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Fanfest: awkward!


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I don't understand the hostility being aimed at Duquette here. He didn't create this mess, Toronto did. And given his contract status he can't do or say anything to unmake the mess, either. He's as much a bystander as we are.

Of course he can make this go away. That's silly. He can say "I'm a Baltimore Oriole. I have a contract with the Baltimore Orioles. I plan to honor my contract and help this team win the next four World Series Championships."

Instead he says he will talk about it when the time is appropriate.

When an organization is under siege, and the top level executive tier is rumored to be potentially leaving - that seems like an appropriate time to reassert his priorities and long term commitment.

People are hostile because the leader of an organization we love is letting us - and all of his employees and coworkers - twist in the wind. That's not leadership. It's letting it all play out because it benefits him.

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Of course he can make this go away. That's silly. He can say "I'm a Baltimore Oriole. I have a contract with the Baltimore Orioles. I plan to honor my contract and help this team win the next four World Series Championships."

Instead he says he will talk about it when the time is appropriate.

When an organization is under siege, and the top level executive tier is rumored to be potentially leaving - that seems like an appropriate time to reassert his priorities and long term commitment.

People are hostile because the leader of an organization we love is letting us - and all of his employees and coworkers - twist in the wind. That's not leadership. It's letting it all play out because it benefits him.

Yeah no one forced him to sign an extension. If he didn't think he was sure he wanted to stay his contract would have ended a couple of months ago and he could be free to go anywhere he wants.

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Of course he can make this go away. That's silly. He can say "I'm a Baltimore Oriole. I have a contract with the Baltimore Orioles. I plan to honor my contract and help this team win the next four World Series Championships."

Instead he says he will talk about it when the time is appropriate.

When an organization is under siege, and the top level executive tier is rumored to be potentially leaving - that seems like an appropriate time to reassert his priorities and long term commitment.

People are hostile because the leader of an organization we love is letting us - and all of his employees and coworkers - twist in the wind. That's not leadership. It's letting it all play out because it benefits him.

So well put. I'm mad at Toronto and DD. Crazy that we were onto something with this Buck/DD partnership only for Toronto to come in and break it up and take our GM. I'm just pissed.

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People have a right to be angry at Duquette about this situation. The Orioles gave him a chance when nobody else in baseball wanted him, and they gave him a contract extension. In return he makes it clear that he wants out as soon as a division rival offers him a shinier title and more money.

I wouldn't expect Duquette to ignore Toronto's interest, but a more loyal employee would have suggested a contract renegotiation with a little more authority and a higher salary to stay with the O's, rather than letting it be known that his heart was set on taking the Toronto job.

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People have a right to be angry at Duquette about this situation. The Orioles gave him a chance when nobody else in baseball wanted him, and they gave him a contract extension. In return he makes it clear that he wants out as soon as a division rival offers him a shinier title and more money.

I wouldn't expect Duquette to ignore Toronto's interest, but a more loyal employee would have suggested a contract renegotiation with a little more authority and a higher salary to stay with the O's, rather than letting it be known that his heart was set on taking the Toronto job.

If anything, DD has done anything but make it clear what he really wants. Speculation is the only fact right now.

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Anyone else think it's going to be more than a little awkward at Fanfest if and when Dan and Buck get on stage for their fan forums? The biggest story for the O's this winter has been the Jays/Duquette dalliance, and while Dan can give a no comment to Roch Kubatko or Dan Connolly, that's pretty hard to do for a room full of diehard O's fans. And based on every other Fanfest I've attended, half the "questions" from the audience will be preceded by a little speech by whoever has been selected to speak. And even those who don't ask Dan about the Blue Jays are going to be asking why the O's let several of their free agents go and didn't replace them.

I'm seriously wondering if Dan and the O's will find some excuse why Dan can't be at this event.

As a side note, I won't be able to attend Fanfest this year. I kind of feel it might not be a bad year to miss it, though, because of how awkward it could be.

Depends if you or weams or D or TonyS or Tony-OH get to ask the questions you want to.

If only average fans asking... I don't expect much. "Did you ever hear you look like Dan Aykroyd?"

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If Dan shows up at fan fest' date=' I hope Oriole fans give him hell. I would ask him straight forward questions and [b']I would not stop asking them until he answers them.[/b] The longer this situation drags on the more respect I lose for Dan.


Not you personally Diehard. Just saying... They're not going to let some fan rant.

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I don't understand the hostility being aimed at Duquette here. He didn't create this mess, Toronto did. And given his contract status he can't do or say anything to unmake the mess, either. He's as much a bystander as we are.

What a great post. Sums it up in many fewer words than I could!

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Of course he can make this go away. That's silly. He can say "I'm a Baltimore Oriole. I have a contract with the Baltimore Orioles. I plan to honor my contract and help this team win the next four World Series Championships."

Instead he says he will talk about it when the time is appropriate.

When an organization is under siege, and the top level executive tier is rumored to be potentially leaving - that seems like an appropriate time to reassert his priorities and long term commitment.

People are hostile because the leader of an organization we love is letting us - and all of his employees and coworkers - twist in the wind. That's not leadership. It's letting it all play out because it benefits him.

Agree 100%.

And dig the bones brigade avatar!

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It sounds like Dan will be a "Blues Brother" soon anyway.

Well DD also be on the Canadian Walk of Fame?Shame?

Canada's Walk of Fame Trivia: Dan Aykroyd is the first inductee to Canada's Walk of Fame to celebrate his birthday on Canada Day: July 1, 1952. -


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DD has put a hurting on the Oriole team and the fans. Since the beginning of the Winter Meetings this mess has been going on. I believe during the last two months he has had no interest to advance this team with FA or trades.

This alone, the Toronto Bluejays should be responsible for some type of of compensation package. This has been a real sham.The MLB should hold Toronto accountable to these actions.

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As far along has this has gone now I don't see him being at Fanfest. If he is and this is still going on the fans are going to hound him. I would also expect some boos.

He can't not show up to Fanfest. That would set off a huger firestorm than anything he might say there. Or not say.

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He can't not show up to Fanfest. That would set off a huger firestorm than anything he might say there. Or not say.

If he is at Fanfest I would expect him not to answer any questions. This is something even a very casual fan will know about. Since the team has done absolutely nothing during the off season other than lose 3 key players I don't know what anyone would ask him other than:

1) Why do you hate Baltimore?

2) Have you been doing absolutely nothing to help the team is it because you want to force the O's to let you go?

3) How do you sleep at night know you have screwed over the franchise?

4) In retrospect do you think your hairstyle choice was a bad decision or a terrible decision.

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