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Are we actually 27-14 with the highest runs/game in the AL?


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2 hours ago, Philip said:

I don’t disagree, but the reason you posted this comment in the first place was because from folks are complaining and complaining vociferously, and a dominant refrain is that we’re not THAT good and something needs to be done or the sky will fall.

A couple of days ago I went through the standings and compared most teams Pythagorean record with their real record, and every single record that I checked was within one or two games of Pythagorean. We were one game “lucky” and the Yankees were one game unlucky.

but the perception remains, and it sure seems that we’ve won a lot of games on a single lucky hit or a single bad play by the other guy.

One of my personal sayings has always been, “we make our own luck.” And good teams make their own luck, take advantage of the other guys flaw, or pick each other up when they fail, that’s actually what we’re doing, and that’s something to celebrate, but…

I for one would like a string of 11-1 victories. I don’t think it’s going to happen this weekend, but I do expect to win all three games 3-1-ish.

But we’ve lost a lot of games that way too. Thats baseball. 

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20 minutes ago, dystopia said:

But we’ve lost a lot of games that way too. Thats baseball. 

For the second time, yes, I understand that. Luck works both ways. The whole point of @Frobbyoriginal post is the angst that seems to pervade the discussion here, even though the record is fine.

My comment was that there seems to be a little bit of imposter syndrome around here, a common fear that somehow our weaknesses will be discovered and exploited, and we will end the season three games behind the Promised Land.

If we win a 2-1 squeaker tonight, there will be complaints. 
If we LOSE 2-1 tonight, there will be complaints. They may even be the same complaints.

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7 hours ago, Frobby said:

Is it me, or is the overall tone of the message board very negative right now?

I realize there are several players in slumps right now, and the overall offense hasn’t been that good the last 14 games or so.   Still, big picture, the team is on pace to win 107 games and finish with the highest runs/game in the AL.   And despite the recent slump, the team has won 10 of its last 14 games, including taking 3 of 4 from the Yankees.   The hitting may have slumped, but the pitchers have been unbelievable of late.  Over the 14 game stretch that the offense has been slumping, the team has a 2.13 ERA.

Bottom line, the season has gone great so far.  Yeah there are guys slumping.  That happens.  Some will come out of it, some may have off years or be about done.   But this team is winning, consistently.   Sometimes the offense carries the pitching, sometimes it’s the other way around.  Sometimes everything is hitting on all cylinders, but that doesn’t happen all that much for any team.  The O’s are constantly finding ways to win, and that’s what good teams do.   So count me as a happy camper, regardless of who’s slumping at the moment.  


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1 hour ago, BohKnowsBmore said:

Not trying to nail you on anything. It's just funny to say something is skewed by ~67% of the sample population.

Haha yeah true. I guess my overall point that I was clumsily making was just we don't know for sure if the offense is truly a league-leading offense. They haven't looked like one for a few weeks now, but hopefully there's a nice middle ground somewhere. 

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2 hours ago, Frobby said:

I’m not trying to nail anyone, but do you expect perfect consistency from any team?  I track the team’s record in 10-game segments.  So far: 6-4, 7-3, 6-4, 7-3.  And 1-0 in the current segment.  They may have hit better in some segments and pitched better in others, but who cares?   They have played winning baseball throughout the season.  The ability to win when the offense isn’t at its best is a strength, not a weakness.  And the offensive slump of 14 games is not more indicative of this team than the previous 27 games.  It’s a pretty normal ebb and flow.  Teams aren’t metronomes.  

Fair enough! I am eagerly awaiting the pendulum to swing the other way offensively. 

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I'm pretty happy with the results, no doubt, but we clearly have our work cut out for us with the Yankees seeming unstoppable. Yes, we slowed them down ourselves, but they are beating up on other teams like the White Sox right now. Hopefully they run into some better teams and fall behind a little.

Or get beaten up by bad teams. I'm OK with that too :D


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10 minutes ago, allquixotic said:

I'm pretty happy with the results, no doubt, but we clearly have our work cut out for us with the Yankees seeming unstoppable. Yes, we slowed them down ourselves, but they are beating up on other teams like the White Sox right now. Hopefully they run into some better teams and fall behind a little.

