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2010 Mobbies: Vote for the Orioles Hangout!


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Honestly, this is like the Varisty team getting into a verbal spat with the Freshmen team. I think it's time to let all of this go. This is gotten so stupid that we're getting e-mails from people at Camden Chat complaining about talking about their handle.

Note to Camden Chat people, enjoy your site, vote away, join forces with Yankees boards all you like to vanquish us in this "mobbies" poll. I don't have a problem with anyone other than than the idiot "duck" over at Camden Chat and that's only because I read one thread (the thread about my piece this season) and the guy was taking shots at me left and right and as far as I know, has never met me.

Like I've told the Sunboard, spend time enjoying your board and stop worrying about me and our board.

Friday Bird Droppings

by Stacey on Nov 5, 2010 7:55 AM EDT

My fellow Birdlandians, I owe you an apology. I wrongly assumed that we would get steamrolled by the masses at Orioles Hangout, but you have proven me wrong. With the voting for the Mobbies reaching the halfway point, we are holding strong with Goliath. Today is our second consecutive day in first place in the Orioles category. We remain the underdog, to be certain, but my faith has been renewed thanks to your loyalty and tenacity.

BTW, I think it is Finlandians and Birdlanders. Just saying.

Also, I think it should be changed to Chatians anyway.

Enjoy your chat.

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BTW, I think it is Finlandians and Birdlanders. Just saying.

Also, I think it should be changed to Chatians anyway.

Enjoy your chat.

Heh. Honestly, I'm just having fun with it. There has never been any confusion over which site pulls in more traffic. Last year we won the Mobbies award but we were in second place until the very last day because there was no sense of urgency. I have been playing up the underdog angle to make people actually go vote this year.

And I think I'll stick with Birdlandians. When the president is thanking his fellow Americans for voting for him, there are always plenty of Americans who didn't.

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Oy. Let me explain myself. I know how this looks, believe me. But first let me say that yes, I would like to win the contest, but ultimately it's not that big a deal to me. It's just something that I'm having a little bit of fun with. We're in that weird part of the year when baseball is over but the hot stove hasn't really gotten going, so it's been a fun way to engage the community.

C'mon Stacey, just stop. It obviously means a lot to you. It's pretty disingenuous to say it doesn't mean much to you when you've done everything but take out an ad on I-95. ;)

It obviously means much more to you then it does to me, and honestly, although it was fun for awhile, it's just annoyingly petty now. I'm proud of our community and I'm proud that they have chosen to support us, but in the end, if you need your network of other teams fans to get you the win then go for it.

Whether we finish 1st or last, it's not going change anything overall. Like you said, it was a fun diversion during a slow time, but I've got prospect write-ups to finish and phone calls to make.

Good luck and please, could you ask you duckman not to e-mail us anymore and complain. We had a good laugh over it but seriously, could you let him know we don't care about his handle? I brought him up because he seemed to be the lead basher on your site, but hearing that he actually is PART of your staff makes me realize we are two truly different organizations.

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