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Saturday, June 10 -- Adley/Captain America Bobblehead day vs Royals


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72 pitches and Capt Hook is like, that's enough with the top of the order coming up. 

I guess I get it but probably would have let him see if he could get next guy and then pulled him if he had two guys on and Perez coming up.

Either way, good outing by Irvin.

Oh, and pulling O'Hearn in the 5th for McKenna is a huge head scratcher? There were two outs. No idea?

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1 minute ago, Yossarian said:

You can't tell me O'Hearn, even in a left-on-left match-up, isn't a more competitive batter than McKenna.

McKenna vs lefties
This year:   .730 OPS
Career:   ,641 OPS

O'Hearn vs lefties
This year:  .750 OPS (4 plate appearances)
Career:  .541 OPS

I think that I can tell you that.

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Just now, forphase1 said:

I don't think so.   That's just the way Hyde manages.  Can be very frustrating. 

It's amazing they are in line to win their 40th game on June 10th in spite of Hyde making all the wrong moves this season. Imagine the record if we had a manager with a clue.

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