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Teixeira Announcement at 1


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It was 1977 or 1978 I believe when I once wore a Yankees cap at Memorial Stadium. It was a Saturday or Sunday afternoon of a 4 game series against the Yankees. On the way to the game my friend whips out the cap and says lets wear Yankee colors and "see what happens" He had a jersey or jacket or something and wanted me to wear the cap. We knew it was dangerous and that is why we did it. Well I did it so my friend would not think I was afraid.

Ok this wasnt 2008 or 1998. It was 1978 at memorial Stadium and things were different then. Those of you who were not there in those days may not get this.

We sat in the bleachers and then put on the Yankees stuff. It didnt take 2 minutes before obsene comments and then stuff was getting tossed our way. At first it was wrappings and popcorn, then the guy sitting next to me got splashed with a beverage and got pissed at us too. In a few minutes an usher came over and said we had to leave. Obviously they assumed things were about to get ugly and they were trying to prevent trouble. Myself I was only too happy to get out of there. We got escorted over to the press box area and got to watch the entire game from there. Which itself was actually pretty cool.

Anyway, there was a major rivalry between O's fans and Yankee fans then. I would venture to say even more so then now.

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I'm not sure whether to be morally outraged by his comments, or to completely shrug them off and go on with my day.

Either way, I'm glad these shenanigans are over, and I'm fairly certain that he's burned his bridge here.

Sounds very much like he was the kind of fan that I've always hated. I get having a favorite player on a different team. For years, my favorite football player wasn't a Raven, and my favorite baseball player wasn't an Oriole. But if they were playing my hometown team, the BEST I would do would be to hope for that player to do well, but for my team to win.

Oh well. Dunno why he had to shovel dirt on us. It was fairly unprovoked, which is why I'm a bit annoyed about it. But in the grand scheme of things, oh well.

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wow just heard Tex's comments on Anita Marks show, they literally paused for a good 8-10 seconds after they played the comments, wow what a piece of (fill in your favorite tune) to mention the O's with the yanks and talking about Cal and Eddie and then talking about the Don and the yanks

Tex is unbelievable for mentioning the Orioles with all this yankee blah blah blah

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Because Yankee spending is good for the Yankees and Yankee fans. It may be good for the Orioles' ownership, and local bars and such, but it isn't any good for me. It doesnt do Oriole's fans or National's fans or anyone else any good just because their home stadium is filled with Yankee fans.

Exactly right.

Your problem isn't with the Yankees, it's with Orioles' ownership who accepts the added revenue without providing a return to Orioles' fans in terms of providing those fans with competitive baseball from the home team.

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  • 3 years later...
Welcome home T-Bag. Let's all let him know how we feel for each of his at bats.

I was at OPACY for Opening Day in 2009.

It was a great game, and Teixeira was roundly booed every time that he stepped to the plate.

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