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Anyone else cheering for the O's to lose?


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We are only 7 wins ahead of Tampa with 6 games left head to head...No guarantee there.

BTW, there are 9 teams(including us) who have somewhere between 57-59 wins...We could end up with the #2 pick or the #11 pick.

So, this is a real scenario....Let's say, for the sake of argument, that 70 wins means the #2 pick and 75 wins means the #7 pick.

What would you guys root for?

Still waiting for those crying about this thread to answer this question.

This is a real, legit scenario facing the Orioles right now......

Where do you fall on this?

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Still waiting for those crying about this thread to answer this question.

This is a real, legit scenario facing the Orioles right now......

Where do you fall on this?

We likely wouldn't sign the #2 guy anyway, lets finish strong as we can and worry about the draft when it comes. If by trying to do our best we end up at 72 wins, so be it.

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There are 10 teams along with the O's with 57, 58, or 59 total wins vying for the second worst record.

The devil rays are at 50 wins, don't think we catch them.

I know it is really early, but next years draft is suppose to have two of

the better positional college hitters in years: Pedro Alvarez 3rd Vandy and

Justin Smoak 1b USC. Wouldn't it be nice to be in position to draft one of those?

I assume the NL drafts first next year because the devil rays drafted this year first. So there might be some "work" to do.

We need positional prospects.

The team with the worst record regardless of league selects first. And that kid from Vandy, Alvarez, seems worth losing for. Here's to an 0 for September!

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Still waiting for those crying about this thread to answer this question.

This is a real, legit scenario facing the Orioles right now......

Where do you fall on this?

Basically, I am rooting for us to - broadly speaking - bench the veterans and play the "kids" (I include everyone from House and Knott to Liz and Hoey in that category).

If that strategy results in enough wins that we get the 11th pick, then so be it. If we get #2, then great. Either way, we will have used this lost season to evaluate the future.

I just never want to see Shuey, Bako, Bell, etc. in an O's uniform again. Ever.

The worst possible scenario is this: We continue to play the veterans at the expense of the kids, they mount an improbably decent September, and the FO decides to keep the team more-or-less intact for next year, while signing more overpriced FAs.

The best-case scenario is playing the kids, and seeing them succeed, then MacPhail making shrewd trades for younger players - and more quality scrap-heap pickups - in the offseason.

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Basically, I am rooting for us to - broadly speaking - bench the veterans and play the "kids" (I include everyone from House and Knott to Liz and Hoey in that category).

If that strategy results in enough wins that we get the 11th pick, then so be it. If we get #2, then great. Either way, we will have used this lost season to evaluate the future.

I just never want to see Shuey, Bako, Bell, etc. in an O's uniform again. Ever.

The worst possible scenario is this: We continue to play the veterans at the expense of the kids, they mount an improbably decent September, and the FO decides to keep the team more-or-less intact for next year, while signing more overpriced FAs.

The best-case scenario is playing the kids, and seeing them succeed, then MacPhail making shrewd trades for younger players - and more quality scrap-heap pickups - in the offseason.

I think we all agree about the younger players...But this has turned into one of those "you aren't a good fan" bs conversations.

So, with that being said and in the spirit in which this thread was actually intended, what would you root for....70 wins and the #2 pick or 75 wins and the #7 pick?

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So you guys think it is likely we would have 2 minor league players with $6-10 milion invested into each? I don't think so, but I'm open to hearing why you think this would happen.

Well, there is absolutely no reason to think it won't happen.

And Wieters may be ready to be up by the time next year's draft rolls around anyway.

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Well, there is absolutely no reason to think it won't happen.

And Wieters may be ready to be up by the time next year's draft rolls around anyway.

I'd concede that if Wieters is on his way to Baltimore or close by the next draft, then that wouldn't be an issue. But, if Wieters doesn't perform to expectations. I think it matters in next seasons draft. In any event, I'll go with 75 wins and #7.

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So you guys think it is likely we would have 2 minor league players with $6-10 milion invested into each? I don't think so, but I'm open to hearing why you think this would happen.

Because thats where the game is heading and no matter how much you try to stop it or avoid it and sooner or later you have to follow. Its not hard logic to follow either, good prospects cost top dollar.

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Still waiting for those crying about this thread to answer this question.

This is a real, legit scenario facing the Orioles right now......

Where do you fall on this?

Even with that as a prospect, I can't bring myself to root for a loss. I've tried, I feel dirty.

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I'd concede that if Weiters is on his way to Baltimore or close by next draft, then that wouldn't be an issue. But, if Weiters doesn't perform to expectations. I think it matters in next seasons draft.

If you actually think that Wieters will be ready for the big club in roughly 6 months time then just ............WOW!

Then only bearing that Wieters will have on next years draft is that the O's won't be drafting a catcher with their 1st round pick.

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I think we all agree about the younger players...But this has turned into one of those "you aren't a good fan" bs conversations.

So, with that being said and in the spirit in which this thread was actually intended, what would you root for....70 wins and the #2 pick or 75 wins and the #7 pick?

I guess I'm wussing out and giving a non-answer.:D I can never bring myself to actively root for the O's to lose, but I can momentarily divorce myself from the concept of wins and losses. Like, Saturday's game was a success because Liz pitched pretty well for his first ML start. I'm not GLAD they lost, but in retrospect, I don't CARE that they lost.

I just want to see "the process" (;)) carried out properly. As long as the kids are getting major PT, I don't care what our record is.

I'll say this, though: If it's the last game of the season, and we're guaranteed a higher draft slot if we lose that one game, I will root against us. Aside from that, no, I don't think I could hold my nose for an entire month.

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Because thats where the game is heading and no matter how much you try to stop it or avoid it and sooner or later you have to follow. Its not hard logic to follow either, good prospects cost top dollar.

Well, you certainly are entitled to that opinion, but I don't see any future draft pick in the next 2-3 years (by us), getting more than Wieters just did unless Wieters is blowing through MILB and on his way to Baltimore. So if that's your assumption, I'll jump onboard.

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