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Really??? Jake? Really?


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I just cant imagine any MLB coach being so bad that the coach was ALL of the problem. Didnt Palmer always talk about how good Jake's stuff was and how good he "could" be. I think Jake was his own worst enemy in Baltimore.

Rick Adair may be an exception to your first statement. All you have to do is read the recent SI article on Jake to realize how bad he was for Jake's development, and not particularly fruitful for our other young pitchers. Britton also has some passive agressive criticism of Adair. I find it hard to believe that a MLB pitching coach would mandate such a huge overhaul to a pitcher's mechanics at the MLB level as Adair did with Jake. I get that Jake struggled with the mental part of the process, but there was significant mechanical alterations and pitch limitations which were discarded once he became a Cub. I get that it is water under the bridge, but the organization needs to remember what happened here and grow its development processes with the data points learned from this failure.

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