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Dempsey on Bautista - "We would have taken care of him in my day. It wouldn't have been pretty."


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Planted more baseballs in his rib cage and tell him to stop whining about it or get off the plate a bit.

Thank you! Finally someone else with some good ole common baseball sense. Bautista can't be allowed to have half the plate covered by theatrics and whining about being hit. Make him be a man like Frank Robinson was who also crowded the plate and was among the leaders in HBP many times, but he took

It like a man unlike Bautista.

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And like RZNJ said, that would just mean Jones would get hit and potentially injured. And then that would start fights, and get players suspended. And then we're without players for important games because we want to be tough guys instead of just playing the game.

This stuff might of been the norm a while ago but it makes very little sense now.

This situation isnt that he crowds the plate so much but that he also whines and showboats so much when he even comes close to being hit. When he should actually be expecting it as it isn't intentional most of the time and he knows it!

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What Buck ought to do is tell the crew chief before any series with the Jays that none of his pitchers should be prevented from throwing a strike on the inside corner because of theatrics, whining and making it seem like they are throwing at him when he hangs over the plate. If he doesn't like being pitched inside with the risk of being hit he should back off the plate or shut up!

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What Buck ought to do is tell the crew chief before any series with the Jays that none of his pitchers should be prevented from throwing a strike on the inside corner because of theatrics, whining and making it seem like they are throwing at him when he hangs over the plate. If he doesn't like being pitched inside with the risk of being hit he should back off the plate or shut up!

Seriously they all stand on top of plate and whine when a pitch comes close. Stfu divas

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He's not out of the batter's box. Any hitter can do it if they want. The problem is that he's good enough to handle the inside fastball even being on top of the plate. He's good. Not many hitters are both a) bold enough to get that close b) be able to handle inside heat being that close. You want to scare Bautista? Then you need to throw high (higher than rib cage if you know what I mean)? That would scare him a lot more than hitting him in the ribs. Willing to do that?

So, what? Can you name any hitter that IS out of the box? The point is Bautista crowds the plate by having his arms positioned near or over the inside corner. His schtick is glaring at pitchers like they're doing something wrong if he has to move at all. Jones doesn't crowd the plate and doesn't act like a jerk.

Bautista also crowds the plate to cover the outer half because he likes to extend his arms. There aren't enough pitchers who are bold enough to command the inner half vs Bautista and sometimes back him off even if that means occasionally hitting him in the ribs. Because I know you're not implying they throw at his head.

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Seriously they all stand on top of plate and whine when a pitch comes close. Stfu divas

Yeah but Bautista and David Ortiz are the two biggest whining showboat babies about in the league from what I have seen and for some reason allowed to get away with it!

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I for one totally disagree. Comments never hurt anyone. What really needs to be done. IS to actually throw at him. Then maybe he WOULD ACTUALLY have something to react to for real. His theatrics IMO are simply a ploy so he can hug the plate and nobody will pitch him inside. In a way, that is kind of smart, not stupid. So inother words he is acting stupid but that is just a cover so he maintains a huge advantage hanging out over the plate. I cannot believe all the astute baseball fans here don't see this for what it really is! What Buck needs to do is start some pitcher the last game of the series (someone he doesn't mind missing a turn due to suspension) and throw one right square at him in his first AB. Tommy Hunter would be a good choice, but he isn't a starter anymore, but I might just start him anyway.

-and I think everyone would have a great laugh if Bautista rushed the mound... seriously that would be a really bad miscalculation on Bautista's part (not saying that Tommy would) but Tommy could bring the pain - and swiftly. Don't mess w/ a judo champ.

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What they ought to do is ban all that body armor these guys wear when coming to the plate. The elbow protectors, forearm guards, shin protectors, etc. I'm sure a lot of these guys would back off the plate if they had some fear of getting plunked on their lead elbow or tricep.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Well I think if your dislike of Dempsey based on the silly petty stuff you wrote and allege is totally absurd and over the top! Same way with that lengthy post by someone before yours describing a so called "dark side" if Dempsey and accusing him of throwing his teammates under the bus when all he said was pitchers weren't holding runners on well ( which probably was true) and defending his ability nearing the end of his career which what player doesnt?
Everybody but you knows that he was a toady for PA and went behind a number of managers' backs because he wanted the job. That maybe ok with you but to me it's pretty sleazy.
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What they ought to do is ban all that body armor these guys wear when coming to the plate. The elbow protectors, forearm guards, shin protectors, etc. I'm sure a lot of these guys would back off the plate if they had some fear of getting plunked on their lead elbow or tricep.

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I don't mind the body armor. But my rule would be that they have to wear it in the field and on the bases. Excluding catcher's gear and batting helmets.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Maybe you missed the part where I said you have to keep Joey Bats honest by throwing in and then going out. Hitting him in the ribs only ensures that Jones will get it in the ribs too. He's been in the league for years. Your not going to stop his whining or get him to move off the plate. Do you think you can?

Joey Bats, are you two friends? No, I didn't miss it in that or any other post because you didn't say it. And even if that's what you think, which I don't necessarily disagree with, what does that have to do with pitchers owning the inner half against a guy who leans in? I don't care about his whining, it's who he is, just glad he's not one of ours. And yes, it can be done.

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You'er getting all weird on me now. Because I called him "Joey Bats", he's my buddy now? LOL

Okay, genius. He's been in the league for 8-10 years and no team has gotten him to move off the plate. What is your brilliant idea again? You're going to drill him in the ribs until he backs 6-12 inches off the plate? Is it as simple as that?

You're a little touchy. You're the guy calling opposing players by their pet names. And nowhere in your previous posts did you say anything about going back out. You may have missed that.

No, that wasn't my idea. I said continue to pitch inside and IF he gets hit it's on him for crowding. He probably won't back off but neither should the pitcher. Savvy, genius?

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Everybody but you knows that he was a toady for PA and went behind a number of managers' backs because he wanted the job. That maybe ok with you but to me it's pretty sleazy.

Well if that is so it should be easy for you to provide a realiable source to prove this is so as it doesn't even seem logical as he didn't end up with the job did he? If he was actually doing so called dirty work for PA where was his reward for it? lol

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Great. Sounds very manly. For every ball we plant in his ribs, they plant one in Adam Jones's ribs. Right? I mean there would be retaliation for each time. Haven't we already hit him a bunch of times. Has that changed his act any?

BTW, I have no problem pitching Bautista inside as the normal course of business. If one gets away a little and hits him, too bad.

So, you've basically said the same thing as me but somehow you get hung up on the ribs of your beloved Joey. Is that it? Or, is it only ok in how you present it? That is, pitching inside should be the normal course of business but only if Joey Bats ( so you're happy ) doesn't take one in the ribs. That about cover it, big guy?

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You're a little touchy. You're the guy calling opposing players by their pet names. And nowhere in your previous posts did you say anything about going back out. You may have missed that.

No, that wasn't my idea. I said continue to pitch inside and IF he gets hit it's on him for crowding. He probably won't back off but neither should the pitcher. Savvy, genius?

Well if we do intentionally hit him try to make it look unintentional. I think some others on this thread are missing the point that if he won't stop the whining and theatrics actually give him something to whine about for real as in the imprint of a baseball all thrown over 90 mph preferably!

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