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MacPhail's frugality is hurting this team


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I am officially done responding to this arguement. Your stance on the Bonus babies referance is a matter of opinion, Many people widely use other slurs as well, maybe you didnt mean it the way it came off, maybe you did, I personally dont know. I was origially just trying to point out, that anyone who thinks we (as in the orioles) should trade young pitching for semi aging bats that still won't help our win loss record past maybe 5 more wins has silly notions. Do you honestly feel that if we had a larger bat, ala Gonzalez we would be in a largely different place? Honestly, This year, who gives us more wins, bergey or gonzalez, Good pitching always beats good hitting, in every category or battle. Thats is all I am saying

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jTrea, have you ever played baseball?

Have you ever worked for a baseball team?

Please, give us some of your credentials.

Sometimes the ridiculous comments you spew on a daily basis are funny. You don't intend them to be that way, but they are.

You are chicken little, the boy who cried wolf, and the town drunk all rolled into one.

Give it a rest. It gets old.

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jTrea, have you ever played baseball?

Have you ever worked for a baseball team?

Please, give us some of your credentials.

Sometimes the ridiculous comments you spew on a daily basis are funny. You don't intend them to be that way, but they are.

You are chicken little, the boy who cried wolf, and the town drunk all rolled into one.

Give it a rest. It gets old.

This site is like a cliquey high school for baseball nerds.

Half the discussion on this board is either posters attempting to cutely make fun of each other, or flat out be *****y and ignore the actual content of a post.

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This site is like a cliquey high school for baseball nerds.

Half the discussion on this board is either posters attempting to cutely make fun of each other, or flat out be *****y and ignore the actual content of a post.

Glad to see you've added something more substantial than "cliquey high school for baseball nerds", quite the upgrade.

We'll erect a monumental wall that will stretch for miles in honor your posts. ;)

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You've got to spend money to make money. The Orioles problem used to be they didn't spend money wisely.

Now it seems they just won't spend.

What are they saving the money for exactly?

Just a guess here, but maybe they are waiting for an actual chance of contending. Why spend/waste money on over priced players who are only going to get you is 5-10 games closer to 4th place.

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This is truly disingenuous. AM has rebuilt the farm system, expanded our international scouting, produced one of the best stockpiles of pitching talent, entered into the Japanese market, built a DR acadamy, traded for much needed position talent like Turner, Waring, Andino, signed BRob and Markakis to long term contracts, picked up good FA like Wiggy and Izzy, and you still whine about him not doing enough? :bs:

Yeah but what else has he done?:rolleyes:;)

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I understand where you're coming from. We need to rebuild. I understand that, but we're not the only team with young talent. Check out the Redsox, They have young talent falling out their ears. We can go back and forth till the cows come home. The fact is We need a mixture of FA, Trades and Young talent like the best teams in baseball do. You can rebuild in the AL cenrtral or west ,but not the AL east. We need a 3rd baseman like a flower needs rain. Was Wiggy the answer? A good FA is needed at 3rd. I'm not saying we should sign FA like the Yankees, but we do need one or two. Most people here would be happy with a .500 team. I'm not one of them. I want a world series championship back in baltimore where it belongs.

Of course the Red $ox have abundant young talent. They figured out what needed to be done three years before the Orioles did, and got a head start down the talent development road. So did Tampa Bay (all those #1 picks didn't hurt, either.)

I understand the frustrations 11 years of losing have brought on, but I think we should all stop worrying about the finishes for the master bath in the penthouse while MacPhail is still in the basement finishing the foundation.

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I think it's a little of everything.

AM obviously knows what he's doing...more than Flanny did...however, it's also obvious that PA has allowed AM to rebuild while it seems that he thought it was better to tread water under the previous regime.

..and I don't see how you can't give Duq/Flanny credit for Arrieta and Weiters. These deals are negotiated before the draft. Even if AM did sign them, the others drafted them and did a lot of the dirty work ahead of time. We don't know if AM would have drafted them at all. We really don't.

If they were "negotiated" before the draft, why then did it take until the last hours to sign both? I'm sure Duquette, as well as Jordan understood the general parameters it would take to sign these guys before drafting them, but it was under MacPhail's watch that the deals got done. Wehn we're talking the money Wieters got and the amount Arrieta was over slot, I'm sure Angelos did get involved, and perhaps I don't have the full story, but it's my understanding that MacPhail was the one who was given the green light to get them under contract which to me sounds like he supported given them the money.

Either way, I'm not dissing Duquette, and I certainly understand that his hands were tied in a lot of areas, but my motto is action speaks louder than words and you can also add "Results are eventually the only thing a general manager is judged by."

If 2011 rolls around and we are still the worse team in the American League I think MacPhail will be replaced. I highly doubt that will be the case though.

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This site is like a cliquey high school for baseball nerds.

Half the discussion on this board is either posters attempting to cutely make fun of each other, or flat out be *****y and ignore the actual content of a post.

If you don't like the board, you are free to go elsewhere. There is no reason to degrade an entire community because you feel left out. Quality posters with good posts, thoughts, and temperament are always welcome in this forum.welcome in this forum.

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do you know why AM has less restrictions than previous regimes?

I've been told by one source some of the reason but I can't post that information.

Whatever the reason, thank god it's the case. I still remember Roberts for Laroche and Giles. And wasn't Penn in there too (when Penn was good)? And then all of the horrible free agent signings.

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