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How much do the orioles spend in draft 2009?

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Im expecting the Orioles to be one of the top spenders in this years draft . Im looking for us to use some of that 20 million dollars a year we did not spend on Texeira and spend on the draft and international players. Free agency this coming off season stinks. Not really one infielder i like. So why not boost the minors with one more big draft? Our system is starting to look top 5 and the players are becoming ML ready and im starting to think 2011 will be the year of real contention. So i say we draft a lot of high upside high school talent who are likely to commit and give them too much money to turn down.

A note that Luke Bailey comment i heard earlier interests me as like a Adenhardt deal. When we pay for all the medical attention he gets.

I know the parks empty now and we look like we do not have any money but we are going to have only 40 million dollars committed after this year. Angelos and Mcphail saw what it could be like in the opening series against the Yankees and Wieters debut.

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That money that certain people (cough JT) keep clamoring for us to spend on FA has been going to the draft lately we have been in the top 4 for money paid out the last 2 years, and I would expect that trend to continue this year.

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