, but I disagree on several points. One, I think most of the team considers itself athletes and coaches more than professional entertainers. What they're best at is playing ball and I think the constant media probing distracts them from what should be their prime objective: playing superbly and winning. I enjoy watching Buck do his post-game pressers as much as anyone, but I'd gladly give it up if it meant he could spend more time thinking about how to win or just plain relaxing in his office or heading home instead of trying to come up with wise pronouncements or perhaps kicking himself later for saying something unfair or inaccurate in front of the video cameras and a pack of scandal-hungry journalists asking cloying or boring questions. I'm not saying it's a matter of "Whether [the athletes] feel like it or not"--I'm saying it's a matter of whether it helps them to be better players or coaches, which I very much doubt that it does. As for your assertion that "it's also important to remember that over the course of a season a very significant part of a player's total media exposure is controlled to his advantage," I disagree; otherwise, we wouldn't have all the interviews of players cohersed into painfully introspecting in public in front of their lockers about poor plays and lost opportunities to score, escape a jam, etc. (I felt particularly bad last season for Jake Arrieta in this regard; it's almost like he was being asked to discover on the spot the exact idea that would make him pitch better.) I really get no thrill from watching those dutiful apologies for hung sliders and missed meatballs; that I remember what a burden they were to listen to even last season when we won 93 games makes me grateful that MASN hadn't kicked into high gear yet in this area during most of the Orioles' 14 years of losing.

Something like New York and A-Roid is a special case; I can't imagine us enjoying it if Adam, Wieters, JJ, or Jim Johnson had been driven to speaking angrily or defensively by the press during their poor playoff performances. People are primed to complain about A-Rod because of his ridiculous salary and narcissism. Do we really hate or resent any Oriole so much we want to push him to say something stupid for the next article by Peter Schmuck?

I think it wd be another intriguing Duquette innovation if he severely cut back on the intrusiveness of the media. Let the team concentrate on winning. Even professional entertainers aren't obligated to face a TV camera with floodlight and baiting interviewer right after they come off a stage.

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    • Yea.  I feel the same way.  I really do not care strongly one way or another.  Sure, I think it's kind of ugly.  I also think HR's came pretty cheap before.  I like the exciting defensive plays it fosters and of course the random triple & odd carom make for some fun and unique moments.  But I don't think it helps or hurts the team in any substantial way short of helping out the pitching a little.   I sure don't think the players are changing their approaches.  If they keep it as is, that's fine with me.  If they modify it some way, that's fine with me as well.  It does seem like there is some opportunity for some unique seats down there by modifying it slightly.  When I first saw it, it almost appeared like a construction Phase 1.  That might be reasoning for pushing it back so far, allows them some flexibility in the future.   I also don't buy that a Free Agent RH hitter is going to care at all about the wall.   They are getting paid regardless.  I'd think that 1-maximizing payday 2-playing for a winner 3-finding a location that suits your family would be your priorities and your long-term stat line would be very close to the bottom of your list of concerns.  
    • His "ability to play RF" carries about $0 value
    • Yeah but if you think most of this money is going to upgrade things that are wrong or need improving, such as the ones @accinfo lists, I think you'll be disappointed.   They will be for new features, each one designed to create revenue via premium seating or premium "experience" areas or attractions that bring non baseball fans to the park to spend or sports betting related things. I'm not saying they won't fix some basic things that need it like upgrading the sound system or improving the point of sale technology.   I'm sure they will.   But the focus is going to be on the new attractions which are all designed with revenue enhancement in mind.
    • I’m not a lawyer … perhaps @Frobbymight know. Loss of income, future revenues? Damage to their franchise….Even with MASN the Orioles lost a ton on annual tv revenues
    • Congrats to the offense on playing a heck of a game. Lamar was incredible to watch, especially the play when the snap ended up on the ground and he had to run away towards the sideline and still found Likely for the score. It's very frustrating to me that the offense HAD to play so well because of the poor coaching and abysmal defensive play.  It's odd to me that Harbaugh still messes up timeout usage after being a coach in the league for over 15 years.
    • Can someone in 150 words or less explain to me what DYAR is?
    • I have a 3 hour round trip to get to games. I can't speak about other directions, but the stadium is very easy to get to from the south...some more traffic with the earlier start times, but overall - games are VERY easy to get to, imo. You don't have the hike through the city to get to games. I'm a rural guy, and it's really not a big deal. We took the light rail from Cromwell for Game 1 (I usually park in BC or FGH) and it was a breeze. We walked out right after the game, and we immediately caught a direct bus that took us back to Cromwell directly. We did the same thing last year. I gotta be honest - I think the "they've been horrible for half the season" reasoning is pretty lame. Even when they were down (and dealing with significant injuries) after the AS break, they were still essentially a lock to make the playoffs. Then they get healthy-ish with some key guys back riiiiight before the playoffs and look great for a couple of series - but I guess it was too late for everyone?  Come on.  Just say you didn't feel like it. But don't blame August play for not showing up in October.   
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