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For What it's worth.....


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The Orioles are said to be looking for another veteran SP. Today Marquis is pitching for the Cubs, maybe the scouts are looking at him. Maybe its a Gallagher, Cedeno, Colvin, Marquis for Roberts Payton deal. Marquis' and Payton's contracts would kinda cancel eachother out. I hope he pitches well today!

I sure hope not! Marquis is owed over $16M for '08 and '09. That's a lot more than Payton's $5M for '08 only. I really hope that is not at all in AM's thoughts. I'm guessing that Lohse can be had for a lot less right than Marquis' contract right now, so it would make no sense to do that when we could have a decent player or prospect instead from the Cubs and sign Lohse.

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Sure glad Mac is looking out for us here.A guy who hits alot of 2baggers and can steal bases at will at leadoff is primetime and you would expect some headliners back in a trade or keep your front page young star so we can watch him play baseball.Baseball is the thing.No one doubts he can really play.And he enjoys playing and the area and this kid is not all about winning and money,which are dragging the game down.

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The OH is a site for open communication and sharing of ideas. With very few exceptions you will rarely see any person degraded for their ideas as much as you have attacked the post you are referencing. In the future I hope you would accept that the OH is one of the few fan sites that provides for a free exchange of ideas even if someone posts they think Roberts for DLee and Soriano is good trade. I hope you exercise more caution in your future posting here. Thank you.

I have always tried to respect this site and the O's fans and have enjoyed reading and posting ideas here. I agree that people can express their opinion on whether a trade proposal is a good trade or not. When I used sarcasm to express my opinion that a trade proposal for Roberts from the Indians was excessive, it was answered by "that's the dumbest post ever on the OH". So my question is: Who is the one attacked someone personally? I have gone out of my way to exercise caution on posting here and I will continue to be cautious to not insult people personally.

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Again, I was being sarcastic about the suggestion that the O's could get Peralta, Barfield, and Marte for Roberts. I was not comparing the Marlin players to the Indian players.

But you know what is crazy here Cubsfan, I actually like the Cubs deal better than Peralta, Barfield and Marte. Especially if Murton is part of the Cubs deal. I think Gallagher, Murton, Veal, Cedeno and Fontenot is the right return for Payton and BRob. Maybe the O's have to kick in half of Paytons '08 contract, if so...OK. But I think Payton fits the cubs needs perfectly, and Roberts puts them over the top.

Peralta is a nice player. Fair defensively, pretty nice pop. He has good, not great value. Barfield? Talented, but pretty iffy. Marte is nothing to me and he plays a position we really shouldn't even be looking for help at. Moore, Costanzo, Rowell, Snyder....Why would we want to make a trade for Marte? Makes no sense to me.

Gallagher appears ready to pitch in the show, and has a pretty fair chance at being a #3 type starter. Good value. Murton is a nice hitter. He won't embarrass himself in LF, but he is not a great OFer. Nice bat though. Good value. Veal has an electric arm. Command issues just like almost all of our good pitching prospects. Pretty good value. Cedeno is about equal to Barfield IMO. Talented, but iffy. Fontenot is the quinessential scrapper. With Roberts in the fold in Cubland, his ticket is punched. He is our own guy, I like him, but he is not a real impact player.

Cubsfan, I want to also say that I am sorry about the way some of our threads get a little edgy around here. It really shouldn't be that way, and I think you have posted here responsibly all offseason. I too do not think that the Indians deal we have thrown out here is aking for too much. In fact, I don't like that deal at all.

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But you know what is crazy here Cubsfan, I actually like the Cubs deal better than Peralta, Barfield and Marte. Especially if Murton is part of the Cubs deal. I think Gallagher, Murton, Veal, Cedeno and Fontenot is the right return for Payton and BRob. Maybe the O's have to kick in half of Paytons '08 contract, if so...OK. But I think Payton fits the cubs needs perfectly, and Roberts puts them over the top.

Peralta is a nice player. Fair defensively, pretty nice pop. He has good, not great value. Barfield? Talented, but pretty iffy. Marte is nothing to me and he plays a position we really shouldn't even be looking for help at. Moore, Costanzo, Rowell, Snyder....Why would we want to make a trade for Marte? Makes no sense to me.

Gallagher appears ready to pitch in the show, and has a pretty fair chance at being a #3 type starter. Good value. Murton is a nice hitter. He won't embarrass himself in LF, but he is not a great OFer. Nice bat though. Good value. Veal has an electric arm. Command issues just like almost all of our good pitching prospects. Pretty good value. Cedeno is about equal to Barfield IMO. Talented, but iffy. Fontenot is the quinessential scrapper. With Roberts in the fold in Cubland, his ticket is punched. He is our own guy, I like him, but he is not a real impact player.

Cubsfan, I want to also say that I am sorry about the way some of our threads get a little edgy around here. It really shouldn't be that way, and I think you have posted here responsibly all offseason. I too do not think that the Indians deal we have thrown out here is aking for too much. In fact, I don't like that deal at all.

