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Owners submit new economic plan to union : UPDATED


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Based on Snell’s out of touch comments, I’d be surprised if we see a season with many regulars. I wonder if it’s possible to allow the people who want to play that opportunity and give guys in the minors a shot to come up and take the place of people who don’t feel comfortable with the risk. 

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41 minutes ago, waroriole said:

Based on Snell’s out of touch comments, I’d be surprised if we see a season with many regulars. I wonder if it’s possible to allow the people who want to play that opportunity and give guys in the minors a shot to come up and take the place of people who don’t feel comfortable with the risk. 

Players shouldn’t be forced to play. Let those play that want to and if Snell wants to lose a year of service time he can stay home.

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3 minutes ago, weams said:


I see the line about them risking their health and I can't help but think that they will be taken care of to the extent that the guy bagging their groceries is putting themselves more at risk.  They are going to have private transportation, private hotel rooms, on demand testing.  I don't think they are going to be at much of an increased risk.

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23 hours ago, Philip said:

 Yes baseball players have unique skills, but you are insinuating that their unique skills are worth $30 million a year. Even Jesus was only worth 30 pieces of silver.

Yes, but what is 33AD 30 pcs of silver worth in 2020 dollars?






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26 minutes ago, scOtt said:

Yes, but what is 33AD 30 pcs of silver worth in 2020 dollars? 

I know you probably really didn't want to get an answer to this...but anyway...a piece of silver was a denarius. One was considered a day's pay for common labourer. If we say $15 per hour for a minimum wage times 8 hours a day, that's $120 times 30 is about $3600 in today's money.

And I agree with an earlier post, if you don't feel safe, stay home. If you want to play, come.

26 minutes ago, scOtt said:



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1 hour ago, Can_of_corn said:

I see the line about them risking their health and I can't help but think that they will be taken care of to the extent that the guy bagging their groceries is putting themselves more at risk.  They are going to have private transportation, private hotel rooms, on demand testing.  I don't think they are going to be at much of an increased risk.

Yeah they are less at risk but the guy bagging groceries doesn't have to go work if he doesn't want to.  Players should be able to skip the season if they don't want to play.  They shouldn't be fined or have any repercussions other than losing service time.  


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4 hours ago, DrungoHazewood said:

Yes, and that divided by 12 is about $630k.

The players are going to lose on this.  It's not a case of bookkeeping sleight-of-hand and trying to get one up on the other side in CBA negotiations.  With nobody in the stands and season ticket refunds revenues are going to fall off 50% or more.  The idea that the owners can just keep paying 100% of salaries is kind of nuts.  They'd have to take out multi-million dollar loans or dip into other sources of money.  The players are going to take a severe public relations beating if they don't relax their position.

Like I said I think it is in both there interests to come to an agreement. I don't think it should be based on revenue.  The owners know how much revenue they are going to get.  Without fans it is a pretty simple calculation.   They should just say 70 percent of your pay for guys making over a million. Guys making minimum should still get paid that.  

Basing it on a percentage of the revenue sounds like a salary cap and the players won't accept that. Just say are revenue will be down 50 percent but we will pay you 70 percent of your salaries.  

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1 hour ago, Bahama O's Fan said:

I know you probably really didn't want to get an answer to this...but anyway...a piece of silver was a denarius. One was considered a day's pay for common labourer. If we say $15 per hour for a minimum wage times 8 hours a day, that's $120 times 30 is about $3600 in today's money.

And I agree with an earlier post, if you don't feel safe, stay home. If you want to play, come.


That’s one way of looking at it, but I was thinking about 30 denarii. How much would thirty denarii from 1 AD be worth to a denarii collector? How much did they weigh( $16 per ounce for scrap silver these days)

doubt its close to 30 mill, regardless of the measuring method.

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4 hours ago, bpilktree said:

Here are some comments from Blake Snell of the Rays.  If other players have this attitude you can wrap up the season and start the death of baseball .

Y'all gotta understand, man, for me to go -- for me to take a pay cut is not happening, because the risk is through the roof," Snell said while answering questions on his Twitch channel. "It's a shorter season, less pay.

"No, I gotta get my money. I'm not playing unless I get mine, OK? And that's just the way it is for me. Like, I'm sorry you guys think differently, but the risk is way the hell higher and the amount of money I'm making is way lower. Why would I think about doing that?"

And there you have it. I give him props for be willing to say that publicly. Most fans have no idea that a lot of players are this douchey. He has no care or understanding how the regular Joe, who pays his salary at the end of the day, may look at that and be upset. Be he's gotta get his, ok?  

Honestly, if the players wipe out this season, I'm selling the Hangout. I don't want anything to do with this sport anymore.

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8 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

And there you have it. I give him props for be willing to say that publicly. Most fans have no idea that a lot of players are this douchey. He has no care or understanding how the regular Joe, who pays his salary at the end of the day, may look at that and be upset. Be he's gotta get his, ok?  

Honestly, if the players wipe out this season, I'm selling the Hangout. I don't want anything to do with this sport anymore.

Indeed.  What a douche.

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2 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

I see the line about them risking their health and I can't help but think that they will be taken care of to the extent that the guy bagging their groceries is putting themselves more at risk.  They are going to have private transportation, private hotel rooms, on demand testing.  I don't think they are going to be at much of an increased risk.

It's probably safe to assume that a MLB facility would be one of the safer places to go back to work, anywhere - just because they have the resources to make sure it is safe. The players aren't going to win this PR campaign because your average Joe is working in far less safe conditions for far less money just to survive. There isn't going to be a lot of sympathy from the general public.

I think players should absolutely be given the choice not to play if they don't want, though. I could totally understand why guys like Jon Lester or Anthony Rizzo would want to play it safe after cancer battles.

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