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Roch: Brady Talks Kim


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"He's big, but he moves well. He moves better than you'd think," Anderson said on Thursday while heading to UCLA for the latest workout. "He's agile for how big he is. Coordinated. I've seen him play other sports.

"I've thrown to him several times. He has a really solid swing. You can tell he's had massive amounts of practice. He's very used to taking batting practice. In America, especially when you reach the majors, players are very aware of the qualities of their practice. My understanding of Korea is they take massive amounts of swings, so he's able to put more effort into our sessions.

"He's just got what seems like a really simple swing, but he hits line drive after line drive. But the thing about him is, he's got a big personality. You'll see when you meet him. He doesn't speak English, but somehow he's funny. You know what he's saying in Korean and it's funny. He fits right in.

"He's about having fun, but he doesn't back away from work. That's a great combination trait. He's just a fun guy to be around. But also, you can tell by his record that when it comes to playing, he posts every game. That's been his track record."

Kim apparently weighed 247 pounds when he signed with the Orioles. Anderson provided some clarity while attempting to lessen the concerns.

"His weight that's listed in Korea is not correct. It was correct when he was 18 years old," Anderson said, explaining the discrepancy.

"I don't really train guys to lose weight. It just happens naturally. Guys that are a little heavy lose weight and guys who need to gain weight gain weight doing the same thing. That's just how it goes. It's what you get out of a good training session. The focus is not on losing weight and has not been."

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One of the most enjoyable parts of spring training for me, since I've never physically been, is to read all the feel good stories about the players. Soon, we will be hearing 99% positives about everybody, we'll hear the story of how one of the players grew up on an alligator farm, how another one saved the life of their boy scout troop leader, etc. I honesty love those stories. To me, tt's the sound of bats of hitting balls after a long winter: spring is arriving. :)

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Just had a flashback of O's coaches saying the same thing about Fahey... the kid just hits line drive after line drive! Lol.

Obviously Kim should be better than Fahey. :)

When I was a poster on the Sunspot board Fahey was all the rage with a few :)

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Just had a flashback of O's coaches saying the same thing about Fahey... the kid just hits line drive after line drive! Lol.

Obviously Kim should be better than Fahey. :)

Brady doesn't strike me as the type to just say nice flowering things about a person. Of course, I could be wrong. :)

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It would be a big boost to the O's if Kim played the OF everyday and hit for a high average and OBP. At 240ish its hard to think of him as fast or having great range. That just means that the outfielder in the other corner needs to have range to make a tight defense. But if Kim can consistently get on base in front of the thumpers he will help the O's.

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Brady doesn't strike me as the type to just say nice flowering things about a person. Of course, I could be wrong. :)

Yes you could - just GM speak I fear.....:slytf: but I reserve further judgment until Drungo, Can, baby powder and Co. expound.....;)

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Well at least we know he wouldn't tell us he works hard if he didn't. Whether or not those line drives translate we'll just have to see.

I also like how he can run that hill, Brady said its the best he seen, he also talked to Roch today, and there is some in there about his weight and how well he moves for such a big guy, I think all of that he is saying is true. GM speak or not, he isn't going to just say something to hear himself talk. Again, IMO

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Yes you could - just GM speak I fear.....:slytf: but I reserve further judgment until Drungo, Can, baby powder and Co. expound.....;)

I don't think it would be helpful for Brady to be anything but complimentary toward Kim at this juncture. They seem to have set Buck up as the bad cop.

Of course that doesn't necessarily mean that Brady wasn't being truthful.

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Right, I mean...

-He hits line drives.

-He works hard.

-Good sense of humor.

-Not as fat as you probably thought.

It's not like he's saying "WAIT TILL YOU GET A LOOK AT THIS GUY".

If he can "rock it" like ol' Bruce (vatech1994) did down there, I'll be satisfied! :wedge: (What ever happened to ol' wedge?) :scratchchinhmm:

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Brad Lidge was on MLB radio saying great things about Kim. Apparently they played together and Lidge predicted him as the top free agent deal of the off season (productivity for dollar value). Spoke highly of his contact rate, ability to get on base, knowledge for the game, crazy work ethic and how great of a teammate he was. Lidge feels it will all transition, so count me in the crowd of excited!

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