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The Teixeira Watch: Part IV


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I really liked the 1938 Berlin comment.

I'm reading a book right now called "The Plot Against America". It's a fictional piece which a Facist Charles Lindberg is elected President in 1940. If you could only imagine what America would have been like with a Facist sympathizer in the White House during that time, and how different the world would be.

I personally find Frank4Pappas absense, after disputing the validity of some of the insiders, to be a more disturbing event. Maybe it's the book talking, but...

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This is just my opinion, but if these negotiations get out of hand (and if the inside info is true, they are), wouldn't it be best for the O's to turn their attention to filling other holes? Don't get me wrong, I'd love for Teixeira to come to Baltimore, but it sounds like the price to acquire him is bordering on the ridiculous (again, assuming the info we are hearing is true). A few days ago, I was on the "sign him for 10/200" bandwagon. But the more I think about it, the idea of throwing 20+ million per year at someone rarely, if ever, works out.

Look at the Astros. They have an overpriced SS they can't get rid of, and a LF who is eating a large chunk of their salary for the next few years. And one ace (Oswalt) and a bunch of rotation "filler". Their farm system is depleted, and they don't have the money to fill their holes (pitching, catcher, 2B, 3B, CF). I believe that the Orioles could be in that exact same position if the Tex deal happens.

I realize what an important signing Teixeira would be for the organization, but we are talking an insane amount of cash here. I would feel 100 times more comfortable with it if the O's were one MarkTeixeira away from contending in the next three years. But the likely reality is that they aren't. Not as presently built. Yes, Tillman, Arrieta, Matusz could all come up to the Bigs and be lights-out in a couple of years. But it's just as likely that at least one of them will be a bust. There are no guarantees either way, but if I were a betting man, I'd bet that the Orioles would still short, because their ability to plug holes on the roster would be cash-limited.

Now, if they do sign Teixeira, the O's could, and I assume, would, go out and sign one or two of Sheets, or Garland, or Redding, or one of the Japanese guys to round out the rotation. Does that make them contenders? Seriously? While Sheets, Guts, Garland (no , I don't want them to sign Garland, but he has been linked) is a decent 1-2-3 punch, I doubt it scares the pants off of teams. And it isn't exactly Beckett-DiceK-Lester, or even Kazmir-Sonnastine-Shields-Price.

I guess my point is that I'll be happy if they sign him, but I am not about to be disappointed by it if he doesn't, if the price gets to that point. In fact, I am almost to the point where I believe they should just move on. Sorry to all of you that think that Tex just wants to play in Baltimore. If that were the case, it'd be a done deal already. The sad reality is that money talks. Money, coupled with the greater chance of post-season success, is a tough tandem for the Orioles to beat. And Tex can't be blamed for jumping on that opportunity.

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I'm reading a book right now called "The Plot Against America". It's a fictional piece which a Facist Charles Lindberg is elected President in 1940. If you could only imagine what America would have been like with a Facist sympathizer in the White House during that time, and how different the world would be.

I personally find Frank4Pappas absense, after disputing the validity of some of the insiders, to be more disturbing event. Maybe it's the book talking, but...

I read that book too. It's on the table next to me right now.

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I'm reading a book right now called "The Plot Against America". It's a fictional piece which a Facist Charles Lindberg is elected President in 1940. If you could only imagine what America would have been like with a Facist sympathizer in the White House during that time, and how different the world would be.

I personally find Frank4Pappas absense, after disputing the validity of some of the insiders, to be more disturbing event. Maybe it's the book talking, but...

Good book!!

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Does anyone doubt that it was either Boras himself or one of his associates who spoke to Ravetch (sp?) about how it kept "coming back to Baltimore"? I hope Tex is not messing with us through all this. Boras, I expect it from. I can't see Tex doing this to us. My faith here is with Belkast. Too much quiet on the western front for this to be a bunch of hooie.

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This has been posed before, but what are your feelings on where MacPhail goes from here, IF he loses out on Teixeira?

If we lose out on Teixeira then B-Rob, Markakis, Sherrill, etc... (<--- most of the veterans) will be gone in a heartbeat. We'll end up like the Marlins, trading away any player that's set to earn millions in arbitration while patrolling the basement for years to come... Out of that nightmare scenario and back to reality... I'm still optimistic that we'll get Tex (I'm about 70-30 on getting him), or It'll be a HUGE black-eye on this franchise and good luck getting ANY players to sign here if we dont.

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I don't know if this has been posted by I just saw it on mlbtr


A general manager of one of the five teams involved in the Mark Teixeira talks said this morning that in his opinion if the talks ended right now, Boston would land the coveted free-agent first baseman.

Could It be AM telling him that?

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Ain't gonna happen :) but,


Meh. Other than Roberts, there really isn't anyone else to use to hold said firesale. There appears to be little to no interest in Huff. I would have to imagine Sherrill has little value right now. And, despite what you think they should do, they aren't going to trade Markakis right now.

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