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For those who want Carlos Lee....

Sports Guy

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Raise your hand if you feel Lee should get a contract equal to or above what Delgado got.

You can't look at things like that. Markets change. Lee could get a deal bigger than Delgado's but with market adjustment it could still be less than what Delgado would get this offseason.

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This is why targeting young talent that may be blocked is a smart way for us to go.

Judging by the offers we got for Tejada, I would say other teams are not going to give us any of these blocked players. Teams just won't do it. Look at the Phillies and Howard. They will trade their vets before giving up young talent. Other teams see the cost of free agents and choose to keep their young guys. They aren't stupid.

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You can't look at things like that. Markets change. Lee could get a deal bigger than Delgado's but with market adjustment it could still be less than what Delgado would get this offseason.

The point is Lee is not in the same neighborhood of Delgado and Carlos just signed that contract not that long ago.

No way i pay Lee this. He is worth 4/40 MAX. If he was 2 years younger, i would be more inclined to do it.

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Judging by the offers we got for Tejada

Different situation...Tejada demanded a trade and was coming off of a poor second half. If the Orioles shopped him right now, the offers would be better.

I would say other teams are not going to give us any of these blocked players. Teams just won't do it. Look at the Phillies and HowardThey will trade their vets before giving up young talent. Other teams see the cost of free agents and choose to keep their young guys. They aren't stupid

This depends on the team and the situation.

It is very unlikely the Rockies are going to trade Helton, so Shealy basically has to be traded.

The Angels have Kotchman and Morales and are thinking about Nick Johnson and have always liked Sweeney. So, if they make a move, they well trade someone.

The A's probably won't move Barton but if they also go after Nick Johnson, they may deal Barton unless they want him as a DH.

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This has been brought up before, but what about making a push for Richie Sexson.

He's doing terribly right now and the Mariners are about to go into a rebuilding mode. His value may very well be at its lowest point.

I believe he's a free agent after the '07 season, so we wouldn't be on the hook for that contract too long (correct me if I am wrong). Plus with OPACY being a HR park and given the resurgence of other vets like Thome and Lowell, he might be a gamble worth taking...

Not sure what type of package would be acceptable, but he could be the big bat that could complete the lineup:

2B: Roberts

3B: Mora

SS: Tejada

1B: Sexson

RF: Gibbons

C: Hernandez

CF: Patterson

DH: Lopez/Millar/Conine

LF: Markakis

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This has been brought up before, but what about making a push for Richie Sexson.

He's doing terribly right now and the Mariners are about to go into a rebuilding mode. His value may very well be at its lowest point.

I believe he's a free agent after the '07 season, so we wouldn't be on the hook for that contract too long (correct me if I am wrong). Plus with OPACY being a HR park and given the resurgence of other vets like Thome and Lowell, he might be a gamble worth taking...

Not sure what type of package would be acceptable, but he could be the big bat that could complete the lineup:

2B: Roberts

3B: Mora

SS: Tejada

1B: Sexson

RF: Gibbons

C: Hernandez

CF: Patterson

DH: Lopez/Millar/Conine

LF: Markakis

I'd go for that, and certainly he could be had for less than top talent, given his contract and production this year.

But will Angelos pay his salary, especially considering Sexson's injury history?

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Last year Sexson hit the way the M's were expecting him to, so I don't suspect they're getting particularly antsy about his slow start in 2006.

That said, I view him as kind of the M's version of Miguel Tejada.

* They're both premiere middle-of-the-order hitters

* They're both signed for several years for $12-14M/yr

* They're both on teams that don't look like they'll be contenders anytime soon

* They've both got more trade value than anybody else on the team (not counting young guys like Hernandez or Markakis)

Frankly, if you're of the belief that the M's ought to trade Sexson for prospects and go the rebuilding route, then you should probably feel the same way about Tejada and the O's.

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I don't think his injury history is that bad...outside of 2004, he's been good for 150 games played, 30 HRs, 100 RBIs almost every season he's played.

Anybody know his career numbers at OPACY? I can't find them anywhere.

I'd love to try and get Joel Pineiro off their hands too...

I think he could be a Mazzone reclamation project...only 27 yrs old.

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Last year Sexson hit the way the M's were expecting him to, so I don't suspect they're getting particularly antsy about his slow start in 2006.

That said, I view him as kind of the M's version of Miguel Tejada.

* They're both premiere middle-of-the-order hitters

* They're both signed for several years for $12-14M/yr

* They're both on teams that don't look like they'll be contenders anytime soon

* They've both got more trade value than anybody else on the team (not counting young guys like Hernandez or Markakis)

Frankly, if you're of the belief that the M's ought to trade Sexson for prospects and go the rebuilding route, then you should probably feel the same way about Tejada and the O's.

I can't argue with anything you say here Dave.

I wish we would've started the rebuilding program YEARS ago. We've never done it, and now we're paying the price. If I could get young players who were MLB ready (or very, very close) for Tejada, I might just do it.

I wonder if the Tigers could/would make an interesting trade partner for Tejada. I know they have Guillen, but if they are serious about making a run for the Central this season, they may be in the hunt for Miggy. I think they would be a good trade partner for us.

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Davearm, for whatever reason the O's and M's are run differently. The M's would have no problem taking a prospect like Loewen off our hands for Sexson, or perhaps some other package. Mr. Angelos will not allow a true youth movement like the M's will. So, we just aren't going to trade Tejada and go young. The M's would to that, but the O's will not. So, if we aren't going to go all young, I would favor bringing in talent like Sexson.

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It makes me crazy when fans get wrapped up in what is fair market value. The O's always say the market is overpaying, but then the market goes up, year after year. Just pay Carlos Lee whatever his market value is this winter, compared to Konerko or Delgado or whoever. If he stays healthy and puts up his traditional numbers, it will be worth it for the time. We can't just keep passing on players because we don't feel like we are getting maket value. That's why we haven't signed a big free agent since we felt like we "overpaid" for Tejada. Does anyone still feel like we overpayed??

You gotta spend money for talent!!

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I think that comparison seems OK on the surface, but I do think the Orioles are ahead of the Mariners at this point.

We certainly need to see some development from our pitchers but an argument could be made that the O's have the ability to field one of the best offensive IFs in baseball. Hernandez, Roberts, Tejada and Mora are all top 5 at their positions- I don't think the Mariners can make a similar claim. Add Sexson to that mix and you are looking at a possible all-stars around the infield. Gibbons is an above average hitter as well and Markakis is one of the best hitting prospects in baseball.

Aside from Ichiro, Sexson that Mariners lineup does not stack up.

If the O's were in the NL West, I certainly think we would be competitive.

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Davearm, for whatever reason the O's and M's are run differently. The M's would have no problem taking a prospect like Loewen off our hands for Sexson, or perhaps some other package. Mr. Angelos will not allow a true youth movement like the M's will. So, we just aren't going to trade Tejada and go young. The M's would to that, but the O's will not. So, if we aren't going to go all young, I would favor bringing in talent like Sexson.

You could be right about that thrifty.

Having Sexson in the middle of your lineup would help the offense quite a bit, but IMO the O's would still be woefully short of contending based on a lack of starting pitching. (See also: Rangers, Texas).

Dealing away some promising young arms to land Sexson makes that part of the problem even worse.

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