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The Mark Teixeira Watch part III


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I wanted to add my couple pennies on this whole debate about insiders and what they have to say. I think we have to keep in mind that they really don't have any vested interest in giving us this information. I seriously doubt bigbird or belkast sit at home and somehow derive some thrill, or improvement in self-esteem, or benefit from doing this.

The reason I bring it up is because I bet alot of us assume they do get something out of it - deep down we think, "man, I wish I could give that information and get all this activity on the HO going," or something along those lines. Basically, there is probably a bunch of jealousy.

But if you take it a step further, to be in their shoes can't be all that. I don't think I would get anything out of giving that information, except for the simple joy of passing it along to the Hangout crowd.

I don't know if that makes much sense, but it seemed worth a try at sharing.

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Boras couldn't care less what hat Teixeira ends up wearing, he just wants wherever he ends up to be for the biggest contract possible.

He'll get the largest offers he can from each team, then Tex will pick which he will take, and my guess is he goes to whomever makes the largest offer.

Point is, a Boras rumor ABOUT the Red Sox isn't going to garner a higher bid FROM THE RED SOX.

So either it wasn't his rumor, or he it isn't the Sox he is trying to drive up.

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In the end it is going to come down to this question:

Does Tex want to take less money and less years so he can win quicker, or does he want to take the most money and have long term security, but at the expense of winning right away?

The Red Sox aren't going 9 or 10 years for 25 million a season and neither are we, but we are offering long term security for Tex. He'll still be making over 15 million when he's in his late 30's even if he suffers a career ending injury. You can't say that about the Sux offer. Also the way Boston treats players, they use them and then throw them away. They've done it to Pedro, Schilling, want to do it to Lowell and eventually Ortiz. The Orioles don't do that to their players. They even let Palmeiro have a graceful (as could be) exit.

I say he chooses the Orioles for those very reasons.

Long term security? He could sign a 1 year 25 million dollar deal and have long term security. If you are suggesting that 6/150 isn't long term security, then I'd think your mistaken.

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I wanted to add my couple pennies on this whole debate about insiders and what they have to say. I think we have to keep in mind that they really don't have any vested interest in giving us this information. I seriously doubt bigbird or belkast sit at home and somehow derive some thrill, or improvement in self-esteem, or benefit from doing this.

The reason I bring it up is because I bet alot of us assume they do get something out of it - deep down we think, "man, I wish I could give that information and get all this activity on the HO going," or something along those lines. Basically, there is probably a bunch of jealousy.

But if you take it a step further, to be in their shoes can't be all that. I don't think I would get anything out of giving that information, except for the simple joy of passing it along to the Hangout crowd.

I don't know if that makes much sense, but it seemed worth a try at sharing.

I pretty much agree with this.. BUT, if you pay attention to the way they seem to be idolized and glorified on here at times- usually when they bring GOOD news, I'd say it could have some effect on them, if not at least a reason for a good laugh. Although I'd have to imagine all the badgering would get pretty old sometimes.

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I think that Boras has really had a hard time getting the deal that he wants from the ball club that he wants. The market isn't what he was expecting it would be, therefor the delay (and the attempt to get more major-market clubs involved).

This is true IMO. The Sux are just not offering anything near the 10/200 Boras wants, if they have offered anything at all. If Belkast is accurate, then he has that much from the O's and is trying to get Boston to come near to it. I can't see the MFY's being all that interested in Tex and I don't see Tex playing on the OC unless the LAA's go well beyond the O's wow offer. I would characterize Tex' prorities as:

Family = O's

Money = O's

Winning = Sux, LAA's

Hometown hero thing = O's

and in that order. 3 out of 4 and bad.:)

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This is true IMO. The Sux are just not offering anything near the 10/200 Boras wants, if they have offered anything at all. If Belkast is accurate, then he has that much from the O's and is trying to get Boston to come near to it. I can't see the MFY's being all that interested in Tex and I don't see Tex playing on the OC unless the LAA's go well beyond the O's wow offer. I would characterize Tex' prorities as:

Family = O's

Money = O's

Winning = Sux, LAA's

Hometown hero thing = O's

and in that order. 3 out of 4 and bad.:)

I agree with this assessment. Also, if the "Wow" offer has been put on the table and Angelos is involved, then Boras is probably attempting to sweeten the pot just a bit more and add in some nice perks for his client. These things take time but hopefully everything is resolved in our favor within the next couple of days. Assuming, of course, that we are the highest bidder.

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