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Are the O's turning a corner?


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The pitchers believes in themselves and are pitching well.

The defense has range and is playing well.

The offense is now starting to hit well and Adley could be with the team in  3 games.

Grayson and Hall could be called up with in a month.  Stowers could also be up in that timeframe putting a hitter of the bench every night to pitch hit.

The infield which was a hole now could be part of the solution.   Mateo, Odor and Urias are part of a strong infield defense.

What do you think?

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I don’t see Hall in the majors that soon. 

Not a fan of Odor.

I think they wait on Stowers until there is an injury/trade. 

I think pitching was way ahead of hitters this year with a short ST & the balls. I fully expect our pitching to regress pretty significantly. 

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Why Not?  (Too soon?) They are starting to be a fun team to watch. 

Splitting w/the AL Central Twins was a good week. Let's hope this continues with the bottom of the AL Central (KC and DET) in 2 of the next 3 series. 



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I'm hopeful the offense is starting to click.  Mullins seems like he might be on the verge of one of his insane hot streaks.  Mountcastle starting to heat up (might he just be a slow starter?)  Hays appears to be healthy and finally starting to hit that potential.

I'm hopeful that Urias will reclaim 2nd where he really belongs soon.  Our total zero at C should soon be replaced by at least an average bat (maybe more so, just trying not to pin too much on Rutschman just yet).  Mateo will probably be a weak link offensively at SS, and then still a total hole at 3rd that doesn't look to be filled anytime soon.  And of course, the bench is terrible.

Pitching will almost certainly regress some, but should also be supplemented by help on the way.

I can definitely see this team playing close to .500 ball in the latter half of the year, and then ready to fully compete next year - with some appropriate supplementation.

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I think a better way to say it is that the Orioles have cleared the bottom.  And are beginning the climb back.  There is a long way to go.

I mean we have the #1 rated system in the minors and will likely have 4 to 6 of those guys up soon.  It's gonna start looking better.

I am still hoping for 67 or so wins, which would be a 15 game improvement from '21.  The Orioles are 10-16 basically a pace to win 62 games.

I think that is doable and would be pleased to get over that number.  But we are still not on that pace.  

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I was thinking the same thing. We have played some of the better teams in the AL so far and were competitive in most of them. Now comes the hard part, a winning culture. We have players, coaches and managers that are so used to losing, you expect it. Now we need the mind set that we can go out and win every night. That doesn't come easily and it's hard to shake off all of those bad performances. 

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Not sure if they've turned the corner just yet. 

I'm still not sure what to think of the pitching. Have they really improved this much or is it more the balls and short spring.

The team has been fun to watch though, and excitement is building towards the call ups of Adley, Grayson and DL. 

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2 hours ago, wildcard said:

The pitchers believes in themselves and are pitching well.

The defense has range and is playing well.

The offense is now starting to hit well and Adley could be with the team in  3 games.

Grayson and Hall could be called up with in a month.  Stowers could also be up in that timeframe putting a hitter of the bench every night to pitch hit.

The infield which was a hole now could be part of the solution.   Mateo, Odor and Urias are part of a strong infield defense.

What do you think?

I love your consistency wildcard.  The board is a more pleasant place because of it.

You think the Orioles compete for the division now?  Or just have to settle for a WC spot?

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