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D-Cab Still Bad

dan the man

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It won't earn that title until it's 44 pages long, there have been several fistfights, six week-long bans, 12 derailing discussions about the illegitimacy of defensive evaluation/Luis Hernandez/DIPS/VORP, and a offshoot thread dedicated to stream-of-consciousness rambling.

Dibbs on the SOC rambling...

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I know a girl who messed around with Cabrera and said he smoked a lot of marijuana. Not a terribly reliable source, but I don't know why she would make it up. Maybe he just needs to put down the bong. Either way its way too early this spring to tell anything. I do like the idea of throwin' him at the closers role to see how he reacts. It would have to be tough on hitters to face him after a guy like Trachsel or Bradford.

I could see him as Wild Thing like Charlie Sheen, too bad he already wears contacts/glasses.

Guy once threw a no-hitter on LSD. Who cares?

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I know a girl who messed around with Cabrera and said he smoked a lot of marijuana. Not a terribly reliable source, but I don't know why she would make it up. Maybe he just needs to put down the bong.

Come to think of it, he does look blazed every time he's on the mound. :rolleyes:


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Dcab's BB/9 are as follows...

2004 - 5.4

2005 - 4.8

2006 - 6.3

2007 - 4.7

OK, so he's not getting worse like I originally said. I noticed that he threw more BB's last year but that is because he also threw more innings. That said, 2006 was such a bad year for BB's for DCab that 2007 looks like an improvement when it's really just in line with his BB/9 rate from 2005.

So while he's not getting worse, he is in no means getting better. So we're both wrong.

I don't think Cabrera is going to lower his walk rate drastically, like I said. That said I don't think he has to to be successful. But he does need to lower the hits. His stuff was way more hittable last year. Despite having a 6.3 BB/9 rate in 2006, his ERA was way lower that year than it was in 2007 when he had a BB/9 rate of 4.7.

He's got to miss those bats more often.

We are in agreement.

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Guy once threw a no-hitter on LSD. Who cares?

yes, and in that trippy no-hitter Ellis walked eight and hit one batter, which somehow makes the comparison with Cabrera seem all the more apropos..

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It won't earn that title until it's 44 pages long, there have been several fistfights, six week-long bans, 12 derailing discussions about the illegitimacy of defensive evaluation/Luis Hernandez/DIPS/VORP, and a offshoot thread dedicated to stream-of-consciousness rambling.

Anyway, digressing to what every OH thread ends up being about: Is Luis Hernandez a suitable major leaguer?

No, I kid, I kid. :D

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There isn't one soul on this board who would bet a dollar that Cabrera won't walk at least one batter in any given inning.

I probably would. The odds that Cabrera will walk one batter in any given inning are certainly less than 50%. He averages about 5 BB/9 which is just a little more than one every other inning on average. But if you consider that there will be some innings in which he walks multiple batters, the chances that he allows a walk in one particular inning are reduced.

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I know a girl who messed around with Cabrera and said he smoked a lot of marijuana. Not a terribly reliable source, but I don't know why she would make it up. Maybe he just needs to put down the bong.

So, BG, is this what passes for journalism at your high school newspaper?

This is at least the second time you've mentioned this in recent weeks, which means a fair percentage of your relatively few posts have been dedicated to jocking the Orioles big right-hander.

Personally, I don't care if he does or he doesn't, and I wouldn't lose any respect for him either way.

But there's something wrong when you can come on here and repeatedly accuse a member of the ballclub of violating the law of the land based on your not terribly reliable source and not get called on it.

I'm sure if you were flapping your lips about Brian Roberts or Nick Markakis, your head would be spinning with the amount of negative feedback you were hit with. Lucky for you, Cabrera's a popular target.

As for the original gist of this thread. Judging any veteran pitcher in the first few weeks of spring training based on their results in a friggin' exhibition game only makes the person doing the judging look foolish. This is certainly one of the worst threads ever.

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I know a girl who messed around with Cabrera and said he smoked a lot of marijuana. Not a terribly reliable source, but I don't know why she would make it up. Maybe he just needs to put down the bong.

Thats funny, because I know this girl who messed around with you who said that you need to step away from the keyboard before you start spread drug-use allegations about people you don't know.

Just saying.

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I've been one of the harshest critics of CaBBrera on here for awhile now, but even I think it's too soon to start threads like this.


I notice you have a quote from me in your signature line where I state that I don't view "not making outs" as a great stat. Let me expound on this. The reason I don't view this as a "great" stat is it encompasses aspects that have little to do with talent. For example, reaching base via an error is nothing to credit a batter for whatsover. Same as getting hit by a pitch. Yet these are included in your "not making an out" stat. I view baseball as a game where stats should be positive not negative. In other words, I want a hitter to hit the ball and not merely "try to get on base." This comes from a mindset of having played the game at admittedly low levels during the 60's and 70's where the goal was to "earn" your way on base not have it handed to you.

So you can attempt to mock me in your signature line all you want but you are only making light of something you simply are too narrow minded to grasp, and I say that it a positive manner not in a mean spirited manner. Hopefully you will understand what I am explaining here to you.

As far as Cabrera I disagree in the belief that he cannot learn better or more consistent control of his pitches. It requires mental discipline moreso than physical talent. The fact that some games he has control shows it can be done.

However, if indeed he is messing around with grass that would totally explain his problems. He is mentally weak. With that in mind, If I were the Orioles I would cut him loose. I also don't understand how he could pass drug testing if this was true either.

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