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Schmuck: Ramon Deal to Cincy all but Complete


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Heather, hopefully you will get Ramon circa 2006 - when he hit and totally controlled the running game. I could not figure out how he went from being a force behind the plate in 06 to what he was last year.

Thanks! I actually mentioned that at the Reds board a little while ago. I only started wanting to throw things through the TV at him this year so maybe a change of scenery will help him out and he can play more like that Ramon than the one the O's got stuck with last year. :)

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There will be a lot of people eating some serious crow in the not too distant future for their perception on Freel. He will be an asset.

If he stays healthy, you'll be signing his praises

Good defense and speed, you can put Freel in the line-up w/o forfeiting AB's ala Bynum or Fahey or Castro and w/o forfeiting defense ala Montanez and Salazar and Cintron

HUGE upgrade at the utility position for us. Getting rid of Ramon meant eating contract or taking some back. Don't hate, congratulate

This team can use some players with fire in their bellies

Even if he's the greatest utility player in the history of utility players, he's got no long term value for this club. We might enjoy watching him play for a year in 2009, but if we resign him after that at his age to anything like the contract he's got now, I'll have a coronary.

My perception of Freel has nothing to do with what he can contribute during a rebuilding year to a team destined to win maybe 70 games. It has to do with the fact he'll be taking a roster spot from either Montanez or Salazar, either of whom could be part of our plans when we actually have a shot to compete.

Now if Freel leads us to a wild card berth as a 4th outfielder, I'll gladly eat crow for a month. Otherwise, he's just an overpriced veteran we don't actually need who's wasting a roster spot IMHO.

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From the Cincinnati Enquirer:

Just talked to Walt Jocketty. He would not say that the Ramon Hernandez-for-Ryan Freel deal is done.

But he hinted that it's close.

"I'll tell you all about it later," he said.

Does that mean you'll have something to announce?

"We're meeting at 4:15, right?" Jocketty said.

That's the time of our daily meeting.

But as walked away, he said: "We'll have something."

The Baltimore Sun guys believe the deal is awaiting approval of the commissioner's office because the Orioles will send $1 million to the Reds in the deal.

Stay tuned.


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I have to think Freel's purpose is to be part of another trade. Maybe not right away, but before spring training.

Also, in the unlikely scenario where Roberts gets traded, he is fallback plan to play 2B.

This trade is more about setting up for future deals.

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While we all hate him here, Ramon has a very good shot at being a Type A/B free agent next year. He wouldn't have been for us because of Wieters, but he probably will for the Reds.

That gives MacPhail some leverage in asking for decent prospects in return, because the Reds will most likely get picks to replace them.

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I have to think Freel's purpose is to be part of another trade. Maybe not right away, but before spring training.

Also, in the unlikely scenario where Roberts gets traded, he is fallback plan to play 2B.

This trade is more about setting up for future deals.

Okay this makes sense. I don't see AM bringing Freel on board for his short term benefit.

But if its part of a larger strategy, it totally fits with AM's "mad genius" profile. Wheels within wheels...

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