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2 hours ago, OFFNY said:





Do you really need this explained to you like you as though have been living on the moon ??? ESPECIALLY after you cited the Yankees' not having a losing season since 1992, and my corresponding response ???


I KNOW that you know what I am about to point out to you, so I would appreciate it if you would cut this nonsense out after I make this post.


Citing the Yankees' payroll in relation to that of the Orioles'payroll this season particular season omits the picture/the point of which anybody who has even the slightest idea of understanding overall/broad context knows. Their payroll has dropped considerably over the last 2-3 seasons, but that has been due largely to big contracts coming off the the books (Rodriguez, Teixeira, Jeter, etc), not necessarily a conscious effort by the Yankees to considerably tighten their pocket strings. The Orioles, on the other hand, have had a major black cloud hanging over their head for the past several seasons due to the disastrous Chris Davis contract, and that headache/black cloud will continue to torment and hamstring them for the next several seasons unless Davis decides to abruptly retire and forfeit most of the money still owed to him by the Orioles ........ that would not be the case if he were with the Yankees. For mid-market and small-market teams, if they splurge on one or two highly expensive free agents that don't work out (like the Orioles did with Chris Davis), those teams will likely be moderately to severely hamstrung financially as a result of those signings for several years. Subsequently, in light of all of the money tied up with the Davis contract, the Orioles' hand was forced in regard to trading Manny Machado ....... a team like the Yankees would have no such black cloud hanging over their heads if they were in the same situation. It doesn't matter if they spend a lot of money on free agents that either bust and/or don't live up to the expectations that they had of them when they gave them all of that money (Carl Pavano, A. J. Burnett, Randy Johnson, Alex Rodriguez, Mark Teixeira, etc.) Or for that matter, Derek Jeter in the last few years of his career. Jeter wasn't a free agent signing, but he was a player that was making boatloads of money at that time ($16 Million a year over the final 5 years of his career between 2010 and 2014), and he was nowhere near that type of money player in his last 2 years with the team. But for the Yankees and their short-term and long-term budgets, no matter ....... they can keep spending, with little or no repercussions. There is the luxury tax situation for teams that spend excessively, but I'm talking about repercussions that seriously/adversely affect their thinking and their general financial situation in any meaningful way. Sure, the Yankees would like to avoid the luxury tax when they can, but if they don't, it's not like it then will significantly change their overall situation at-large. They certainly would not be remotely considering the possibility of letting a player like Manny Machado leave via free agency with only a draft pick coming back their way (or trading him, as the Orioles did) if they really wanted to keep him. 

The fact that Yankees can spend and waste and not miss a beat (and the Orioles cannot) is much more fundamentally important when critiquing and comparing a team's spending than is a solitary season's payroll, if the assertion is that they are in the same neighborhood (as yours is.) They are 2 very different neighborhoods, with one similarity.



Go to a Yankees forum and then tell them you are an Orioles fan and gloat about them losing in the playoffs. I am sure it will make them feel better about losing.  I don't understand where you are coming from even after all your posts.  The Orioles were historically bad. The Yankees had an outstanding season.  The Yankees lost in the playoffs to the best team in baseball.  One of the best team ever.  

If you can reconcile to somehow gloating about the Yankees losing in the playoffs I don't understand. If I were a Yankee fan I would be upset we lost in the playoffs but I would consider the season to be a success overall.  The Yankees won 100 games but finished 8 games out. 

The Yankees fans will realize they have more money to spend and will tell you that is because they have such great fans that will fund this.   The Yankees have been to 7 World Series since the Orioles were last there.  

Really it is like a Browns fan gloating that the Patriots lost in the Super Bowl last season.  

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On 10/11/2018 at 10:08 AM, OFFNY said:





Do you really need this explained to you like you as though have been living on the moon ??? ESPECIALLY after you cited the Yankees' not having a losing season since 1992, and my corresponding response ???


I KNOW that you know what I am about to point out to you, so I would appreciate it if you would cut this nonsense out after I make this post.


Citing the Yankees' payroll in relation to that of the Orioles'payroll this season particular season omits the picture/the point of which anybody who has even the slightest idea of understanding overall/broad context knows. Their payroll has dropped considerably over the last 2-3 seasons, but that has been due largely to big contracts coming off the the books (Rodriguez, Teixeira, Jeter, etc), not necessarily a conscious effort by the Yankees to considerably tighten their pocket strings. The Orioles, on the other hand, have had a major black cloud hanging over their head for the past several seasons due to the disastrous Chris Davis contract, and that headache/black cloud will continue to torment and hamstring them for the next several seasons unless Davis decides to abruptly retire and forfeit most of the money still owed to him by the Orioles ........ that would not be the case if he were with the Yankees. For mid-market and small-market teams, if they splurge on one or two highly expensive free agents that don't work out (like the Orioles did with Chris Davis), those teams will likely be moderately to severely hamstrung financially as a result of those signings for several years. Subsequently, in light of all of the money tied up with the Davis contract, the Orioles' hand was forced in regard to trading Manny Machado ....... a team like the Yankees would have no such black cloud hanging over their heads if they were in the same situation. It doesn't matter if they spend a lot of money on free agents that either bust and/or don't live up to the expectations that they had of them when they gave them all of that money (Carl Pavano, A. J. Burnett, Randy Johnson, Alex Rodriguez, Mark Teixeira, etc.) Or for that matter, Derek Jeter in the last few years of his career. Jeter wasn't a free agent signing, but he was a player that was making boatloads of money at that time ($16 Million a year over the final 5 years of his career between 2010 and 2014), and he was nowhere near that type of money player in his last 2 years with the team. But for the Yankees and their short-term and long-term budgets, no matter ....... they can keep spending, with little or no repercussions. There is the luxury tax situation for teams that spend excessively, but I'm talking about repercussions that seriously/adversely affect their thinking and their general financial situation in any meaningful way. Sure, the Yankees would like to avoid the luxury tax when they can, but if they don't, it's not like it then will significantly change their overall situation at-large. They certainly would not be remotely considering the possibility of letting a player like Manny Machado leave via free agency with only a draft pick coming back their way (or trading him, as the Orioles did) if they really wanted to keep him. 

The fact that Yankees can spend and waste and not miss a beat (and the Orioles cannot) is much more fundamentally important when critiquing and comparing a team's spending than is a solitary season's payroll, if the assertion is that they are in the same neighborhood (as yours is.) They are 2 very different neighborhoods, with one similarity.





On 10/11/2018 at 12:32 PM, atomic said:


Go to a Yankees forum and then tell them you are an Orioles fan and gloat about them losing in the playoffs.




You go to a Yankees forum, and congratulate them on their 100-win season and all of their accomplishments over the last 15 years achievements with what is essentially a blank check to cover whatever mistakes that they make.


You made an absurd comparison in terms of the 2 teams' respective payrolls, and I pointed out the obvious to you at each and every point. Now you insist on continuing to be obstinate and moving the goalposts. Now it's, Go to a Yankee forum, and see how they react to your taunting, after I thoroughly undermined your assertion/position. 


I'm an Oriole fan at an Orioles forum, not a troll on another teams' forum. If you aren't happy watching the Yankees fall short of making it to the World Series year after year with their no-risk-no-reward world that they live in (a world that the majority of other Major League teams do not have the luxury of living in), fine. Don't impose your fandom standards on me. 



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8 minutes ago, Curse of the Bamdino said:


I'm just saying ........ phew !!! I think that we all needed this one. Feels great to get off that schneid. 




I think that we needed this one almost as much as the Orioles players did.



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