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Luis Hernandez


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What amazes me is that people are surprised that players who are professional ballplayers only because they can field look somewhat better than Tejada. If Fahey, Gomez, and Hernandez weren't very good fielders they'd be working at Burger King.

Tejada is an excellent player because he's a great hitter and an adequate shortstop. Fahey and co. are minor league shortstops because they're good fielders and whiffle ball hitters.

Actually, Tejada to me is an excellent hitter. He is not an excellent "player" (Cal Ripken you could say that about) because his fielding at short is not as good as the three named above. To me an excellent "player" is one who has an all around game that is excellent including defense. Cal, and even Brian Roberts would fit that bill moreso than Tejada whose main attribute is hitting.The point some of us are making is why does Tejada have to be a shortstop when he isn't all that great at the position and we could have someone there much better defensively?

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For the record, any individual's discussed, and getting paid what they're getting paid, in the line of work they chose, should be able to take criticism, sarcasm, and all forms of ism's, knowing that they put themselves in the public eye and as such are subject to such things. I know I'd love people on this board *****ing about my handling of the pitching staff right about now.

As for the original topic, I don't doubt that he knows what he's doing in the field, the problem occurs when you start to occupy 3 or 4 spots on your rooster with guys who know what they're doing in the field, and swing the proverbial whiffle ball bat.

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If Fahey, Gomez, and Hernandez weren't very good fielders they'd be working at Burger King.

You know, this kind of smart a$$ talk gets really tiresome after a while. Do you have no respect for them as people? Do you think that's all they're capable of doing in life? Fahey, for example, was drafted out of college. Do you think he's so stupid he couldn't have gone to college except for baseball?

Do you actually think this is funny? Do you actually think these three, who have given their best effort on the diamond every time I've seen them, would be amused? Then again, they might not care. They're playing in the major leagues, and no one posting here ever will. Does this attitude come from some kind of jealousy?

Just the other day, one of the list managers was asking for more respect from the posters for players because a lot of them read here, particularly minor leaguers.

Maybe it's time the people responsible for the board set an example.

Postscript: Sorry, shot from the hip here, and didn't see that other posters had made similar comments. But I think I'll stand by it rather than deleting it.

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Actually, Tejada to me is an excellent hitter. He is not an excellent "player" (Cal Ripken you could say that about) because his fielding at short is not as good as the three named above. To me an excellent "player" is one who has an all around game that is excellent including defense. Cal, and even Brian Roberts would fit that bill moreso than Tejada whose main attribute is hitting.The point some of us are making is why does Tejada have to be a shortstop when he isn't all that great at the position and we could have someone there much better defensively?

The problem is your analysis of Tejada's defense is wrong.

This year, his stats say he is above average.

And throughout his career, he has been an average to slightly above defensive SS.

Many of you make him out to be the Bobby Bonilla of SS. That is totally wrong.

Now, i would like to upgrade the defense at SS but not with players who will be lucky to have a 700 OPS or something like that.

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The problem is your analysis of Tejada's defense is wrong.

This year, his stats say he is above average.

And throughout his career, he has been an average to slightly above defensive SS.

Many of you make him out to be the Bobby Bonilla of SS. That is totally wrong.

Now, i would like to upgrade the defense at SS but not with players who will be lucky to have a 700 OPS or something like that.

I don't want average to slightly above at shortstop which is the key positon in the infield much like CF is to the outfield. I want a superb fielding shortstop. Tejada's bat can still be in the lineup but I want a defensive upgrade at that position big time. Aparicio, Belanger, Cal, and Bordick were all superior shortstops to Tejada in my opinion, and I am not basing it on stats but on observation. I honestly did not realize it either until after Tejada was put on the DL. After watching Gomez, Fahey and Hernandez man the position they are clearly an upgrade so why should we settle for less when Tejada could DH?

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Actually, Tejada to me is an excellent hitter. He is not an excellent "player" (Cal Ripken you could say that about) because his fielding at short is not as good as the three named above. To me an excellent "player" is one who has an all around game that is excellent including defense. Cal, and even Brian Roberts would fit that bill moreso than Tejada whose main attribute is hitting.The point some of us are making is why does Tejada have to be a shortstop when he isn't all that great at the position and we could have someone there much better defensively?
Tejada is as good or better of a defensive SS than Roberts is a defense 2B.

Tejada is now declining while Roberts is still in his prime, so that'll change slowly, but Tejada at his best is better than Roberts at his best, and Miggy is still pretty solid in the field.

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I don't want average to slightly above at shortstop which is the key positon in the infield much like CF is to the outfield. I want a superb fielding shortstop. Tejada's bat can still be in the lineup but I want a defensive upgrade at that position big time.

I would like a better fielder at SS too....But not someone who can't hit their weight.

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I don't want average to slightly above at shortstop which is the key positon in the infield much like CF is to the outfield. I want a superb fielding shortstop. Tejada's bat can still be in the lineup but I want a defensive upgrade at that position big time.
moving Tejada off of SS cuts his value. His biggest asset is his ability to play a solid SS. If he was a 3B or 1B or DH the numbers he puts up wouldn't be as valuable because it wouldn't be as far above average as they are when compared to the average SS.
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moving Tejada off of SS cuts his value. His biggest asset is his ability to play a solid SS. If he was a 3B or 1B or DH the numbers he puts up wouldn't be as valuable because it wouldn't be as far above average as they are when compared to the average SS.

