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Concerns about Detroit


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I feel as though the Tigers are our worst AL match up. We don't have a good track record with them. Yes we played them early in the season and have played our best ball since then. I think they should fear us as much as we fear them, but a few points that worry me...

1. We're probably going to be forced to play 3-4 (out of 5) day games. We have the worst record among the AL playoff teams during the day. Chen pitches particularly horribly during the day (4.57 ERA).

2. Miguel Cabrera is red hot in September. 8 Hrs (most the AL) and a 1.118 OPS. This guy can win a series offensively, nearly by himself.

The amount of day games seems almost unfair to us, but with the other games on the west coast, I guess it is what it is. Interestingly, Tillman has the best starter ERA during the day at 2.78. I know he won't do this, but I think Buck should consider starting Chen for game 1 and Tillman for game 2, if we're having Chen and Tillman start games 1 and 2. Chen being a lefty, he probably shouldn't start against em, but I suspect he will.

All that being said, we could easily win in 3.. just something for me to worry about until Thursday.

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Pro tip. If you rely on a spell checker put your title in the main body then cut/paste it because the spell checker (mine at least) doesn't work in the subject line.

LoL. I really don't. I have a Master's in political science and used to check other students' papers. Just a goof. :D

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Anyways, the title issue seems to have taken over. I am curious.. is anyone else worried about the early start times? We seem to play much worse during the day.

The day games don't concern me. If we played half of our games during the day and had continued mediocre results, then I'd be concerned.

And I definitely wouldn't move Tillman off game 1.

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Anyways, the title issue seems to have taken over. I am curious.. is anyone else worried about the early start times? We seem to play much worse during the day.

I would be worried about it if someone had posited a reasonable theory to explain the disparity.

In the lack of that information I am considering it a fluke.

I wouldn't have Chen on my playoff roster versus the Tigers.

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