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My Girls First Dodger Game

Il BuonO

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I wanted to post this Thursday but got busy. I took my daughters to their first Dodger game Wednesday night. We usually see the Orioles play the Angels even though Dodger Stadium is only minutes from where I live.

I was excited to see Kershaw pitch, but of course he wasn't at his best and opposing him was Jason Marquis who carried a no-hitter into the 6th. Marquis really only had one other inning when he walked two in 5th that he had any trouble at all.

Kershaw didn't have great command all night but I'd take him any day of the week if that is how he looks when he's off.

Also, there was Yasel Puig who didn't do much when I was there but looks impressive, and very athletic.

Later before we left a foul ball was hit to my right in the same row in the next section over. The ball landed in the seat right next to a woman who was on her mobile. Another woman three rows up from her ran down and snatched the ball. The woman on her phone grabbed the other womans arm who had the ball saying it was hers. Of course, the woman with the ball laughed it off and yanked her arm away. "You weren't paying attention." She thought her proximity entitled her to the ball.

Dodger fans. :rolleyes:

My daughter asked me why the woman was on her phone instead of watching the game. I just shrugged.

My girls had a great time.

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Get off the darn phone and watch the game! The nerve of some people, right girls? Good story. :)

I much prefer Dodger stadium to seeing the Angels but it may have to more with the Orioles losing every time I choose to go than the atmosphere.

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Get off the darn phone and watch the game! The nerve of some people, right girls? Good story. :)

I much prefer Dodger stadium to seeing the Angels but it may have to more with the Orioles losing every time I choose to go than the atmosphere.

Yeah, I really wish the Orioles would get on the Dodgers schedule because it's so close. The other thing was security, but during the game there was an announcement about a code of conduct with various celebrities chiming in for effect. New management trying to change the image.

Now, I had a parking pass which normally wouldn't happen, but that is one thing I prefer about Angel Stadium to Dodger Stadium. There is a different atmosphere because of the surrounding communities and I feel safer there with my kids.

That will be a long time changing that particular stigma, but Magic Johnson is a good face to have in front of the franchise and Stan Kasten is the right guy at the top to bring it about.

Now, if they will just stop spending like drunken sailors....

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