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I'm not bemoaning the loss of Reynolds, but...


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If the Orioles thought for a second they could let Reynolds go, or refrain from signing Morse or any other solid DH candidate, because of Nolan Reimold, I have to question the competence of that person.

I love Nolan but he can't stay healthy. And Chris Davis' start to the season has been great, so I get that Davis basically replaced Reynolds. But we've got Steve Pearce getting regular AB's because Reimold is injured. And while I know his injury may not send him to the DL, who would be surprised if it did?

Meanwhile, Reynold and Morse have 9 HR combined.

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What were you going to do pay Reynolds 7 million a year to face left handed pitchers as a DH. They had Betimit to be the left handed DH. That is who was supposed to get most of the at bats. Betimit is injured..

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I feel this team has regressed since last season.. this is probably just me reacting badly to the loss but I just don't see that spark in the team that I saw last season. Pearce at DH will not cut as well as Flaherty at 2nd, we will not win many ball games with them 2. While the bottom of the lineup guys don't have to be stars, they have to be able to be somewhat of a threat at the plate and those 2 are not at the moment. Last season we had Davis at DH and Reynolds playing great D at 1st a long with his bat that sometimes showed up. I think not having Davis at DH is going to hurt. I know it's a long season but I just don't see the fun/good team i saw last season.. will they come around? We will see.

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Its a long year. Reynolds I believe led the team in OBP and BB's, so I always felt his loss would hurt...even if the Orioles didnt want to keep him. I feel Flaherty deserves a long look, at least while Roberts is out. The SP and bullpen right now is my biggest worry...along with Davis' fielding at 1B.

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If the Orioles thought for a second they could let Reynolds go, or refrain from signing Morse or any other solid DH candidate, because of Nolan Reimold, I have to question the competence of that person.

So... you're bemoaning the loss of Reynolds then. And/or the absence of Morse.

Neither Reynolds nor Morse nor Davis are going to finish the season at their current HR pace.

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Guest rochester


Yes, three times - started out as a mistake, but figured what the heck, guess you can beat a dead horse.

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If the Orioles thought for a second they could let Reynolds go, or refrain from signing Morse or any other solid DH candidate, because of Nolan Reimold, I have to question the competence of that person.

I love Nolan but he can't stay healthy. And Chris Davis' start to the season has been great, so I get that Davis basically replaced Reynolds. But we've got Steve Pearce getting regular AB's because Reimold is injured. And while I know his injury may not send him to the DL, who would be surprised if it did?

Meanwhile, Reynold and Morse have 9 HR combined.

Yep, agreed totally and seriously think that Reynolds will have the predicted break-out year this year, typical. That's good for Reynolds, but let's face it - he's got nothing to to do with us now. Just happy he's not in the AL East - I would have almost bet anything he would be playing for the R-Sox this year. Reimold is normally great when he's healthy, but when Is that? He's sort of like an old-school Jaguar; car with a lot of potential and power, but breaks down non-stop.

Anyway, on the bright side it's way early in the season, and hey - we're doing better than the '88 Os - Right!?!!;)

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This is what happens when you don't upgrade over the offseason.

We are banking on repeat performances.. Overall the Orioles will have a winning 2013 but a few things go bad.. It could be an intetesting season depending if DD makes any moves

Lets just enjoy the season and see what happens.

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This is what happens when you don't upgrade over the offseason.

We are banking on repeat performances.. Overall the Orioles will have a winning 2013 but a few things go bad.. It could be an intetesting season depending if DD makes any moves

Lets just enjoy the season and see what happens.

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This is what happens when you don't upgrade over the offseason.

We are banking on repeat performances.. Overall the Orioles will have a winning 2013 but a few things go bad.. It could be an intetesting season depending if DD makes any moves

Lets just enjoy the season and see what happens.

Right. Season's baby suckling young, but we're 0-3 in one-run games, the bullpen has looked shaky and the starting pitching has been mediocre to just less so, which is what most pundits predicted would happen, at least as said by those who predicted we would not repeat our 2012 in 2013.

And if you toss in Roberts' and Reimold's inability to stay healthy and in the lineup for EVEN A WEEK, then the signs, early as it is, are troubling....

The cool thing is the O's could easily go on an 8-game winning streak tomorrow. No time to overreact, but if these signs are still evident in the first week in May, I'd be worried.

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So... you're bemoaning the loss of Reynolds then. And/or the absence of Morse.

Neither Reynolds nor Morse nor Davis are going to finish the season at their current HR pace.

The team had a contingency plan with Roberts: Flaherty, Casilla and Schoop. What is the plan with Reimold? Pearce as DH?

The Betemit point was a good one, I forgot about him. But I am not sure i would have entered the season with him in any major contributing role either.

Just saying that we're already seeing a lack of depth, something Duquette -- and luck -- provided for us last year.

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It is April 8 gang. It's a little too early to throw in the towel, or even to suggest that this team has regressed.

Of course it's April 8th. And it's early. But here is the problem, all the complaints people had with the offseason and concerns about "how" they won last year have shown themselves in the first 7 games.

No upgrades and loss of Reynolds - We were sold a bill of goods that the upgrades would be internal via a healthy Reimold and Roberts, well shockingly they are both hurt. Now we have Steve Pearce and Flaherty getting regular at bats. This emphasizes the loss of Reynolds, plus Reynolds is hitting well.

The bullpen couldn't repeat their performance - which they haven't though they have pitched decently over the past few games

The starting pitching couldn't repeat the performance - Short of Gonzalez and Chen they have regressed

One run record couldn't be repeated - 0-3 in 1 run games

Chris Davis Defense - Hasn't been horrible but botched a ball in a close game

Its like the perfect storm for those who believed last years team played over their skis, that the offseason was a failure and that this team was headed for .500 or worse. There is a long way to go of course, but no one should be surprised by the results thus far, nor should they be surprised by the reaction to those results.

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Its early yet but IMHO relying on Reimhold and Roberts to contribute was a major miscalculation. I understand that they relied on these two guys to some extent last year and were able to navigate through not having them but a lot things went really right to allow that to happen.

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