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Orioles inquired about Melvin Upton, Jr (BlueJays)


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Well they would also be adding Upton. By the numbers he seems to be covering his salary.

Perhaps the deal with include a starting pitcher and a couple of our prospects

Really 16.5 million for a 750 OPS, and that's his high for the past 3 years

At some point the O's need to get a few young cost controlled and good players on the roster

If hope we don't give up an Mancini or a Sisco in this years annual bad DD trade deadline deal

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Why make the trade then? For 2017 it helps but they shouldn't give up a prospect for a platoon OF. Upton will play vs RHP, just a question of how much.

Are they willing to lose a prospect of some value just to free themselves of Ubaldo?

1. You unload Ubaldo

2. You improve OF defensive options and line-up vs. LHP

3. You protect against AJ's nagging injuries

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I think connecting the failures of the organization to develop pitching to a Ubaldo salary dump is a huge stretch. The two have almost nothing to do with each other.

The guy had almost 1,300 ML innings when we signed him. This has nothing to do with the organization's "failures in developing pitching."

Or evaluating pitching.

Mike Maddoux was astutely signed by Nats prior to picking a manager, they realize how important pitching is to your club.

I would like to see some focus like that.

Btw, Nats have best ERA in baseball (understand talent and farm system is there but so do many other teams).

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Or evaluating pitching.

Mike Maddoux was astutely signed by Nats prior to picking a manager, they realize how important pitching is to your club.

I would like to see some focus like that.

Btw, Nats have best ERA in baseball (understand talent and farm system is there but so do many other teams).

That's not true. Dusty hired Maddux and not until after he had the job. Dusty hired his whole staff.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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It does involve Cashner per Ken. That makes sense to me. Throwing in a prospect in a Ubaldo for Upton alone makes no sense.


2 prospects.

Its 3. 1 for them taking Ubaldo off our hands and 2 for Cashner himself. Not that hard to understand that tweet yet it seems you didn't.

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The smartest guy in the room on Twitter says it should be Givens AND Sisco AND Ubaldo AND Int $ for Upton.

Obviously Sisco would be too much to give up but Ubaldo, Givens, international bonus slot money and a lower level prospect for Upton seems like it would be a fairly reasonable deal for both sides.

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