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NEW 60 GAME Proposal [Baseball is Back!]


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4 hours ago, Frobby said:

Saw some stats on this today.   In Florida, testing is up 39% but cases are up 88%.   In Oklahoma, testing is up 45% but cases are up 94%.     On the other hand, in Texas testing is up 77% and cases are up the same amount.    

I don't know much about the June training regimen, but this time of year residents of Florida spend a lot of time indoors to stay out of the heat and rain. If players were doing that when they weren't working on the practice fields, that didn't help. 

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28 minutes ago, Mr. Chewbacca Jr. said:

NYC and New Jersey within the NYC Metro are obviously very different than anywhere else in the country. It by far has the highest population density in the country. Their population overwhelming relies on public transit. I think all things considered, they did pretty good.

To take this back to baseball - I think this shines a light on the concern of COVID and sports teams. Clubhouses are dense places and the virus could easily rip through a team, just like any other disease. By restarting MLB, I don't think anyone can reasonably expect that players or personnel aren't going to test positive at some point - but there needs to be a plan in place to prevent it from taking down everyone once it appears.


I don’t think you need to use the clubhouse that much though.  There is no fans so you can have other places to use for players that normally wouldn’t be available.  Offices other restrooms or any place for a player here and there.  You can still have meetings as well via the teleconference to those places for the players.  Only the field is the place everyone is on.  You don’t even need the dugout if their isn’t fans.  The bullpen the guys can spread out some in the outfield or just stay 6 feet away in the pen.  

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5 hours ago, bpilktree said:

I don’t think you need to use the clubhouse that much though.  There is no fans so you can have other places to use for players that normally wouldn’t be available.  Offices other restrooms or any place for a player here and there.  You can still have meetings as well via the teleconference to those places for the players.  Only the field is the place everyone is on.  You don’t even need the dugout if their isn’t fans.  The bullpen the guys can spread out some in the outfield or just stay 6 feet away in the pen.  

Definitely. All things they should consider adopting to help keep apart as much as possible. Players from the Bundesliga/Premier League have been sitting in the stands instead of the standard bench. No reason MLB couldn't setup temporary facilities in the concourses.

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6 hours ago, atomic said:

NY ran out of people to infect in NY.  They have the worst mortality rate of any place in the world along with New Jersey.  I don't think we should uses NY other than what not to do. 

This underscores what very few on either side of this debate are saying. This virus is going to run it's course no matter what us mere humans do. Masks and social distancing were NOT EVER meant to stop the virus. They were simply meant to slow the explosion of cases that could and would happen in a normal virus situation if it went unchecked. So that hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed with cases like Italy and other places were.

Unless we truly can find a bona fide cure, this virus is stronger than humans. Viruses and bacteria were among the VERY first organisms to evolve on this planet. They will be one of the last to go extinct.

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6 hours ago, bpilktree said:

I don’t think you need to use the clubhouse that much though.  There is no fans so you can have other places to use for players that normally wouldn’t be available.  Offices other restrooms or any place for a player here and there.  You can still have meetings as well via the teleconference to those places for the players.  Only the field is the place everyone is on.  You don’t even need the dugout if their isn’t fans.  The bullpen the guys can spread out some in the outfield or just stay 6 feet away in the pen.  


What about the concession counters? They most resemble dugouts, have capacious nearby rest rooms, and are already equipped with closed-circuit TVs. But you'd have to make sure the beer kegs are removed.

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2 hours ago, atomic said:

I don't think they could have done any  worse if they didn't react at all it probably would have probably had less deaths.  NY had more cases and deaths today than Texas even though they ave 10 million less people.   

On June 21st, there were 665 new cases in NY statewide https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/new-york-coronavirus-cases.html,

but 3,292 new cases in TX statewide https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/texas-coronavirus-cases.html#cases

You previously asserted that NY has simply run out of people to infect--nice joke. But as of this afternoon, there have been approximately 393,300 cases. That leaves over 19 million people who have not been counted as cases. I'm in a densely-populated neighborhood with, relatively speaking, a high number of cases and deaths since it all began, but much less so recently. Everyone I encounter on the street or in places like the 7/11 is wearing masks and keeping the social distances marked out by yellow footsteps on the floors and sidewalks of everyplace from Target's to Subway, the subway, and the skinny UPS depot. Seeing the trends, not the cumulative figures you like to cite, I didn't hesitate to postpone my trip to Miami to conduct important business. After all, it would be in the present that I fall ill, not the past.

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  • weams changed the title to NEW 60 GAME Proposal [Players reject!]
On 6/20/2020 at 4:10 PM, Tony-OH said:

Hey, it's the new norm right? That's what people like you want us to believe right? So how about these older coaches take the year off or retire to their safe, cozy houses where they can wear their masks all day if they want? Apparently people over 60 will never be able to work again if this is the new norm anyways, right? It is up to the fragile to quarantine themselves if they feel like it, not for the world to stop for them. I'm betting very few will actually skip the season even if they are being paid do so.

As for the players, players go on the DL all the time. Have 30 man rosters and another 30 down in Florida ready to go. If a player needs to be quarantined for 14 days, he goes on the 15-day DL and it's next man up. Pretty simple solution.

How about you come explain your views about the disease to my wife and best friend who work on Covid wards?  I thought OH was not about politics, in fact, I’ve been warned for that very reason on this site.

I’m sorry man, I’ve defended you every step of the way but even if you own this site, its not your political platform, and a more calmed down/ level headed version of Tony would agree with that statement.

You can go ahead and ban me if you want, but honestly I expect better from you and am dissapointed.

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9 minutes ago, atomic said:

What does this even mean? The owners should just say season cancelled. 

...Why? To punish the players for trying to take the moral high ground with that statement? That would only further reinforce many’s view that the owners are the bad guys here. Also, it would just suck cuz no baseball. You confuse me. 

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