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Nothing Would Make me Happier right now...


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... than if the Red Sox swept the Yankees. It would put the evil empire 11 games back in the division.

I'd like to see the Yankees sweep the Sox. The Sox are the top of the division not the Yankees and I'd like more than nothing to see the panic in RSN when they fall...

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Forget the division-- it would hurt the Yanks in the wild-card race. That's what I'm hoping for.

Amen... up here in CT, it is hard to hear all of the talk of Red Sox v Yanks. I really don't care which misses the playoffs, I just want one to miss

(but I guess it would be sweeter if the Yankees were on their couches in Oct)

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Nothing would make me happier right now than if no one here cared about the Red Sox or Yankees at all, and the Orioles games mattered even a little this time of year.

I'm too depressed about the Orioles plight to give a crap about Boston or New York to be honest. It's embarassing in my opinion that we "hate" these other teams so much. They could care less about us, their fans would crack up if they saw how much attention they got on our boards. Who cares, let's clean up our own mess before worrying about teams we're so far behind it doesn't matter.

Sorry for the rant, but it just drives me nuts that we all spend so much time "hating" the Sox and Yankees when we'd all love to be in their position right now.

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I guess we are stuck with the Red Sox being in the playoffs at this point but I really hope they are only there to be absolutely destroyed... I mean Schilling and Beckett getting positively shelled, Dice-K getting his overrated butt handed to him in a paper bag, Julio Lugo going 0-for-the playoffs and making 5 errors, JD Drew getting booed off the field, Varitek punching somebody (not Lugo's wife) and getting thrown out, and plenty of humorous and detrimental "Manny being Manny" incidents. Actually I don't really have any personal animosity towards Daisuke other than hating his americanized nickname so he can just lose a game but with a relatively normal score... or only give up a few earned runs but the results of Lugo's 5 errors make it a laugher. Something like that. Anyway, I hate the Yankees as a team on principle but I hate the Red Sox for them AND for their bandwagon fans AND because a lot of their players are real bums. I'm going to be subjected to watching tomorrow night's game because it's a Yankee fan friend's birthday, so tomorrow I hope bad things just happen all over the field and both sides get embarassed. Of course it would be hard to get more embarassed than the O's have lately. If the O's bullpen doesn't suck tomorrow, does that mean I have to watch Yankees for the rest of the season? :eek: :002_ssad:

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Nothing would make me happier right now than if no one here cared about the Red Sox or Yankees at all, and the Orioles games mattered even a little this time of year.

I'm too depressed about the Orioles plight to give a crap about Boston or New York to be honest. It's embarassing in my opinion that we "hate" these other teams so much. They could care less about us, their fans would crack up if they saw how much attention they got on our boards. Who cares, let's clean up our own mess before worrying about teams we're so far behind it doesn't matter.

Sorry for the rant, but it just drives me nuts that we all spend so much time "hating" the Sox and Yankees when we'd all love to be in their position right now.

Honestly, this is going to sound incredibly cheesy but I'd rather lose with our guys than win but have to compromise my morals by rooting for scum like Schilling, Beckett, Lugo and Drew. As much as I rant about Ramon Hernandez, the worst I know of him doing is not playing hard enough on the field. Even Jay Payton, who was run out of Boston for his attitude, seems to have more class than many of the current Red Sox.

See, that little rant just made me feel better about how miserable the O's are! :D

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Honestly, this is going to sound incredibly cheesy but I'd rather lose with our guys than win but have to compromise my morals by rooting for scum like Schilling, Beckett, Lugo and Drew. As much as I rant about Ramon Hernandez, the worst I know of him doing is not playing hard enough on the field. Even Jay Payton, who was run out of Boston for his attitude, seems to have more class than many of the current Red Sox.

See, that little rant just made me feel better about how miserable the O's are! :D

I'm with you on the Red Sox, I can't stand them either. If I had to pick, I'd much rather have the Yankees in the playoffs than Boston. But while saying that, I really don't care. It just seems like the Orioles are so far away from these teams that it just doesn't matter. I don't want to derive any personal pleasure from either of these teams winning or losing, I just don't care.

I want the Orioles games to matter, I want to be really upset when we lose a tough game in August, or really happy when we win a big game. Watching last night's implosion, I wanted to be frustrated but truthfully it didn't even matter. It was just another loss in another pathetic season. What happened in Yankee Stadium had zero bearing on the Orioles.

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