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The Teixeira Watch: Part V - AM says the O's "have flexibility" on Tex


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Sorry for the change of pace here.....

But the Yankees press conference is going on where they are introducing CC and AJ and it is just sickening.

They have so much going for them it makes me sick. The new stadium, tons of money....BLAH

Come on AM, lets shake things up in the AL east. Go get Tex. PPPPPlleease I cannot take this ESPN garbabe love fest anymore with the Sox and Yanks.

It must end..........

(Sorry for the rant)

It's alright...there will be that one day during the season when we really slap the taste out of their mouth.

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Straight from ESPN interview with Sabathia:

"I think this is the best place for me to try to win a championship."

I'm going to laugh when they dont even make the playoffs again... stupid yankees, thinking they can buy a championship :angryfire:

Exactly. I used to like CC until this. What happened to playing out west for an NL team CC? The money got to him. Not a chance to win a ship, not a chance to put on the pinstripes (like A-Rod tried to claim) but it was the greed. I hope he slumps big time next year. We will see how much he loves NY once their fans start booing him right off the mound.

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With the attention given to Tex and his roots in Baltimore and the report that he has "an enormous attraction" to the Orioles - I think both the FO and Angelos know they can't lose Tex without going down swinging. I see this playing out two ways and two ways only:

1. The Red Sox throw an absurd amount of money at Tex that would just be stupid for the Orioles to counter. Like 10 / 230 (absurd). Tex goes to the Red Sox.

2. The O's drop an offer of 9 / 180 or above. Tex goes to the O's.

I agree with this. While it would be monumentally disappointing if #1 happens, we at least made the sox pay huge for him. I know, not much of a consolation prize.

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Straight from ESPN interview with Sabathia:

"I think this is the best place for me to try to win a championship."

I'm going to laugh when they dont even make the playoffs again... stupid yankees, thinking they can buy a championship :angryfire:

Didnt Mussina say basically the same thing. Look where it go him. Retired with how many rings?

How many?

Oh! That would be 0. None. Nada. Zilch!

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Sorry for the change of pace here.....

But the Yankees press conference is going on where they are introducing CC and AJ and it is just sickening.

They have so much going for them it makes me sick. The new stadium, tons of money....BLAH

Come on AM, lets shake things up in the AL east. PPPPPlleease I cannot take this ESPN garbabe love fest anymore with the Sox and Yanks.

It must end..........

(Sorry for the rant)

I feel like the O's could have all of this. Maybe not on a New York level, but the Birds have had the great stadium that is a cash cow and they have a fledgling TV Network. The difference has been ownership and the quality of the GM running the show.

I remember a year or two ago, attending the last game of the season (against the Yankees). Tejada came out and no one cheered, A-Rod came out and the stadium was en fuego. After the game, I ran into two Yankees fans looking at the Orioles Hall of Fame on Eutaw. We got to talking and I won't forget what they said.

"You know, this stuff happens" said the older gentlemen. "I remember in the late 80's the Yankees had Don Mattingly and that was it. The stadium was never half full and they were just lousy. This is a good stadium, and they'll make it back."

Perhaps he just saw a dejected younger Orioles fan after another disapointing year and decided to take a fatherly aproach, maybe he secretly admired the Birds, I dunno. But every time I look at Camden Yards half empty, I think of what that man said. We'll make it back one day, Camden Yards will be rocking, it'll be impossible to get a ticket, and the Birds will be the talk of the town 'cause they're winning so much.

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Funny that it just happened to be the place were he got the most money.:D

Seriously... It's all about the money, nevermind that the last time the yankees were in the series was 2003 and they lost to the MARLINS of all teams... best place to win a championship my a$$

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Exactly. I used to like CC until this. What happened to playing out west for an NL team CC? The money got to him. Not a chance to win a ship, not a chance to put on the pinstripes (like A-Rod tried to claim) but it was the greed. I hope he slumps big time next year. We will see how much he loves NY once their fans start booing him right off the mound.

I agree with the this. Although you cannot fault the man for taking the most money by any means....after all this is a business.

But, with that said, I look at him as a hired gun by the Evil Empire.

Fair or not, he has to live up to it, and based on history, he is great in the regular season and tanks in the playoffs.

Thankfully, being an Orioles fan, they did not get Santana. He is a much better and much more "clutch" guy than Sababthia IMO.

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Earl if your job offers you a 20% increase to work in Boston wouldn't you take it? Especially if that increase=millions.

Cost of living is close to that much more in Boston. Plus from Teix's perspective, he would need to buy a 2nd house in a very expensive real estate market (Boston.)

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I agree with the this. Although you cannot fault the man for taking the most money by any means....after all this is a business.

But, with that said, I look at him as a hired gun by the Evil Empire.

Fair or not, he has to live up to it, and based on history, he is great in the regular season and tanks in the playoffs.

Thankfully, being an Orioles fan, they did not get Santana. He is a much better and much more "clutch" guy than Sababthia IMO.

I don't know, Sabathia was pretty clutch in getting the Brewers to the playoffs this year.

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I feel like the O's could have all of this. Maybe not on a New York level, but the Birds have had the great stadium that is a cash cow and they have a fledgling TV Network. The difference has been ownership and the quality of the GM running the show.

I remember a year or two ago, attending the last game of the season (against the Yankees). Tejada came out and no one cheered, A-Rod came out and the stadium was en fuego. After the game, I ran into two Yankees fans looking at the Orioles Hall of Fame on Eutaw. We got to talking and I won't forget what they said.

"You know, this stuff happens" said the older gentlemen. "I remember in the late 80's the Yankees had Don Mattingly and that was it. The stadium was never half full and they were just lousy. This is a good stadium, and they'll make it back."

Perhaps he just saw a dejected younger Orioles fan after another disapointing year and decided to take a fatherly aproach, maybe he secretly admired the Birds, I dunno. But every time I look at Camden Yards half empty, I think of what that man said. We'll make it back one day, Camden Yards will be rocking, it'll be impossible to get a ticket, and the Birds will be the talk of the town 'cause they're winning so much.

Great post, and I too agree we will make it back. Patience my friend is a great virtue. It sucks in the now, but hopefully we will be back soon...

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