I disagree because he is nothing special defensively, but his offense would be just as much value as a DH or third baseman. I really hate to see him back out there on the field at the position even though his bat is a plus. He takes away from the defense IMO. I just am not much of a fan of his fielding. To me a superb, slick fielding shortstop is more vital than offense out of that position. Maybe I am just old school but that is how I see it. I will take defense over offense every time from a shortstop. In fact after his being on the bench and the team playing better, I now hope they trade him for either a left fielder or first baseman with power. I think the team is playing much better without him and perhaps they kind of relied on his production too much to begin with.

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You know, this kind of smart a$$ talk gets really tiresome after a while. Do you have no respect for them as people? Do you think that's all they're capable of doing in life? Fahey, for example, was drafted out of college. Do you think he's so stupid he couldn't have gone to college except for baseball?

Do you actually think this is funny? Do you actually think these three, who have given their best effort on the diamond every time I've seen them, would be amused? Then again, they might not care. They're playing in the major leagues, and no one posting here ever will. Does this attitude come from some kind of jealousy?

Just the other day, one of the list managers was asking for more respect from the posters for players because a lot of them read here, particularly minor leaguers.

Maybe it's time the people responsible for the board set an example.

Postscript: Sorry, shot from the hip here, and didn't see that other posters had made similar comments. But I think I'll stand by it rather than deleting it.

Calm down. I meant no disrespect to Fahey or anyone else, and I don't have any idea why trying hard even comes into play. I think everyone here knows what I meant - if Fahey and Hernandez and Gomez weren't very good fielders they'd be doing something other than playing professional baseball. The Burger King comment may have been a little off base, but c'mon, it was a throw-away comment, not in any way meant to be taken seriously.

Jealousy? Huh? All I'm doing is analyzing the Baltimore Orioles. I'll readily admit all of these guys are 100 times the ballplayer I ever was. But that's completely irrelevant. Major leaguers have to be the top 1% of the top 1% of the top 1%. If you can't hit at all, you're not there.

I have no doubt (or at least no information) that any of them are anything but standup guys, good people, and hard workers. But none of that matters when you're sporting a .400 OPS like Fahey.

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Calm down. I meant no disrespect to Fahey or anyone else, and I don't have any idea why trying hard even comes into play. I think everyone here knows what I meant - if Fahey and Hernandez and Gomez weren't very good fielders they'd be doing something other than playing professional baseball. The Burger King comment may have been a little off base, but c'mon, it was a throw-away comment, not in any way meant to be taken seriously.

What's also funny is that they are defending people that even at

the minimum salary probably won't have to work at all the next

two years if they have even a basic understanding of how to manage

money. I understand that they only make the big bucks for playing

a full season ($300,000...or whatever the league minimum is now..$400,000?)

but even with a third of a season played, that still $100,000. How many

people here are making that much money? I ain't...


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I don't want average to slightly above at shortstop which is the key positon in the infield much like CF is to the outfield. I want a superb fielding shortstop. Tejada's bat can still be in the lineup but I want a defensive upgrade at that position big time. Aparicio, Belanger, Cal, and Bordick were all superior shortstops to Tejada in my opinion, and I am not basing it on stats but on observation. I honestly did not realize it either until after Tejada was put on the DL. After watching Gomez, Fahey and Hernandez man the position they are clearly an upgrade so why should we settle for less when Tejada could DH?

The problem with that is that a great fielding shortstop who can also hit is quite rare. There are only a handful in the world at any one time. If you replace Tejada with a great fielder, he'll be worse at the plate, almost guaranteed. Probably a lot worse. If you move Tejada to another position, he'll be a lot less valuable to the team.

Look at it this way: Fahey might be 15 runs better than a replacement shortstop with the glove, but nearly that below replacement with the bat. Tejada might be five runs above replacement with the glove, but 30, 40, 50 above with the bat.

As a DH Tejada is zero with the glove, and probably 10 or 15 with the bat.

The math just doesn't work. Unless the O's come up with 30 or 40 runs from another position DHing Tejada and playing a Fahey in the field will cost the team 3-5 wins.

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The problem with that is that a great fielding shortstop who can also hit is quite rare. There are only a handful in the world at any one time. If you replace Tejada with a great fielder, he'll be worse at the plate, almost guaranteed. Probably a lot worse. If you move Tejada to another position, he'll be a lot less valuable to the team.

Look at it this way: Fahey might be 15 runs better than a replacement shortstop with the glove, but nearly that below replacement with the bat. Tejada might be five runs above replacement with the glove, but 30, 40, 50 above with the bat.

As a DH Tejada is zero with the glove, and probably 10 or 15 with the bat.

The math just doesn't work. Unless the O's come up with 30 or 40 runs from another position DHing Tejada and playing a Fahey in the field will cost the team 3-5 wins.

Maybe so but the only way to know for sure would be to try it. If I was Trembley I think I would give it a shot, although I believe I might send Fahey down and keep Hernandez as he looks like he's as good with the glove and might be better with the stick. I also think that Tejada's problem with turning routine double plays which doesn't create an error or show in the stats, really can cause momentum and morale problems for his teammates especially the pitchers in a tight game. You can't pinpoint the pyschological harm that does to a team and I think that is where Tejada is a liabiity.

If he's a DH that problem is cured. However, I understand your point but I also think Tejada could be traded and his offense made up for at another position and his defense improved by having a better fielder at short. The offense will be a wash if another good offensive player is added at another position. I think some here underestimate the value to the pitching staff in having a great defensive shortstop. Next to catcher there is no other more critical defensive position. Tejada is not good enough in the field IMO at such a key position.

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That is very true...the day this site adds a spell check feature my life will get a lot easier.

There actually is - when you do your comments, a red marker appears underneath the error and will let you know if you have misspelled :cool: . So you can correct these errors before you hit submit.

Now back to the saga of the light-hitting, slick fielding Hernandez, et al.

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