Or get beaten up by bad teams. I'm OK with that too :D


It is May 17th.  The Yankees are playing well but they were doing this 2 years ago and didn’t keep it up.  Lets see if Judge can stay healthy for the rest of the season.  If he does they will be a good team but as we know winning the division doesn’t assure you anything in the playoffs.  

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12 hours ago, SteveA said:

I think some fans are just inherently negative.   We follow the team so closely that we know the weaknesses of every player.   And every player, no matter how good, has weaknesses.

Because a good starter is capable of being dominant in a given start, anything less can be a disappointment.   As an exercise, find a game where an Oriole starter pitched a good but not spectacular game, say 5.2 innings, 2 runs allowed, 5 hits, 2 walks.   Nothing wrong with that.   Not a dominant outing but in 2024 it's considered pretty good.  Now go to the game thread for that game and read how many comments there are about that pitcher, and count how many are positive and how many are negative.   I think you'll find the negatives VASTLY outweigh the positives. 

Tonight's a great example.

John Means:  6 innings, 6 hits, 0 walks for the 3rd straight game, 2 runs, one of which was because Gunnar couldn't make a play.   Retired 10 in a row at one point.

But there are a lot more negative comments than positive ones about his pitching in the game thread.

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11 hours ago, ORIOLE33 said:

I'll just say this. it just feel like the Yankees have played much better baseball and we're only behind by one game. 

We have yet to hit our stride. 

The Yankees have been extremely healthy on offense as well.  If that somehow happens all year they will be right there with us but if I was a betting man I don’t think Judge, Stanton, Rizzo can stay healthy all year and they have very little depth behind those guys.  Besides Adley we have guys at every other position that can fill in if someone goes down.  There might be a drop some but I don’t think it would be catastrophic like losing Judge or Soto.  

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I think in general people are more negative in life not just in sports and they need to blame someone or something.  In previous years we had a scapegoat in Peter and John.  Elias didn’t go out and make a trade it was because he didn’t have the money to go get anyone or the owner didn’t want to spend.  Now for the most part people seem to think new ownership will give the ok to spend more so now if we don’t do it it is on Elias, Sig, and Hyde for not getting best out of the players.  We dint make a big trade last year and most people just went with well John is cheap we don’t do what they want now it will fall on Elias more then last year in peoples eyes imo.  

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Posted (edited)

Well, now that we’ve established the hitting sucks, is it a good time to complain that this pitching is obviously over performing and will crash and burn any day now?

Edited by Cheetos
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1 hour ago, bpilktree said:

I think in general people are more negative in life not just in sports and they need to blame someone or something.  In previous years we had a scapegoat in Peter and John.  Elias didn’t go out and make a trade it was because he didn’t have the money to go get anyone or the owner didn’t want to spend.  Now for the most part people seem to think new ownership will give the ok to spend more so now if we don’t do it it is on Elias, Sig, and Hyde for not getting best out of the players.  We dint make a big trade last year and most people just went with well John is cheap we don’t do what they want now it will fall on Elias more then last year in peoples eyes imo.  

Ding ding ding. It’s the crab pot mentality. Most will drag you back to the bottom rather than allow others to climb out to freedom. It’s the old misery loves company.

Sadly for my Orioles fans, they have used this misery as a warm blanket and have even rationalized their sorrow by way of linking up with other sorrowful fans.

It’s a sort of companionship in misery. Suddenly the orioles start to do well, as if this wasn’t the plan by Elias all along, and many orioles fans are still clinging to their long held beliefs that the shoe will drop, that the end is nigh, and that success will all come crashing down.


After all, failure is what they have grown accustomed to, it’s all they know, their world is an abject failure, so when the team they love suddenly starts doing well…they have no idea what to do.

They lash out. They find fault where there is none, and their extreme uncomfort becomes full display to all those who might say “yeah but we’re good now, things are good now”

but that simply can not be so. There must be something wrong. The shoe will drop. The loss will happen. My life is not fulfilled without the thumping of the chest from the loser Oriole who proclaims to his tribe, “see, I told you so!”

sad sacks of shit, the lot of them!

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