I have to disagree with that. You're assessment of Peralta is, for the most part, correct, but he has more value than you're giving him credit for.

Barfield had a great rookie season in SD but took a step back last year. However, Barfield is still > Cedeno because, if for nothing else, he has proven he can be decent at the ML level and his MiL numbers indicate that he has a good chance at maintaining that success. His value to Cleveland is down right now due to his down year last year. Classic buy-low candidate.

Marte is another classic buy-low candidate. Top prospect a couple years ago, he hasn't been able to break onto the ML club on a consistent basis. Now he is out of options and the Indians already have Casey Blake at 3rd.

Now to compare the 2 offers you mentioned:

BRob and Payton for Gallagher, Cedeno, Murton, Fontenot, Veal

BRob for Barfield, Peralta, Marte

First of all, the Indians offer fills 2 needs (2B and SS) and upgrades us at 3B. Those who say we're set at 3B need to remember Rowell and Snyder are just prospects - not guarantees and adding a high-ceiling 3B could only help. The O's could have ML average players (with potential to be above-average) in their MI. With the Cubs deal, the O's would have below average MIers. Grant is, we would get pitching depth and a solid LFer, the prospect of the O's getting solid MIers with good potential and a high ceiling 3B beats getting more pitching depth and below average MIers IMO.

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I have always tried to respect this site and the O's fans and have enjoyed reading and posting ideas here. I agree that people can express their opinion on whether a trade proposal is a good trade or not. When I used sarcasm to express my opinion that a trade proposal for Roberts from the Indians was excessive, it was answered by "that's the dumbest post ever on the OH". So my question is: Who is the one attacked someone personally? I have gone out of my way to exercise caution on posting here and I will continue to be cautious to not insult people personally.

You are right. You weren't the one that attacked. I would hope the board moderators would look at the actual exchange and address the poster that was the attacker. Whether you have 15 or 15,000 posts shouldn't make a difference on who has to follow the rules. IMO.

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Obviously the reason that I'm here is to follow the Roberts-to-the-Cubs trade speculation, so a trade of Roberts to another team does interest me. The point that I'm making (and has been made by others) is that there doesn't seem to be any hint of a deal between the Indians and O's mentioned anywhere else, but posters are claiming it is a lot better offer than the Cubs' offer. I think most of us like to look at proposed deals and decide if it would be a good deal for both teams. Obviously, in the end, our opinions don't count.

If you aren't coming on here to hear rumors, why the hell are you here?

BTW, you obviously have no idea where Barfield and Marte are at right now in their careers.

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I am not a big Marquis fan but he has been a better pitcher then Lohse lets be fair.Marquis 68-61 era 4.60,Lohse 63-74 4.80 era.I doubt Marquis would be in the deal but the money would even out.Roberts has about 14million left Payton 5 million.Marquis has 16 million left.Marquis does give you 200 innings every year.By the way Murton 3for3 today.

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I am not a big Marquis fan but he has been a better pitcher then Lohse lets be fair.Marquis 68-61 era 4.60,Lohse 63-74 4.80 era.I doubt Marquis would be in the deal but the money would even out.Roberts has about 14million left Payton 5 million.Marquis has 16 million left.Marquis does give you 200 innings every year.By the way Murton 3for3 today.

I would be interested to compare their numbers from the NL. I know Lohse was pitching in a terrible park for a worse team but I dont have the #s in front of me to compare.

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If you aren't coming on here to hear rumors, why the hell are you here?

BTW, you obviously have no idea where Barfield and Marte are at right now in their careers.

I really don't know why you're so angry. I posted that I am here to read about rumors (specifically the Roberts rumors). I did watch the discussions about the Bedard and Tejada trades even though they didn't involve the Cubs. As a baseball fan, when the Hot Stove League heats up is as interesting as parts of the regular season.

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I am not a big Marquis fan but he has been a better pitcher then Lohse lets be fair.Marquis 68-61 era 4.60,Lohse 63-74 4.80 era.I doubt Marquis would be in the deal but the money would even out.Roberts has about 14million left Payton 5 million.Marquis has 16 million left.Marquis does give you 200 innings every year.By the way Murton 3for3 today.

I'm not comparing Lohse's numbers to Marquis', although they do look fairly similar to me. I'm saying that the Orioles have no reason to take Marquis back in a trade. His contract is just too big. I'd rather have a different 4th guy back and go sign Lohse, if we can sign him to a Fogg-like contract. If Boras refuses to sign him unless he gets Marquis-type money, don't sign him, either. Having Patterson and Lohse, for example, at a much lower cost than Marquis alone is a no brainer, IMO.

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I agree with you number 5 I wouldn't want Marquis because of his contract.Thats why I don't think Payton is in the deal because the Cubs would be taking on about 18 million in contracts.The only way they take on that money is if the Orioles are taking a one lower rated prospect.

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