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I read the unformatted version and will have to read it again more carefully later. I thought the most informative part was MacPhail's answers to Tony's questions, and I'm very glad Tony waited until after he had interviewed MacPhail to publish this piece. In some cases MacPhail's answers made some sense to me, and in other cases what he said sounded like lame excuses.

One thing this article reinforced for me is that the Orioles need a new owner. Even though Angelos is not really interfering much these days, he's also not innovating. I think we'd be much better served to have an owner who has built a fast-moving business and can bring some fresh ideas to the table. As MacPhail described it, the Rays saw a "window" to build a team through putting resources into superior scouting and player development, but the Yankees and Sox have "closed" that window now. Well, then the test is to find a new window. I'm not sure MacPhail is up to that task himself, and I think it's made harder when the owner has nothing to contribute in that regard.

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To clarify I mean similar in that it's young talent you can develop instead of pricey veteran talent like free agency. Although much more risky then the rule 4 draft

Exactly.. Its clear why then AM's focus is the Rule 4 draft first, and international second. I would tend to agree with that approach however we can always want things done faster.

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Also, "sharing" a facility with the Tigers is a freaking embarrassment.

Why? You don't have to worry about losing your investment if Chavez does something crazy. If you share an already existing one, you don't have to wait for construction to finish. Also, I imagine it would be alot cheaper.

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Also, "sharing" a facility with the Tigers is a freaking embarrassment.

And see this is the thing that gets me.

If we aren't willing to go all in on guys like Teixeira and other free agent talent, then we'd better darn well be pouring money into the international and amateur areas.

But we don't and do both half-assed.

"Half-assed" seems to be the new "Oriole Way"

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MacPhail is the reason Teixeira is not an Oriole, and will be the reason why you will not see a premium FA signed under his watch.

I wouldn't say he's the reason t-bag is not an Oriole. The MFY's can outspend us anytime they please (and as the article mentions, they wanted him), but the fact AM wouldn't be willing to go as high as $180 million is VERY disturbing to me. Especially given the monumental hole we have at 1B now and for the forseeable future.

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You will possibly get killed for saying that but I sort of agree. Based on Tony's recent attitude/opinion/whatever towards AM, I sorta felt like this piece would be very damning specifically towards AM. To Tony's credit (maybe his sit down with AM brought him back from the ledge a little) I think it didn't paint AM in a bad light. Much of the criticism in the article is the same criticism the anti-AM crowd spouts day to day here (speed and FAs). To me this piece is much more damning to Angelos than it is AM. There are certainly some barbs but really how can you be 3 years into your "plan" have the worst record in baseball and not be subject to barbs.. Sounds like in some of the organizational personnel decisions AM's hands tied.

Typical Angelos...Man that guy is a horrible baseball owner.

My intent was not to paint anyone in a bad light but to get as much of the story out there as possible. Some things I heard that made me very upset could not be corroborated, so they were not included. That doesn't mean the source lied, it meant I could not get it corroborated and I wasn't going to run something I couldn't get corroborated.

I know some people will be upset that I didn't make MacPahil out to be the anti-christ, but I thought I did a fair job.

There are some that will think "this is nothing new" and that's fine, but there are multiple things in this that have never been reported.

As for the hype, that got out of control. Nothing I was going to deliver was going to be enough for some.

I'm ok with the criticism. I wasn't able to put some stuff in due to concerns over outing my sources and that hurt the "oomph" a bit. But I'm ok with that as well.

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Just read it. Nothing earth shattering. I thought it was well done and perfectly summarizes the events that have led to the futility. The piece with AM was interesting but clearly AM decided to get ahead of this article with both an interview with the Sun and appearances on 105.7. A lot of what he said in those interviews were reiterated in Tony's piece. Maybe he was worried about Tony's context. Either way it speaks to the O's perception of the "power" of the Hangout.

Honestly, it hasn't changed my opinion either way. I still can't stand Angelos and I still give AM til next season to make progress on the ML level.

Good Job Tony and thank you!!!

Please, do not expect the Orioles to ever be anything more than a whipping boy for the rest of the ALE. Not in your lifetime or mine. AM was given full authority until it costs too much.

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No its not, the Marlins and Padres shared an organization for a time in the VSL. Its not COMMON, but it certainly isn't unheard of.

I wouldn't expect anything less from the 0's though.

If they want to be in VZ -- BE IN VZ!!! Build your own facility...be the pioneers somewhere! Stop just ho-humming your way through EVERYTHING!!!

It's standard window dressing. It's something to prove to fans and media that they have a VZ facility.

It's like someone using a fake address to prove they live in a good neighborhood so their kids can go to good schools.

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I wouldn't say he's the reason t-bag is not an Oriole. The MFY's can outspend us anytime they please (and as the article mentions, they wanted him), but the fact AM wouldn't be willing to go as high as $180 million is VERY disturbing to me. Especially given the monumental hole we have at 1B now and for the forseeable future.

I'm going to suggest that someone start a separate thread if they want to discuss the Tex negotiations in great detail. My recollection, however, is that the vast majority of posters here thought that 8/$180 mm was too much money for the Orioles to pay. In any event, that's certainly what I thought then, and still think, despite the fact that our gaping hole at 1B remains.

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I wouldn't expect anything less from the 0's though.

If they want to be in VZ -- BE IN VZ!!! Build your own facility...be the pioneers somewhere! Stop just ho-humming your way through EVERYTHING!!!

It's standard window dressing. It's something to prove to fans and media that they have a VZ facility.

It's like someone using a fake address to prove they live in a good neighborhood so their kids can go to good schools.

It's not as easy as that given the current political situation in Venezuela.

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I wouldn't say he's the reason t-bag is not an Oriole. The MFY's can outspend us anytime they please (and as the article mentions, they wanted him), but the fact AM wouldn't be willing to go as high as $180 million is VERY disturbing to me. Especially given the monumental hole we have at 1B now and for the forseeable future.

True, MacPhail wasn't the only reason, but I think he was majorly responsible.

Had he offered 8/184 out of the gate who knows? But now we do no he has no intention of spending that much. And people are really glossing over this fact and I'm glad you aren't.

MacPhail has never paid more than $30 million to any FA and it appears he isn't about to change that now, even when the Orioles are desperate for outside talent.

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