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The Defense Thread, 2014


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Did anybody else think that JJ could have intentionally dropped both line drives that he caught to turn double plays? The second one would have been a sweet way to end the game and get Tommy out of a jam. Infield fly rule would not have been in effect.

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I realize its not a popular opinion especially in light of his many miscues this year

but I think Schoop has shown a pretty good glove recently and he made some nice plays tonight too. When the smoke clears he will be our second baseman full time.

Despite my earlier speculation of him projecting better at 3rd I'll admit he's clearly looked more comfortable at 2nd base. The scouting reports I referred to may still have some value down the road, but right now he does look like a good bet like a good bet too stick there in the short term.

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Despite my earlier speculation of him projecting better at 3rd I'll admit he's clearly looked more comfortable at 2nd base. The scouting reports I referred to may still have some value down the road, but right now he does look like a good bet like a good bet too stick there in the short term.

Schoop has played a lot of 2B and very little of 3B, so it's a matter of experience regardless of where he "projects." Not everyone is Manny Machado and can play a position flawlessly from the get go.

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Schoop has played a lot of 2B and very little of 3B, so it's a matter of experience regardless of where he "projects." Not everyone is Manny Machado and can play a position flawlessly from the get go.

It's good to remember that Bobby Dickerson worked with Manny every day at Bowie to prepare him to play 3B at the major league level.

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It's good to remember that Bobby Dickerson worked with Manny every day at Bowie to prepare him to play 3B at the major league level.

Yes, but Manny has a field awareness that is preternatural, that you can't develop by taking grounders with a coach. It's something you just don't see very often. That play two years ago against Tampa where he faked the throw to first and caught the runner rounding third is a perfect example. On the other side of the spectrum, on the play against Boston where Schoop failed to cut off Lough's off-line throw, do you have any doubt that Manny would have cut that ball off? That play isn't taught, but some guys just know, and Manny is one of them.

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Inning ending DP with based loaded in the 5th ending with a fantastic diving stab by Pierce of a wide one-hop throw by Schoop. Just terrific.

Runners on 2nd and 3rd in the 6th, Hardy fields a wicked hop to get the third out. That's a play you see made by an average SS maybe once every five times. But with Hardy you expect it.

To start the ninth, Nick made a sliding try for a ball between him and Jones and got his glove on it but couldn't catch it. I think he was distracted because Jones was heading his way at a high rate of speed.

To end the game, Pearce ranged pretty wide to get a ground ball, O'Day covered quickly and Pearce made kind of a loopy throw but it got there and we won!

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The bases loaded double play was huge. Pressure situation and it was not a routine double play by any means as it was hit deep into the hole at short to JJ's backhand side, and it was close enough to draw a challenge (although it really had zero chance of being overruled). That was almost as bad for them as Boxberger striking out the side was for us.

Early in the game Manny made a nice play charging a short hop, then making a perfect throw on the run. Made it look easy but it was a tough play.

Overall a great defensive game for the O's with no errors and a couple of plus plays. Agreed with others, this is one of my favorite ongoing threads. Really shows how much defense can make a difference, especially close games like this one.

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I'm sure. But #1 priority is catching the ball, not worrying about a turf burn. Then again, I'm just watching on TV.

Maybe easy to say that, but for Nick I wonder if the abdominal strain or whatever it was has anything to do with it. It seems to me the sliding play is more the norm for him instead of really laying out.

Of course now I fully expect someone will post a video to the contrary. :slytf:

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That was an incredible turn by everyone involved.

Watching the game from close range tonight, I thought it's just impossible to overstate the importance of Hardy and Machado being on the field for the O's.

In addition to the double play, Hardy made another exceptional play on a hard smash hit right at him, and Machado made a tough play look easy as he took a short hop, looked the runner back to second, and fired to first for the out.

Early in the game, Longoria made a diving backhand stop of the ball and threw from his knees to first, but didn't get the runner (he did save a run). My first thought was, "Manny would have had him." That may or may not be true, but damn that infield of ours is good.

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Hardy gets so little love. Today on XM MLB they were talking about the best SS/3B combos. No one seemed to realize that Hardy is a perennial top 5 defensive SS, better than Tulo or Andrus. Just check their numbers the past 3 years. http://www.fangraphs.com/leaders.aspx?pos=ss&stats=bat&lg=all&qual=y&type=8&season=2014&month=0&season1=2010&ind=0&team=0&rost=0&age=0&filter=&players=0&sort=20,d

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