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Who is a prospect you hope isn’t traded…

Sports Guy

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…that is outside our consensus top 5 guys?

There are some international guys that I would rather not trade but putting them to the side, I think the one guy I would rather keep out of everyone else would be McDermott.

Beavers is probably a close second.

Edited by Sports Guy
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  • Sports Guy changed the title to Who is a prospect you hope isn’t traded…
7 minutes ago, Pickles said:

Ortiz.  Not a difficult question.  He's the sixth guy.  Everybody else is a lesser prospect and thus less valuable.

I took it to mean in relation to value... In other words, if we could get a top SP for a package that includes Ortiz, do you do it? Meanwhile, you can't get much for a Johnson or Bradfield today, so you'd be wasting what they might possibly become to trade them for something marginal.

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8 minutes ago, Pickles said:

Ortiz.  Not a difficult question.  He's the sixth guy.  Everybody else is a lesser prospect and thus less valuable.

Such an odd answer.(or at least an odd reasoning)

So, ranking is all that matters?  Age, upside, positional need in org, etc…that is all behind just an artificial ranking that not everyone agrees with?

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Just now, Orange said:

I took it to mean in relation to value... In other words, if we could get a top SP for a package that includes Ortiz, do you do it? Meanwhile, you can't get much for a Johnson or Bradfield today, so you'd be wasting what they might possibly become to trade them for something marginal.

No, it literally means what it asks. Who is a prospect outside of our top 5 that you hope isn’t traded.  Nothing more to it than that.

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I'm assuming the "obvious" ones are out of the question...outside of that, the ones I'd like to NOT see traded are pitchers. Given our pitching prospect depth is not that great, I would hope the deals come from the strength so that leaves the likes of McDermott, Povich, etc. Of course, that's not to say I wouldn't trade one of them in the right move. 

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3 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

Such an odd answer.(or at least an odd reasoning)

So, ranking is all that matters?  Age, upside, positional need in org, etc…that is all behind just an artificial ranking that not everyone agrees with?

You don't think Ortiz is our sixth best prospect?

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