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Orioles sign Adam Frazier


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I've been mostly offline this week and just found out about this signing last night. This signing seems incredibly useless. I could understand if Elias really doesn't think the team is going to compete for a playoff spot in the next year or two and decided not to sign a player to a multi-year deal. Not fun, a little depressing even, but I could wrap my head around it. But why, why, why did Elias sign Frazier? And for 8 million. Middle infielders is the one thing that the organization actually has. I don't get this at all. And I don't believe it's part of some grand strategy to trade Urias for a long-term piece. I don't see that happening (I don't think Urias is worth a whole lot, no evidence there's a team waiting in the wings to trade for Urias, etc.). This is the biggest WTF moves that Elias has made IMO. 


Did Elias comment to the press about the trade? I haven't read the whole thread, etc. 

Edited by Ohfan67
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This thread has gotten so long that I’m not sure if Dan Szymborski’s column got posted anywhere in here: https://blogs.fangraphs.com/baltimore-makes-a-microscopic-ripple-by-signing-adam-frazier/

It’s full of good analysts and quotes.  Gist is, ZiPS thinks Frazier will come back a good ways, and is worth his contract, but it doesn’t make strategic sense because the O’s already have several alternatives that are just as good.  

“Now, this may sound odd considering how negative this analysis is, but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the Frazier contract. A roughly league-average player for $8 million is a solid value for a team in need of those services. I’d certainly love to have him at this price if I were the White Sox, and think he’s a better option at second base than whatever bizarre chimera of forgettable players they go with there. My problem with this signing really doesn’t have much to do with Frazier himself but more to do with the Orioles, where they are in the rebuild, and what their needs are.

* * *

“There are near as many average-to-below-average second base options in Baltimore as joints to pick up a good pit beef with onions and horseradish (OK, a bit of hyperbole). The Orioles need many things — and many much bigger things — and Frazier’s skillset isn’t really one of them. And as someone who grew up in Baltimore, it pains me to see the Yankees pick up Carlos Rodón, a player who does represent a gigantic need for the Orioles and one of the magnitude that the team should be looking at. Urías will be needed (as of now) at third base, but I don’t think it’s obvious that Frazier is clearly better in 2023, even with a modest comeback, than Mateo, Westburg, or Vavra.”

* * *

“I’ve been saying for years that ‘now is not the time’ for the Orioles to make a big splash at bidding on top talent in free agency. But now is time. Build on that 83-win season, push forward, and reignite the city’s fading love affair with the orange-and-black.

“Instead, the Orioles have signed a second baseman they already have and an innings-eater (Kyle Gibson) who was so trusted by his previous employer that despite playing in October until Game 6 of the World Series, they only used him twice in the playoffs in short mopup stints. That’s not world domination; that’s pocketing a container of Tic-Tacs while the cashier at Royal Farms is busy ringing up the box of potato wedges you got at the counter.”

* * *

“In sum, this is the right player at the right price for precisely the wrong team. To paraphrase Nietzsche, if you stare at the Pirates, the Pirates stare back at you. Someone should inform the Orioles that they are actually wild-card contenders.”


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