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MLB (Orioles) suspended indefinitely


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15 hours ago, atomic said:

I think it would take some kind of miracle at this point for season not to be cancelled. Italy just quarantined 16 million people. 

Really impossible to predict now.We shall see.Experts on infectious disease are still getting the facts China was not totally truthful and data models get a not totally reliable test data.

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43 minutes ago, Going Underground said:

Really impossible to predict now.We shall see.Experts on infectious disease are still getting the facts China was not totally truthful and data models get a not totally reliable test data.

San Francisco banned public events. Look to Italy to what is happening there.  They are saying there will be a max age to go to ICU. So if you are over a certain age you just die at home. They called up retired nurses and doctors.  This things grows exponentially. In a month no is going to care about baseball.

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31 minutes ago, atomic said:

San Francisco banned public events. Look to Italy to what is happening there.  They are saying there will be a max she to go to ICU. So if you are over a certain age you just die at home. They called up retired nurses and doctors.  This things grows exponentially. In a month no is going to care about baseball.

You should get a job with the media... you can stir it with the best of them.

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Just now, orioles119 said:

You should get a job with the media... you can stir it with the best of them.

I think media is not realizing the severity of the situation. Society is going to stop functioning within 2 months. And you are in total denial. Go on a cruise they offering great deals. 

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10 minutes ago, atomic said:

I think media is not realizing the severity of the situation. Society is going to stop functioning within 2 months. And you are in total denial. Go on a cruise they offering great deals. 

Are you some so-called self expert?  I long for the days when doom and gloom meant something different here.

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4 hours ago, orioles119 said:

Are you some so-called self expert?  I long for the days when doom and gloom meant something different here.

I read every article so yeah I am expert compared to you for sure. and I know math so I can see what is going to happen. When paramedics were called to the nursing home in Washington state only 3 staff were there out of 150 employees as everyone stopped coming in. Just think when this hits every nursing home in the country. There will be no staff. When this hits prisons,  guards will stop coming in. 

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7 hours ago, atomic said:

I read every article so yeah I am expert compared to you for sure. and I know math so I can see what is going to happen. When paramedics were called to the nursing home in Washington state only 3 staff were there out of 150 employees as everyone stopped coming in. Just think when this hits every nursing home in the country. There will be no staff. When this hits prisons,  guards will stop coming in. 

The spread is one thing. It’s “gone viral” as the kids say, and nothing is stopping it now. But the mortality rate is another. If it’s like MERS or similar (like you have a 25% chance of dying if you get it) that’s society changing. If it’s more like the flu, or only old folks are screwed, that’s more like everyone calms down in a few weeks. Old folks can’t go on cruises anymore and hedge funds start buying pharmaceuticals and medical stocks instead of T-bills again. Theory (and some scanty empirical evidence) suggests it is evolving to be less virulent. We will see.

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38 minutes ago, Chavez Ravine said:

The spread is one thing. It’s “gone viral” as the kids say, and nothing is stopping it now. But the mortality rate is another. If it’s like MERS or similar (like you have a 25% chance of dying if you get it) that’s society changing. If it’s more like the flu, or only old folks are screwed, that’s more like everyone calms down in a few weeks. Old folks can’t go on cruises anymore and hedge funds start buying pharmaceuticals and medical stocks instead of T-bills again. Theory (and some scanty empirical evidence) suggests it is evolving to be less virulent. We will see.

WHO says death rate is 3.5 percent. In Wuhan Province it was 5.8 percent  As 15 to 20 percent need  ventilators the problems is there won’t be enough for everyone who needs them. The spread is growing at exponential rate.  The problem is a certain point the system can’t handle the load anymore.

Two hopes are that hot humid weather slows spread and perhaps some current drug in market can treat it.  

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6 hours ago, atomic said:

WHO says death rate is 3.5 percent. In Wuhan Province it was 5.8 percent  As 15 to 20 percent need  ventilators the problems is there won’t be enough for everyone who needs them. The spread is growing at exponential rate.  The problem is a certain point the system can’t handle the load anymore.

Two hopes are that hot humid weather slows spread and perhaps some current drug in market can treat it.  

And HHS says the mortality rate is less than 1%.

Some perspective, CDC estimates between 20K and 52K deaths from the flu in the US just this season.


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19 minutes ago, Hazmat said:

And HHS says the mortality rate is less than 1%.

Some perspective, CDC estimates between 20K and 52K deaths from the flu in the US just this season.


Yeah I would not listen to CDC.  .7 x .035 X 300 million = 7.3 Million.  is what you are looking at from Coronavirus.  So yeah your 20,000 is a good perspective.  Also I am not sure why everyone is trying to minimize it including the CDC.  I am glad I sold all my stocks weeks ago.  We shall see what happens. today but it isn't going to be good. 

Riots in Italiian Prisons already with prisoners escaping.  

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5 minutes ago, atomic said:

Yeah I would not listen to CDC.  .7 x .035 X 300 million = 7.3 Million.  is what you are looking at from Coronavirus.  So yeah your 20,000 is a good perspective.  Also I am not sure why everyone is trying to minimize it including the CDC.  I am glad I sold all my stocks weeks ago.  We shall see what happens. today but it isn't going to be good. 

Riots in Italiian Prisons already with prisoners escaping.  

You would listen to WHO before your own government?  Assuming you are American.

As for selling all your stocks, unless you sold before the market tanked, it was a short-sighted move.  But you could buy back in now at a low point and get a good return once things get back to normal.  And they will.

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