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Some impressions of Mark Trumbo


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I think that around 2000 roughly 80% of players were on something that's currently banned. I could be convinced it's higher.

Yeah, I'd be in this camp. And, I mean, can you blame guys for using substances that helped them remain in the lineup/rotation, given that their employer hadn't actively banned it?

This is a business, after all. Why wouldn't a guy try what the dude competing for his job was on, if the league hadn't restricted it?

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I am generally a PED agnostic - for most players I have no actionable information relevant to the discussion, and we don't know degrees of impact in any case. I firmly believe that you cannot tease out steroid or other PED use from playing records. Too many other factors at play.

Except David Ortiz. He's guilty as sin.

It would be fabulously interesting to have the correct usage information, the workout regimen and diet information, and correlate those with performance. Those data are only sort of available for a very few athletes (e.g., Bonds and some of the track and field athletes who were outed, for example). It seems clear that PED's can have big effects, but it also seems clear that the effects vary significantly by user, are affected by regimen, etc. Body builders, former East German coaches, etc., have collected these data over the years, but alas most of those data are not available to us. :)

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I know there are a lot of haters on here that disregard the prodigious efforts of this brawny hero, but can we enjoy the ride at least?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Mark Trumbo padded his HR lead today by smashing his 40th of the season! <a href="https://t.co/rLt2pc0Xcq">https://t.co/rLt2pc0Xcq</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BirdlandPowerCo?src=hash">#BirdlandPowerCo</a> <a href="https://t.co/78f5StE6ia">pic.twitter.com/78f5StE6ia</a></p>— Baltimore Orioles (@Orioles) <a href="

">August 28, 2016</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
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Yeah, I'd be in this camp. And, I mean, can you blame guys for using substances that helped them remain in the lineup/rotation, given that their employer hadn't actively banned it?

This is a business, after all. Why wouldn't a guy try what the dude competing for his job was on, if the league hadn't restricted it?

I don't blame them at all. Baseball was actively celebrating the big muscular sluggers. Agents steered players to sources of PEDs. The game had no real testing system. Jim Bouton wrote about greenies and similar things 30 years prior and nothing changed at all and nobody cared. Only after media backlash following Bonds breaking hallowed records did Bud and his cronies start being astonished (just *astonished*, we never suspected a thing!) that their boys from Mayberry would ever do such awful things.

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I don't blame them at all. Baseball was actively celebrating the big muscular sluggers. Agents steered players to sources of PEDs. The game had no real testing system. Jim Bouton wrote about greenies and similar things 30 years prior and nothing changed at all and nobody cared. Only after media backlash following Bonds breaking hallowed records did Bud and his cronies start being astonished (just *astonished*, we never suspected a thing!) that their boys from Mayberry would ever do such awful things.
I don't think it was even Bonds. It was Congress getting involved over kids emulating the players, that lit the fire under Bud.
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Mark Trumbo now has the same number of home runs (40) that Nelson Cruz hit in 2014.

Cruz: .859 OPS, 137 OPS+

Trumbo: .858 OPS, 121 OPS+

Make of that what you will.

Trumbo second half so far: .184 .262 .447 .709 Career second half: .235 .287 .422 .709 Right on schedule
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Mark Trumbo now has the same number of home runs (40) that Nelson Cruz hit in 2014.

Cruz: .859 OPS, 137 OPS+

Trumbo: .858 OPS, 121 OPS+

Make of that what you will.

It certainly shows that the hitting environment is more hitter-friendly now than in 2014.

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Someone will overpay. His overall WAR is less then Markakis. I think WAR is not the end all or be all. It also depends on how you fit into a team and what you have to offer.

WAR isn't the end all be all but it does, in this case, illustrate how much damage he does in the outfield.

A smart team would put him at first or DH.

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